Silver senshi invites you to

     Hi, welcome to my homepage. If you came here before, welcome back. I'm Silver senshi and this is where I put all my Mokona pictures. For those of you who don't know who that is, it's the white little creature from Magic Knight Rayearth. It's the king of kawaiiness. I don't really know what (pronoun is unspecified since I don't know what gender or specie it is) is. So right now I'll address it as an "it". Judging from its ears "the creature" looks like a bunny rabbit. It reminds me of a marshmallow. If anyone knows what "it" is, please tell me.
    9/8/00-It's a been a while since I updated this page and I probably won't update it for a really long time. I thank all those who've sent their answers to my question. The majority seem to agree that Mokona is a "he", but it is still uncertain as to what is his true identity. I guess for the purpose of this site, we can refer to Mokona as "he". In my opinion though, it sounds cuter if we call just him an "it".

I demand that you email me!

Take a look at what Mokona does for a living.
Check out Mokona with his greatest enemy, the one and only, Umi. Wonder if they're ever going to get along.
Mokona annoys Presea.
Mokona and Friends.
Moving Mokonas. Aren't they cute?
The Mighty Mokona! He sure looks heroic in these pics.
More pics of Mokona!
Listen to Mokona's Music Box.
Check out my Mokona fan art, as well as my fan art of other cartoons.

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