Hey, remember me? It's me, bob, the ORIGINAL owner and creator of Godzilla Games 4 U. I really didn't like the way the new "management" took care of the site, especially since my email addresses weren't all changed, I still recieved emails on GG4U when I shouldn't have, he got rid of the ROM and emu downloads which is just dumb, and the new guy hasn't updated in over a year. Thus, I'm taking control away from him and now declaring GG4U officially OFFLINE.

Yes, Godzilla Games 4 U is offline now, oh boo hoo. No one cares. If you really need help with one of the games just goto www.gamefaqs.com. They have all the walkthroughs you need.

In the meantime, go visit my new site, which is infinately more popular than this one is, was, and ever will be, Sailor Moon Uncensored at http://www.smuncensored.com. It's not a porn site so don't worry. Godzilla Games 4 U is now dead and will remain that way. It's my work, and I can take it down whenever I want. It will only remain alive on my hard drive now. Bye.