by any other name... Poetry
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Mara Jade
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Thanks for visiting my page.  It's mostly just my little piece 
of the net.  There's very little actual use to it, aside from 
some homework help and tons of quotes.  This year I, like my 
page, went through alot of changes, periods of high productivity 
and neglect and now a triumphant return.  The page is going to 
be taking on some new facets, coming up to date with the times, 
and really reflecting what it's root is and as I'm beginning to 
learn always has been. So here it is, with a new name, a new spake William Shakespeare 

"A Rose By Any Other Name Would Still Smell As Sweet" 
                           so it goes...


11/11/02- HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEFFY! Wow, two updates in one 
week, the world must be coming to an end.  The about me page was
majorly overhauled. The rest will be getting revamped too.

11/06/02- Yeah, it's been a really long time.  I'm going to 
update the whole damn thing soon.  For now, know this 


bitterstone has been cancelled because it was just a spam
haven and they deleted all my emails.

01/07/01-Wow, it's been way too long between 
updates...not like anyone comes to the page anyways.  But's like a diary for me.  So let's see I updated the 
quotes...the about me...and hmm...oh yeah...the links!  Have fun!
Tip of the Hat(it's baaack)! I'd like to offer a bunch of thanks, well wishes and tips of the hat (Yes Doof it's back) to my good buddies. First the people who helped me give life to this page and spent many a sleepless night answering my inane and completely dim-witted html questions, Corey (the slacker's back and more obscure than before*HUGGBEES*), and Jamie (although I haven't seen him in a dogs age), and Chewy (who has since risen to fame as webmaster at think I knew him when his page was worse then Jamies.*sigh*) Thanks a bundle! And now, a Tip of the Hat to *big breath*...Mae (aka ruffles), Doof (aka han), Lynne (aka Evillynne), Jenna (aka sexy bitch 111), Chris, Emily (aka Pineapple brains), Nate (aka oh boy I could be really mean here or really nice...I'll go with greaser), Sean(aka homeslice), Jeffy (aka Betty), Timmy (aka there is no other name for timmy really), Gae (aka crazy canadian), Rave and Sky (aka partners in carnage), Leah (aka Best buy guys best gal), Fool (aka I don't think there was a nick for fool), Jess(aka Janet), Chuck(aka Torettes), Lizzy(aka Funniest Person ALIVE!), Meghan (We will win best couple!) and all me other compadres from the Emp's chat, the BDD board and ICQ!!