Sailor Solar Ninja's Home

Sailor Solar Ninja / Princess Topaze

Welcome to my humble abode. The Palace is currently undergoing construction and plans are that it will be enlarged... At this time we have a few rooms open to the public.... Fan Fics, Fan Art, We even have a Movie theater... *grabbed a speck of dust as it flew by. Closes hand around it, and hand starts to glow... Opens hand and holds it out to you...* Here Is a map so you do not get lost.. *smiles* I have to leave you now, you know business of state and all that... Have fun Exploring.

My Fan Fic My Fan Fic Pic's My Midi Files
The Fan Fic Archive The Fan Art Archives My Mp3's
Movie Theater (Zip Format) The Picture Archives (What I have so Far) Clubs and Fun Things to Do....
My PPG & Yahoo Clubs New Picture Archives (being constructed Do not enter) My Favorite Links
Test your Love and Compatibility Free Email Sign Up Page Men and Women Hard at work on the Palace

Web Rings Room
This Room houses the Web Rings that The Palace belongs to.

Sitting Rooms
These Rooms are the Sitting rooms they hold pols and other things to look at and do while resting from your tour. ^.^

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