Erm...lessee if I can handle this without my trusty HTML editor. Forgive me if it looks like crap, this page is temporary. Part I: Player Information
Your Name: Tanya
Email Address:
Web Page: erm...see, thing is I got one, but I so busy making new layouts all the time I never get to finishing content ^^;;

Part II: Character Information
Character Name: Iliana Horace, nicknamed Lana
Name Meaning: Iliana means "bright" and Horace means "Hour in Time". So together, it comes out to be "Bright Hour in Time" ^^v
Character Position: Sailor Aion, Senshi of time
Birthdate and Age / Zodiacal Sign: April 5th, making her an Aries and she is the ripe old age of 17.
Physical Details:
Iliana stands at 5'4" with pale red hair and violet eyes. When you see her, you'd think of a child. Her eyes are huge and always have a somewhat mystified look in them, like she's always seeing something for the first time. Her hair reaches her shoulder blades but she keeps it pulled up in a shaggy ponytail held back with a simple band.

Her skin is rather pale, but not sickly. She carries herself like a deer, and even runs like one, with graceful leaps and bounds instead of the more traditional manner of just running (sorry, I?ve been watching Bambi a lot lately ^^;;). She stands with her shoulders back and her chin up, never showing shame.

Her clothes are loose and hide her rather pudgy figure. She's neither fat nor skinny, but in that area between the two that is considered 'healthy'. She has a love for the color yellow. She'll find a way to sneak yellow into everything she wears even if it's just a bit of trim or a belt. She doesn't wear much, however, because it doesn't go well with her coloring. As far is fighting goes, Lana wouldn't stand a chance against one of the weakest earthbound people. She hasn't got the physical strength to pose any serious threat, and she's rather slow in closed in spaces.

As far as an astral senshi goes, she?s pretty, but nothing worth writing home about. Her slightly chunky body type doesn?t seem to bother anyone except her mother and grandmother, and they?re real concern is all the money she eats them out of. Most people think of her as cute, not really dating material, more like a little girl.

