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In honor of OSCAR who took action for the disadvantaged

Heroine Endowed with a Legend

If you are a colossal Lady Oscar fan, then you surfed to the right place!

This page has been created to pay homage to a woman whom I hold in the highest esteem.

Her name is Oscar. She was beautiful beyond description, inside and out. Although she was a noble at the very top of French society, she was too compassionate and warm-hearted to turn a deaf ear to the poverty-stricken commoners.
She was among the rarest aristocrats who stood up for the socially disadvantaged.

She was killed on July 14th, 1789, for her strenuous efforts to bring about social equality in her country.

Although she is a fictitious character created by Riyoko Ikeda-sama, Oscar has had a stronger influence on me than any other person has.
In a way, her motto has become my guiding principle in life.

I would also like to mention Andre who bore a secret burning love for Oscar. In his entire lifetime, Ocar was the only woman he had ever loved. He had suffered from the unrequited love for Oscar for many years, which brought him unbearable pain. But his love was finally accepted shortly before his death, and they were strongly bound by love with each other.
In the end, he gave his life to protect her, shielding her with his own body from bullets.
His last words before he passed away were:


The above words imply that he would love her and stay with her forever...even after his death.

What a couple...

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