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Boo!!  You are the visitor genbug-a.gif (1930 bytes)  number  arrive   here  since 07/06/1998

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阿May僅以這首我很喜愛的"How deep is your love?"


4btxt.gif (1677 bytes)

mousecane.gif (2231 bytes)


May's world ,May儲藏了很多關於旅行的swiss2.gif (1060 bytes)  !

想知道阿May有準備了那些口味嗎santa8-i.gif (1740 bytes)
Come in! Please!!

                  pnkbear2cp.gif (4545 bytes)     <--點一下,就可進入May's World了!!peekmouse.gif (1699 bytes)

 santangelban.gif (5584 bytes)

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