Blood type: B
Gemstone: Diamond, especially yellow ones (yellow is her favorite color and diamond is the stone for April)
Sundials--Well, watches aren't exactly invented yet right? She needs something to tell time on. They are also very useful when she needs to time the bread that she?s supposed to be watching so that it won?t burn this time and get her in trouble.
The smell of bread baking--She works in a bakery, this is pretty much all she smells all day. The smell reminds her of her mother and grandmother and is somewhat comforting.
Fresh fruit--Every morning she gets up, goes out and picks some fresh berries or fruit to eat with breakfast. Her favorite thing in the world is a fresh roll with fruit. In fact, her diet mainly consists of fruit and bread products.
Explaining things to others--She doesn't consider herself the smartest person in the world, so she's excited every time she gets a chance to share something she does know to someone else. This is usually limited to small children or others without an education, but occasionally she finds someone interested in the maintenance of the shop.
Water--Anything deeper then two feet is a no no. Iliana never did get the hang of swimming and has had a few close calls at the pond. (she won't dare fight anyone whose powers center around the wet stuff).
People who think they know more then her--Usually because they do know more then her. Regardless, it's simply a matter of them having more information at their disposal, not intelligence.
Scrubbing dishes--One of the downsides of working in a bakery. It takes a lot of work cleaning all of the equipment needed to produce enough batter for the day, and then there are the stacks upon stacks of pans that the baking was done in. The three women take turns performing this task, but Iliana rather not do it at all.
Being so readable--Just because she can't tell a lie doesn't mean she wouldn't like to every now and then. Throughout her childhood she stayed in trouble because of her inability to tell a little white lie. Running?Iliana is not a physical person. Her mother and grandmother think that she would be a bit more mellow if she spent time running and otherwise being active.
Following Ide around--The best way to get a person to like you is to spend time with them right? Right? Okay, so it is annoying, but Ide is a very interesting person in Iliana's eyes and the determination she shows in her avoidance of Lana is what makes her want to try harder.
Talking to Granny--Iliana wants to learn, and the best way to do that is to listen. These are some of the few times when she'll let someone else talk without interruption. The two sit together and talk about anything from the past to the present.
Running the store--While it isn't really a hobby, it takes a lot of her time. Besides the regular work, she does a bit extra to give the place a cheery feeling to it. Fresh wreaths of flowers hang from the walls, and she takes the time to display the fresh bread and pastries in a pleasing way.
Picking wild berries--she loves them on the rolls she eats for breakfast, so spends a bit of time every day looking for them. She prefers strawberries but will also get some blueberries or raspberries.
Building friendships--Lana seems to be on a lifelong mission to gain popularity. She doesn't spend all of her time trying to make friends, a lot of it goes into trying to make current friends like her even more.
Practicing magic (duh)--What she does when she should be running. Iliana knows a few spells and whenever she sees someone using one she doesn't know she'll ask how it's done and then try it out for a while.
Iliana is cheerful to the point of that being a bad thing. She means well, but her constant chipperness is annoying. Her favorite thing to do is to 'love the hate' out of someone. Basically what this is, is a mixture of friendliness and persistence. If she didn't get you to like her on the first try, she'll keep on trying until you actually grow fond of her or learn to pretend to like her. Most people just pretend, but Lana doesn't seem to notice, either that or she just doesn't care. Any attention is good attention to Iliana.
While she isn't stupid, Iliana is very naive. As long as it's somewhat believable, she'll take every word from a person's mouth as solid fact. Lying is a concept that she understands well enough, but she's overly trusting and doesn't take into account the fact that a person might lie in order to gain from her or someone else. She won't believe every lie, but she's fooled more often then not. Basically, if you can trick a five year old, you can trick Lana.
Just as she is trusting, Iliana is also without guile. She tells the truth no matter what the result. Even if she did try to lie, her expression would give her away. Her grandmother describes her face as 'a house with no walls, you can see everything going on inside.' Every thought, every reaction, everything she takes in results in a different facial expression. After someone gets to know her well enough they can interpret what she's thinking without her saying a word.
Just as she has good moods, Lana also has bad ones, though not as often. If she does find out that she's been lied to, she finds it hard to believe anything that person says again. Her trust is easily built the first time around, but afterwards, she can't look at you and not think that you'd lie to her a second time, then a third, and a fourth. So she gives you no more opportunities to trick her. Trust is very important to Lana, she feels that trust is the most important aspect in a relationship, be it in a family, romance, or friendship.
People generally think of Lana as if she were a small child. They smile and compliment her sweetness and charm, until the questions begin. She has their full attention until she gets a bit too personal. Lana has a bad habit of both asking for and giving too much information. It's not meant to be rude, but she's curious and prefers to make strong friendships rather fast, so she'll give her life story the first time she meets you and wants the same in return.
When not transformed, Iliana is really bad with time, which is why she tries to keep a sundial handy. She?s burned many a tray of pastries and gotten into trouble more times then she can count. She tends to tone things out when she?s alone and at the same time doesn?t realize how long she?s been that way. When transformed, she has a much better grasp on the passage of time.
Iliana was born to a mother of moderate means. The two have always lived with Iliana's grandmother above the pastry shop that they run together. The two older women do most of the baking while Iliana serves customers and keeps the storefront tidy. The three make just enough off of the store to live and have never had the money to send Lana to school, so she isn?t a well of information. She can read and do basic math, nothing more.

Having never gotten a formal education, Iliana can only hope to continue the family business. She learned how to count, read, and perform other basic tasked needed to run a small shop. What she wasn't taught by her mother and grandmother she learned from reading. She would stay up until the wee hours of the night reading whatever she could manage to find. As she grew, Iliana was both told and read about the people down below. From her understanding they are crude, primitive, barbaric people who should be pitied rather then hated. From the time that she could understand the history behind the separation of the Atlanteans and Earthbound peoples, Iliana could think of nothing better then to teach the poor souls the benefits of life with magic. She thought of seeking finding some way to love the hate away between the two forces, but was told by others that it would be useless.

Since she's in such close quarters with so many yummy morsels, Lana's weight is somewhat unpredictable. She?s supposed to run to burn off the fat along with some of her limitless energy. She usually runs just out of the sight of her mother and grandmother and stops to practice her magic. She figured that she would never need to be physical, that is what magic is for after all. As long as she isn?t too big to walk she?s happy.

