Ronin Warriors

Ronin Warriors was a Japanese-Anime T.V. series that used to air on the Sci-Fi Channel. In Japan it was called Samuri Troopers but when it came to America it was called Ronin Warriors. Sci-Fi took it off in 1997, but it's back on now! Ronin Warriors is on weekdays on Cartoon Network at 5:30 P.M.

Ronin Warriors has all of the usual content of a basic Japanese-Anime series, of course with some cut out because it's the American version. Five Samuri Ronins form a group to try and stop the take over of our world by the evil King Talpa, and his minions, the Dark Warlords. Each of the characters, Dark Warlords included, have thier own special armor, virtues, and attacks.

Our Guys

Ryo - Armor of Wildfire/ Virtue/ Special Attack - Flare Up Now
Armor of Wildfire
Ryo's virtue on his head
Ryo in water
Ryo smiling
Ryo looking thoughtful

Rowen - Armor of Strata/ Life Force/ Special Attack - Arrow Shock Wave
Armor of Strata
Arrow Shock Wave!!!
Rowen's getting ready shot
Rowen is looking to the right
Rowen with his eyes closed
Rowen's getting rained on
Sage - Armor of Halo/ Wisdom/ Special Attack - Thunder Blot Cut
Armor of Halo
Sage's virtue on his head
Sage and part of Ryo
A nice head shot
Sage yelling in his helmet
Cye - Armor of Torrent/ Trust/ Special Attack - Super Wave Smasher
Armor of Torrent
Cye's getting ready shot
A head shot- white background
Cye looking rather pleased
You mean me?
Another good head shot
Kento - Armor of Hard Rock/ Justice/ Special Attack - Iron Rock Crusher
Armor of Hard Rock
Kento's virtue on his head
Kento's getting ready shot
An armor shot w/o the helmet
Look out behind you!!!

Dark Warlords

Four Dark Warlords

The Dark Warlords have a different story, they have good virtues but they have used their armor in evil ways, and therefore they belong to Talpa. Talpa assigns them different virtues to follow so they can still carry out his plans.
Anubis - Armor of Cruelty/ Cruelty-Loyalty/ Special Attack - Quake With Fear
Anubis' Armor
Anubis' virtue on his head
Anubis looking cool in his Armor
Dais - Armor of Illusion/ Illusion-Serenity/ Special Attack - Web of Deception
Dais' Armor
Sekhmut - Armor of Venom/ Venom-Piety/ Special Attack - Snake Fang Strike
Sekhmut's Armor
Kale - Armor of Corruption/ Corruption-Obediance/ Special Attack - Black Lightning Slash
Kale's Armor
Kale's virtue on his head

There is another Dark Warlord that doesn't come into the story until the end. Her name is Lady Kayura, she does not have any special armor name or virtue, but her special attack is Star Sword Scream.

I don't know if she can really be classified as a Dark Warlord because while she is fighting against the Ronins, she actually is being controlled by the deamon Badamon inside her.

<----- Badamon

Talpa sends Lady Kayura to fight the Ronins, I suppose while the other Dark Warlords were off doing more impotant things, or to keep the Ronins busy, of course she ends up really whipping the crap outta them. She is freed from Badamon later by Anubis.

The Ronins have helpers along the way such as the Ancient One, who guides them to Talpa and gives them hints and tips, Mia, who's house they stay at and she researches the legends and does other scientific stuff, and Uli, a little boy who's parents Talpa has taken prisoner.

Ryo also has a white tiger named White Blaze. About the middle of the story, Ryo gets his new armor - Armor of Inferno, which is the combination of all of the five Ronin Armors. White Blaze also gets his own armor, and apparently serves as a carrying case for Hariel's new swords.

As we fall deeper into the plot, we find out through the Ancient that their special armors are all part of the same one, which happens to be King Talpa's a thousand years ago. The Ancient had defeated him and split up the armors, creating nine. Talpa's spirit lived on and so now he wants his armors back. The Ancient sets out on trying to make Anubis believe that he was good, and had the right to choose his master.

The Ancient also gives his life to help the Ronins enter Talpa's castle, but continues to guide them in spirit, until Lady Kayura and Anubis realize that they are from the Clan of the Ancients,and at which point they switch sides.
It is particuarily sad because in oder to banish the deamon from Kayura, Anubis has to surrender his life for her, she then becomes the new Ancient One. She then helps them defeat Talpa and they have a happy ending.

Here are some great pictures I've accumulated.
Ronins in a Circle
Mia's house- the Ronin headquarters
Sage in the Trees
Street Ronins
Evil Kayura
Good Kayura
Ronins are Jumping
A cool sketch of Ronins
Cye and Kento drunk
Ronins Jumping
Beautiful Lady Kayura

Links to other sites on the Web

My sister's anime page (she does her own- it's really good)
Kakki's Ronin warriors : Lots of Info
The Ronin Manor
The Sage Page
The Evil Dynasty
FeverFlare's Ronin Warriors Page
Erik's Ronin Warrior's Page
Ezmerdler's Anime Page

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