Andoril "Edwards World"

"A World of Phantasy"

Hi Everybody, first of all thanks for comming, This page its about Andoril, A world Fantasy and Dreams which propurse its to Make Some dreams come true and make some new ones
For a better explanation It a Supplement for Role Playing Games Like Advanced Dugeons and Dragons in a Medieval Fantastic World with Elves, Dwarves, Dragons, etc.
In Way of Dragonlance but a little more Weird. I Created it at the beggining but it was nothing more like a place to gather together but we, I and the Players have make of It more than that.
to make It more real and fun we ve chosen fases in Characters of Anime. To Anyone who be saw those series, Please dont blame me im just trying to make everything bit more funny. Throught I've taken just the appearence of those Characters in most cases.
Andoril it not for sale in anywhere and its not used for business trade so if you want to play in it just do it. please trying to make the characters as they are.

I will do my best in this page. The Dugeon Master of

Andoril " Edward's World"

Deep in the realm of Dreams and Fantasy
in the very core of the paradox within the heart of Gaia lies the universe of the Umbra....
... Where mortal dreams come true, where Fantasy takes Shape, the Shadow of our own universe... Here in a distant galaxy in an unknowed planet sistem lies a shiny little blue world Where Dragoons soark the sky, Where Miths and Magic are alive. Where light and darkness fights each day for its domain . . .
... A shiny little blue planet where hope shines...

Welcome here where mortals dreams come true
        Welcome here where fantasy lives within us
           Welcome where light and Darkness lies beyond
   Welcome to :


In any case or any question you e-mail me to
Always at your service The Silver Rider

The Story Characters Page Links

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Anillo del "Anime en Chile"

Anime en Chile.

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