Life was rather dull for Iliana. Pretty much work, eat, and sleep. Then Ide showed up. Ide was everything Iliana could wish for. She was older, experienced, she also saw things less in the way of how people claimed them to be, but how she herself perceived them. Ide was never dull, and hoping that some of the exciting things that just had to happen to such an interesting person would rub off on herself, began her life as a stalker. Iliana was never a stalker in the true meaning of the word. She wouldn't hide in the bushes while Ide went about her business or pay spies to keep a watch on the woman, she simply wanted to talk to her. Ide, for her part, wanted nothing to do with this girl who suddenly decided that she was the best role model a kid could ask for. Here is where the massive power struggle began. Iliana wanting to be Ide's friend and companion, Ide wanting Iliana to leave her alone. Neither one giving up or bending in any way.

After meeting Ide, Iliana forgot all about the people who lived down below, none of them could be nearly as interesting as her 'friend'. Sure she knew they were down there, and that were missing out on a lot without magic to help them do things like heal and gain knowledge, but that was their problem. Things would surely work themselves out by themselves. What could she, a mere girl with hardly any education to speak of do to help them?

As for the identity of her father? Iliana hasn't got a clue. Not that there aren't rumors. Throughout her life she's heard stories of her mother falling in love from anything from a goblin to a mystical beast. Many of these stories are so unbelievable-and in most cases, stupid- that even gullible little Iliana has to roll her eyes at the idea. She doesn't think of this mystery man often, but realizes that her mother must have pinned all of her remaining hope for love onto her only daughter.

Grandmother--Aurelia Horace--A pleasant looking woman, Aurelia is the very picture of a grandparent. She's short, shorter then Lana even and wears her white hair in a bun at the nape of her neck. She has bright blue eyes that seem to belong to a woman thirty years younger when they light up with laughter. Aurelia is a kind hearted, sweet woman. She loves both her daughter and granddaughter to the point that she'd do anything for them. She asked her daughter the identity of Iliana's father only once, and respects the privacy her daughter feels she needs on the subject. She herself is a widow. Her husband died long before Iliana was born. The two of them opened the bakery that she now runs, and he was the one who taught her about running the business. She talks about him a lot, mostly to Iliana. The two spend a lot of time together, chatting about the who's and what's of the past.

Mother--Biana Horace--She is pretty, but not beautiful. Her long, pale red hair is pulled into a braid that she wraps around her head, and violet eyes, just like Iliana. She's a bit taller at 5'5" and doesn't have the extra weight from over eating that her daughter has. Biana is the only one who knows the identity of Iliana's father. She met him when she was relatively young, fell in love, and together, they started plans for marriage. When the news of a baby entered the picture, her love decided that he wasn't too sure about this after all and took off. Biana gave birth, raised the child along with her mother, and seemingly developed a life which needs no love outside of her tiny family. But deep down, she still hopes to find someone to love, and expresses all of her hopes in her daughter's marriage prospects.

Stalkee--Ide Isra--Ide doesn't like Lana, too darned cheerful. Iliana never had to work as hard to make someone like her as she does Ide. Where most people just play along with the girl to get some peace, Ide tries to avoid her and basically aggravates the situation more.
When the two are seen together, it's usually Ide practically running with Iliana at her heels. Lana has even taken to waiting around places she's seen Ide at hoping her 'friend' will pass by. After a while, Ide accustomed herself to Lana's constant presence, and shifted her schedule to avoid all contact with the girl. The two seemed connected by the fates, however, and see each other much too often in Ide's point of view. The reason for this unstable relationship would probably be the difference of personality. Ide has a darker personality, preferring to be alone. The few times that she does want companionship, it's usually in the ways of soft discussion, not pointless chatter.
As far as looks go, Ide doesn?t look much like an Atlantian (but don't worry, she's as much one as anyone can be). She has wavy brown hair that falls just past her shoulders, brown eyes and a slightly tanned complextion. She?s a bit older then Iliana, 26 to be exact, and towers above the younger girl at 5?8?. Lana had seen her a few times during her childhood, but never had the opportunity to meet her until the day that Ide came into the shop.
As far as a living goes, Ide does whatever it takes to eat. One day she may be a merchant, the next day a babysitter, the next day she might try her hand as an actress. Lana loves the freedom that Ide represents, but also wonders what the woman does when she can't find work.
Ide seems to be well educated and can do whatever she wants for a living, but doesn't pick any particualar activity to spend her life on. Since Lana's education limits her skills, she's pretty much stuck as a baker for the rest of her life (not that she minds, the job does provide a constant source of food). Iliana mostly hopes to learn from Ide, getting some of the knowlege and experience the older woman practically glows with.

