Exposing Fuji-ha (Taisekiji), Soka Gakkai dubious-suspect doctrine,
with reliable-authentic doctrine and education

What Was the Spiritual Identity of Nichiren Shônin?

A Cult Awareness Web Site

[Daisaku Ikeda's problematic speeches
and commentaries analyzed and reproached]

High Priests of Taiseki-ji and leaders of Soka Gakkai use mind control tactics.. SGI, NS, NST members become enslaved by Nikken and Ikeda's cult doctrine.... Destructive mind control seeks to "make people over" in the image of the cult leader. This process has been described as "cloning". This "cult identity "is the result of a systematic process to dissociate a person from his or her previous identity including important beliefs and values as well as significant relationships. The result is the creation of a dual identity, what I refer to "John-John" and "John cult-member". Is the organization open or closed? are there organizational secrets? Are there "in-groups and "out" groups? Are there restricted teachings for initiates only? If there are abuses or injustices, what structure exists to correct them? Can anyone legitimately question the actions of the leader without threat of emotional withdraw or fear of expulsion to "hell"? Do the rich and powerful get preferential treatment? Are "indulgences" (spiritual pardons) sold? Is there a "Sicilian" code of silence against unethical behavior of leaders? [From Chapter Four of Combating Cult Mind Control (Park Street Press, 1990) by Dr. Steven Hassan]

Message forum

"I know but one freedom & that is the freedom of the mind" -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

[From Chapter Four of Combating Cult MindControl (Park Street Press, 1990) by Dr. Steven Hassan]

"Ways to evaluate a group's control over personal freedom"

Exposing Fuji-ha, Nichiren Shoshu, Soka Gakkai, problematic doctrine

Ceremony in the Air
So-Called Dai-Gohonzon
Consecrating Shakyamuni
Jogyo Bodhisattva
Funeral Nikko
 So-called pure Lineage of Nichiren Shoshu
Gisaku Dai-gohonzon
What about Master & Disciple relationship
Gohyaku Jintengo
Nichiren Shoshu's Honzons
SGI & Nichiren Shoshu
Nichiren Quotes about the Buddha Shakyamuni
Shakyamuni & Jogyo
Letter to the Brothers
Shakyamuni & Nichiren
The Two so-called Transfer Documents
True Entity Gosho
The True Cause Gosho
Yamanaka Kihachi
After the Buddha's Death
Nichiren is Bodhisattva Jogyo
Disputed Writings
Master and Disciple Relationships?
Nichiren Shoshu's Honzons
Forgeries NST
SGI & Nichiren Shoshu Gohonzons
Nichigen is first to proclaim Nichiren as true buddha
Nichiren Proclaims himself Messenger of the Buddha
After Nichiren's Death
About SGI & NST Honzons
Ongi Kuden
Let recap the so-called dai-gohonzon
Return to the True Buddha, the Eternal Shakyamuni!
What Was the Spiritual Identity of Nichiren Shônin?
Duties of a Priest: Purity of Doctrine
Soka Gakkai International / SGI-USA Information
Drug trafficking business from Ikeda and Soka Gakkai
Holy War, Nichiren 
Shoshu vs Soka Gakkai
Cult-Help Experts

Watchman, Index of Cults and Religions


(Open forum ~ Question & Answer)

With Kempon Hokke and Nichiren Scholar H.G. Lamont

What the NST, SGI won't tell you about Buddhism.
Questions: SokaShoshu@yahoo.com

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Hosted By Topica

Buddhism vs Monotheism

Regarding the Bible: Thomas Paine
The age of Reason - 1794  

Steve Hassan - Healing Workshop 
Important readings for Taisekiji (Nichiren shoshu), SGI (Soka Gakkai) members.
Scientology - Dianetics
Return to the True Buddha, the Eternal Shakyamuni!
Cult Groups List
What Was the Spiritual Identity of Nichiren Shônin?
What is Mind Control?
Duties of a Priest: Purity of Doctrine
Latest "Brainwashing" News: 
The so-called 'Shoju' Intiative and its Sponsors
Today's Sect News..... 
Re: Rebuttal "The Illness in Nichiren Buddhism.” 
Cult-Help Experts
Soka Gakkai International / SGI-USA Information
Cult-Help Organizations
Japan Fears Another Religious Sect 
Cult Support Groups
Internet Resources on Cults
Understanding the "Mandala as the Seal of Buddhahood"
Terrorism Cults
Drug trafficking business from Ikeda and Soka Gakkai
Today's Bin Laden/Al Qaeda News 
Lotus Sutra Burning-House Chapter 3

Daisaku Ikeda -- statesman, billionaire, god (Soka Gakkai's - Cult Leader).


The Great Direct Way to Buddhahood ...

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