~*heY eVeRyOnE*~* It's LiZ a.k.a. *~*SwTvIeTgRl106*~* n MaRiE a.k.a *~*ViEtAnGeLgRl*~* ThAnX 4 vIsItInG n iF yOu HaVe N.e IdEaS 4 oUr PaGe jUSt LeT oNe Of Us kNoW kAy!? ~*HoPe YoU eNjOy OuR sItE...dOn'T 4gEt 2 SiGn OuR g bOok n SlAmBoOk B4 yOo LeAvE kAy!? pAycE!*~

LiNkS 2 oThEr SiTeS oN tHa wEb

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heLp save the environment~

  • Name: LiZ hAn
  • Age: yAy! sEvEnTeEn!
  • B-day: OcToBeR 6, 1985
  • Location: So.KaLi...In Da 818 BaYbEeH
  • School: VaN nUyZ hIgH...mEdIcAl MaGnEt BaYbEeH! hAhA
  • Interests: just luv hanging out with my TEA tree & enjoying high schOol! :)
  • Nationality: ViEtNaMeSe
  • SnZ: dOrKyLiZaRd
  • e-mail addy: Qt_ViEt_GuRl@chickmail.com,smartgal_106@hotmail.com, swtvietgrl106@yahoo.com
  • OtHa PaYgEs: qt_viet_gurl @ AA & dOrKyLiZaRd @ apt107

ChEcK oUt My pErSoNaL pAyGe

cOme n lOok @ TEA~

HeY guYs..the two of us would like to send our condolences out to aLl the victims, families & rescue workers involved in the attack on Tuesday. We would like everyone to pray for them & to please remember to show love & not hate. Please don't go out on the streets and demonstrate your anger for the attackers on innocent people, such as the muslims! They aren't responsible for this, as Islam is incredibly against violence! Please remember you can't hold Islam or the Arabic peoples responsible for what a group of cold hearted, irresponsible people did. Remember, we're all part of one nation & we hope that as a nation we can come together and help one another cope. Thanks. Love Liz & Marie

HeReZ uS... LiZ w/ LoNg HaIr N mArIe W/ sHoRt HaIr

  • Name: mAriE lUU
  • Age: sEvEnTeEn~
  • B-day: aUg. 28, 85
  • Location: So.Kali
  • School: vAn nUys- MaTh/ScIeNcE
  • Interests: OgA fo LiFe
  • Nationality: ViEt
  • e-mail addy: vtstarangel@juno.com

a SpEcIaL sHoW tO YaLL fRoM ViEtAnGeLgRl:

SiGn OuR G bOoK!

ViEw OuR g BoOk!

SiGn OuR sLaMbOoK!

ViEw OuR sLaMbOoK!

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