Hi Minako here, you will not believe what we found. Thas right downloadable game jsut for you guys. since me and My love are hooked on Video games we figured why not share the wealth. so here you go. the following are the games that we thought you just might like the most.


Oh and I Almsot for got one thing, the FTP thingy didn't let us have it with just exe so we had no choice but to ZIIIIP them up with wwinzip I hope you all will enjoy.

Got winzip?

Fly high!

this game is the best one that we have, its a air plane shooting game. Believe me this game is underestamed.

Pinball Me!

This is a little Pinball game that Juan played during High School, We are still looking for more.

Lets get HYPER!

This little game is a old version of a famous game that we yet some how forget what it was called when playing.


Feeling hungry girls? well this Little woman is going to let you know who rules in the Manly world.

It's ski time!

I hope you like to Ski because if you dont then this should change your mind about it.
