Welcome to the den of the Fox-Sprite!

It's not uncommon for many of the beliefs and mythology of Japan to be reflected in anime. What I wish to focus on is but a small part of this.
The Japanese have always believed that certain animal held great powers or wisdom, like the dragon, tiger, horse and boar. However, not all creatures held such revered positions. There are several otheres that were considered tricksters who delighted in playing jokes on men, and upon each other. Among these are the owl and crow, but the most prominent of this select group are the tanuki, the fox and the cat.

TANUKI (ta-new-key)

The tanuki very closely resembles the North American raccoon at first glance, but it is acually a member of the dog family. In traditional folklore, tanuki had great physical strength and were quite cunning, but by far their greatest ability was to change their shape at will. It was this incredable transformation ablilty that allowed it to play it's pranks so well, being able to take their 'prey' completely by surprise, and then, simply fading away into the background.

Things are a little sparse right now, but I'm still in the process of moving in. It should look better once the rest of the furnature has arrived. =^.^=

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