First, AA Anime is an independent Manga/Comic/Anime whatever. It has nothing to do with Alcohol, except for those lonely nights where it was our only comfort from the harsh conspiracies of the world.

What's new on the site:
Totally new design, still in progress
PROFILES page: Profiles of us, your favorite AA ladies (Includes one of my favorite pictures on this site)
LINKS page: linking back to all the people kind enough to leave us a message.

~*~UPDATES~*~ 3/04/2005 Uhm.. yeah. sorry... life gets in the way >.>

BUT! Me and Yuki have come together again to completely revamp the comic. We actually have a full plot written out and are working on the character designs. This will be a large undertaking that we (hopefully) plan to complete. We will eventually set up a new, more official, site when we get the comic going. We'll each have our own sides of the comic that work together in the same timeline and eventually converge.
It still doesn't have a name, but it has a lot more to it than the original. Don't worry, we still have most of the same characters. Look for more updates in the not-too-distant future. (And I don't mean another 3 years)


3/28/2002 Message from Yuki
Hey everyone! It's finally time to get moving with this site. So let me bring everyone up to date;

Firstly, I'm proud to say that come this August, the AA Anime site will be celebrating it's 5th Year online. Pretty crazy stuff, huh? Unfortunately, it also means it's been frozen for at least 3 years now. That's right ... ALL the content; drawings, comic strips, shitty html -- is at *least* 3 or 4 years old. Which might not be so bad if it didn't mean we'd done the bulk of these drawings in Junior High -_-. So, starting today we'll begin to update everything.

So, it's three years later ... where to begin? Well ...everywhere really. I'm definitely hoping to work on the drawings -- I damn well hope our artistic ability has gotten better since Junior High! But I'm pretty excited to think of what we can do with the -story- ... Being older, wiser, and now able to speak somewhat-coherently, I know we can make a much better story-line (Not that we had much of one to begin with!).

New drawings will probably not be posted anytime soon; both because we haven't thought of working on the comic in a long, long time, and because we don't have any direct access to a scanner. But I'll definitely be working to replace all the bootleg-html on this site. Nothing spectacular .. I'd like to wait until we get new drawings to make nicer graphics.

I also want to make a point of thanking everyone for still coming to this site, especially the people that signed our guestbook! And for all of you who left a message about link-exchange, I'll try to go back and collect your banners. If I miss anyone, and they happen to check in here and read this message - feel free to post your link again and make it a tiny bit easier >.< ... Thanks everybody!


2/12/2002~~ New message =) from Yuriko
YES!!! We are BACK!!! I don't know how Yuki did it, but we got access back to this site ^_^ We're going through conferences and discussions about where this site is headed, but keep a look out for changes. Thank you to all of those who kept coming even though it's been frozen for the last three years ^0^
The old...~really~ old galleries are still up, so feel free to look around. However if we decide to continue this comic, there are definitely going to be some major changes. As always, we're open to ideas and such so feel free to contact us if you have any suggestions. If you want a little more in-depth look into the creators of AA, go visit the AA Productions Site Though that hasn't been updated in...forever either, I have an itching feeling that if we get this up and running that our sister site is going to start moving again soon.

Due to our popularity, a banner has been asked to link to our wonderful site ::hahahaha:: Well here you go, you can use this banner to link to our page

Take a look around our site:

The Gallery of Heroes and Zeroes
Character Descriptions
These are some rough Drafts of a few pages
Links to other sites
Profiles of the AA Members

That's right, we STILL do not have a name for this comic ... Pathetic, isn't it?!
Please feel free to email any of us at: Rags Yuriko

or you can e-mail us all at
but it may not be checked that often so don't expect too speedy a response from here....

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