Part III: Senshi Information
Special Skills:
Concentrates deeply and can slow time in a small area around her for a short time. Since it takes so much concentration and she really can't do it with other people around it has no real purpose other then to entertain herself. (think of it as her being able to see each individual flap of a hummingbird's wings instead of a blur)
Give Lana a loaf of bread, she?ll give you five more. This is not as biblical as it sounds. She can?t feed huge crowds or anything, it?s like a starfish, cut it up and make each piece grow into a whole new loaf of bread. She has to cut whatever it is up so this obviously won?t work on living things and it won?t work on something in a specific form like clothes unless you just want a big pile of oddly shaped rags.
Erm...She can pull a muffin from behind your ear! What? What good is knowing magic if you can't do some really corny birthday clown typish tricks?
Baking ? Lana bakes ^^;; She?s learned to do it without an oven by using a simple spell for making fire and containing it in a small area. This method is really just a last resort and Lana won?t use it unless there is no oven available. (the resulting bread isn?t as good as bread made in the oven) Changing appearance--Iliana can change her hair and eye colors. Anyone who knows her can easily recognize her, just think of it as a pair of contacts and a box of Clairol. The effects wear off whenever Iliana wants them to but she can't seem to keep them working for more then a few hours.
Distraction--Iliana can do several things to distract. She can create a beam of light overhead or produce small things to explode (watch out kitty!)
She can make an item hover for a little while. This takes a bit of concentration so any distraction at all will make the item fall. It's also very hard for her to make anything weighing more then a few pounds hover. Iliana can pack a lot of something into a very small space. She uses this a lot when she's at the bakery, putting a trayful of rolls into a little bag. It also works for other things. Lana can pretty much fit put five times the usual amount of something into an area of any size.

Henshin Item: A yellow stone shaped like an circle with her symbol floating inside. She wears it on a belt.
Colors: Primary = grass green, Secondary = yellow
Symbol: Hourglass
Let's start with the standard stuff. The leotard is the basic white. Her skirt and collar are both grass green, bow green and yellow. Her sleeves are sheer, no color and her gloves are white with fingers on the index and ring fingers, the rest being bare. Her "Tiara droplet thingie" (heehee) is shaped like a tiny hourglass and if you look closely there is even a bit of sand in it.
Her skirt is the same green as her collar, underneathshe wears yellow shorts (ack, best term I could think of, they're like bloomers sort of, with the ruffle and everything?) her bow is both green and yellow (starting yellow and changing to green as you work your way down) and for shoes she wears green slippers with yellow trim and pointy toes, like elves.

Sands of time--Spins around once and points at a single person, a beam of yellow light comes from her finger and surrounds said person. They are enveloped in the yellow glow and when the attack stops, they feel/act (Okay, Ali has charmed me into having it change appearance ^^ I think grandpa acolytes would be fun.) older or younger. So if they feel older, their back might ache and their reflexes might not be so good. If the spell makes them younger they'll act like two year olds. The beam is fairly fast but can be dodged. Basically, if you know it's coming you can move out of the way in time, if you don't you'll more then likely to get hit. The effects wear off in about ten or fifteen minutes.
This doesn?t really work on youma since they don?t really go through an aging process. (I?m assuming they are created grown and die when no longer useful?) The aging affect is random and the subject will either become very old or very young (wouldn?t work if they only aged by a couple of years would it?) If you?re old and hit with this you of course can?t feel too much older, the same goes with being young. If you?re somewhere in the middle the effect can go either way.

