Hi! Please enjoy my sound gallery, take as many as you want and 
     distribute them freely. I hate it when people say "Don't take my
files!" What's the point of having them there if no one can
     enjoy them after they leave?! All I ask is that you please spare
   a few minutes just before you leave to sign my Dreambook. This
    just helps me keep track of visitors so I can thank them and so
   I can decide whether or not to add more stuff, 'cos there's no
       point adding more things for you moon buddies if no one's here to 
see them!
                             ~*Sailor Fantasia*~
                  PS: Sorry, but I'm still uploading HEAPS of sections, the only 
                  sound files that are up are the NA Midi's, Japanese Character Themes & 
                  Japanese Episode Themes. The rest'll be up soon, I hope. Sorry for the 
                  inconvenience. Please come back soon to see the rest.

Last update: 31st July, 1999


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Obsessed Sailor Moon Fan Club Hentai Free!

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You are Moonie numbersince 1st October 1998!