Tawnya's Home

Saa. Konichi wa and welcome to my home. I am called Tawnya Kisaragi. I have also been known to go by the nicknames of Duo, Auriel, Silverstar, hey-you-with-the-braid... -_-() Well, you get the idea...

Anyway, this is my little niche of fandom, for anime generally speaking, specifically for whatever has my attention right this moment. I myself am an aspiring author and a less than talented artist when it comes to drawing anything that isn't a weapon or scenery, and sometimes not even then. I'm the only conspiritor...um...I mean, designer of this page. I say this simply because it take me FOREVER and a day to update. I'm starting to get better about it, slowly, but surely. Definately slowly...




Woot! Here we go!
I've been updating my Library and got two new fics up. You'll have to forgive me and my insane tendancies, but I'm really big into Yu-Gi-Oh! right now. Even though I absolutely hate what 4Kids Entertainment has done to the poor thing and am desperately waiting for the money to buy the Japanese version, I still love the voice acting and plot in general. Hm. Could part of this be that I'm an Egyptian-anything whore? Possibly...

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