(insert number) Second/Minute skip?Okay, I?m basing this on my own thoughts on the way time works on the body, just humor me a bit okay? Iliana glows yellow and says the attack phrase, she points at a single target and a bean from her finger hits them. Bodily functions skip ahead by a minute or two for whomever was hit. What does this do you ask? Well, we all know that the body has it?s own rhythm for basic functions right? (heartbeat, cell division and so on) Well this will make all of those actions jump ahead a minute and screw up things from the inside. (this is where my personal thoughts kick in) Since the body?s natural process was altered, there will be backlash. The attack doesn?t accelerate the body?s actions, it stops whatever it?s doing at the moment and skips to what it would be doing a little while later. This won?t kill the subject but the impact of stopped functions and others starting up so abruptly will have the effect of a really bad hangover, in other words, you?ll feel like crap.
Lana can vary the time skipped from a few seconds to a few minutes so the effects will also vary. If you?re skipped by a few seconds, you?ll have the mildest results (headache, nausea, common flu-type stuff) If you?re skipped by a few minutes, you?re knocked out cold until your body can straighten itself out. The more time skipped, the longer it will take for her to collect the energy needed to perform this attack. So dodging time varies, the bigger the skip, the bigger chance you have of getting out of the way. Skipping a few seconds takes very little time to do and thus is very hard to dodge.

Part IV: Miscellaneous Information Why you: I know the dangers of the fire swamp.
(Miscellaneous: Okay lemme explain a couple things. I've seen a lot of dark, mysterious, Pluto-ish time senshi and I tried my hardest to make a character as unlike Pluto as I could (hence the cheerfulness, overeating, and lack of education).
Her relationship with Ide is like a little kid who wants to play with the big kids. There is no way that they can get along and the only thing that you get is a very annoyed big kid.

Part V: The Writing Sample
Lana stood at the counter, apparently staring at nothing. In front of her was a half eaten pastry and a cup of water. She didn't hear the door open and or the footsteps and didn't realize that someone was standing in front of her until the third time they cleared their throat.
"Excuse me? Can I get some service?" The tall woman asked. Lana blinked and looked up at the amazon that stood before her. She didn't look too nice, her face was scrunched up in a scowl and she looked like she'd just taken a huge bite out of a lemon. She must have had a hard day, she thought. Determined to cheer this
grouchy soul Iliana put on her biggest smile and fairly sang out, "Sorry about that, how long were you waiting?"
"A few minutes," the stranger replied, "can I get a few of those rolls up there?"
"Sure." Iliana stood up and skipped over to the rolls in question. While she prepared the bag and began to fill it, she let out a stream of chatter, "My name's Iliana, but you can call me Lana, what's yours? You sure do look tired, have you been working hard today? My grandmother thinks that I should work harder and spend less time daydreaming but it's so hard to keep track of the passage of time, do you have that problem? Like Just now, I didn't realize that I had been staring at that crack on the floor for so long, I'd just stopped when you got my attention. How many rolls did you want again?"
The child apparently had run out of air because she finally closed her mouth. Before she could refill those lungs and continue the verbal attack, the woman answered. "Nice to meet you Lana, my name is Ide and that's what everyone calls me. I'll just take four rolls thank you."
Iliana obviously didn't pick up on the 'leave me alone' vibes that this Ide was putting out, because she continued her attempts at friend making. "These rolls are very good, my mother made them just this morning. I had five of them a couple of hours ago, you should try them when they're warm out of the oven with fresh fruit. That's how I like them. Come early tomorrow and you can get them as soon as they're done okay?" Taking Ide's money and putting it into the money box, Iliana held on tight to the bag, not wanting this strange woman to leave just yet. "Are you sure this is all you want? There's tons of things I can suggest if you want me to. Four rolls won't last an awfully long time, how about some of these, they have an apple filling."
Ide looked as if she wished she'd never walked into this store. There were other places around to get a meal why did she pick this shop? "No, I'm fine with this. I'm sort of in a hurry so can I just get the rolls and leave please?"
"Of course, sorry to keep you like that, I was only a bit lonely that's all. Here's your bag. If you warm them up in the oven they're almost as good as when they're first baked. A little cream and some strawberries would go great with it you know."
"I'll be sure to remember that." Ide snatched up the bag and turned toward the door before this girl could find anything else to say. Before she made it to the exit, Iliana shouted. "Please enjoy your purchase and come again! It was nice meeting you, Ide!"
Ide turned just long enought to give a brisk salute and walked out. "I am never coming here again." She grumbled. "All that for a few rolls?"
