A Division of colors
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About This Layout

Hello and welcome to my little nook on the web. My name is Torella, and here, you'll be able to view some of the things that make me, well, me. This will also be the home of the Black Rush of Day comic, featuring original story and character concepts by me, and artwork by Malikbunny, and Laura Addams.

If you see any artwork that you simply can't live without, please contact me. Some I may be willing to part with. Others, no chance. It just depends. Also keep in mind that some of my pieces have been professionally custom framed, so that ups the price right there.


So go ahead, have a look around and feel free to contact me. You can find a link to do so in the About Me section.

Credits / Extras

Everything on this site is (c) to me. No unauthorized use of anything on it without my permission. If you want to use artwork featured on this site, please contact me or the artists directly and ask. Hotlinking of images is forbidden.

Site & copy Vyrain
Layout & copy Digik.net