
網上大觀園 Web Grand View Garden
This Web Site is about 'Hong lou meng', also known as 'The Dream of the Red Chamber' ('The Story of the Stone').
If you don't know this fascinating Chinese classic novel, all I want to say is 'READ it!'.
I hope all people in the world get to know this marvelous novel better.

Choose your language.

English (Last updated on Aug. 8, 99)

Japanese (まだ旧サイトから移築中です。11月28日マイナー更新・どこが更新したかっていうと、ただ単にメールアドレスを変えただけです)


Sorry! I don't provide the Chinese (Mandarin) version.

Let me know about anything you feel.

Email to the web master, Fumiko in Japanese or English.