The Light Of The Nega Moon

"With in all evil is a golden light of Good"
Hello,Iam evil venus,known as kanatea to you.Yea, I know what your thinking:"DUH,YOUR A SAILOR SCOUT WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON THE NEGA MOON!!!!". Well I have to stay here till rubius gives up the search for "little rabbit".He Promised me we will move to the good moon and get married, but Shhh" don't sniff a word to the wise man or he will kill us both. To tell you the truth I wouldnt kill one of my "Sailors" if they told me too, I just play because I know rubius is good and I just wait for him to come to me ,so we can be happy with out all this evil crap. It gives me the creeps if you ask me,espicaly the wise man! Did you ever see his face!?!?! Well anywayz on to my page, Its' bascly my totaly cool realm of the negaverse....The Clubs,The Rings and The People, Yea...Yea its' like the negaverse in a box, So?

This Outta Keep You Bussy.....

Yea I know it anit' much but it'll be fixed in a few days ("after christmas shoping)the WHOLE menu- will be there,but hey!, at least this gives you connections to other places.Oh and you just wait till I REmodel after christmas....With FRAMES! (-clap,clap-) Well Bye Bye For Now! Well at least Untill tomarrow...
The sound you are hearing is the "Outer Senshi" Trasformation song.
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