
Added a super rare Noir cel of Kirika and a Slayers cel of Zel and Amelia to the sale page. Kirika will be there for a limited time before going to ebay. Added prices to many of the previously "offers only" cels on the page.


Added some new cels to the for sale page (mostly for offers only), and 2 cels to the cels en route page. Also updated Inuyasha, Noir, Rayearth, Slayers and Miscellaneous. I'm going to leave the cels for sale up here till next week, probably 5 days from now, then they all go to ebay. Thanks! ^_^


ATTENTION! HUGE CEL SALE STARTS TODAY! HALF MY COLLECTION IS UP FOR GRABS!!! Go read the info on the for sale page for more details!

Hello minna-san, and welcome to my newly revamped cel gallery! Finally, ALL of the links below are updated and functional! Cels in my personal gallery are not necessarily for sale, except those marked NFS. That means that if you REALLY want it, all you need to do is make me an offer I can't refuse (this also includes trades). I promise I won't charge exorbitant prices for my cels, since you're all probably as broke and poor as I am. ^_^ Be sure to check the wishlist, so for those of you dying for any cel of mine but don't have the money to pay for it, there is always the trade option open to you. Thanks for visiting, minna-san!


I've finally updated the Brain Powerd section with some of my HUMONGOUS oversized cels. If, for some crazy reason, anyone is interested in Brain Powerd cels, PLEASE
EMAIL ME!!! I am looking to sell about half of them, including those that are oversized with backgrounds. I'm probably going to put them up on ebay soon, so be sure to grab them now if you want any!

Speaking of ebay, be sure check out my auctions! Right now I'm weeding out my doujinshi collection (I have waaaay too many of those things), but I plan on putting up a few cels too.

Also, I'll take an offer on any cel at this point, except those marked NFS (not as many of those now as there used to be... guess when you've been collecting for a while you tend to be more willing to part with cels to get something you REALLY want!). Even with the NFS, though, if you are ABSOLUTELY DESPERATE to own the cel, you can try me with a price... maybe I'll be feeling really nice (or really broke) at the moment and you could get lucky. But don't expect to get an okay on those very easily. I'm rather attached to these painted pieces of acetate. ^_^

So, if you really want a cel of mine, email me about it! I'm really not that scary! ^_^

Personal Cel Gallery
Cels for Sale
Cels en Route
Cel Graveyard

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is owned by Kaerra.

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