Down With Pink!! The Anti Chibi Page


Welcome to the Anti Chibi Page

Warning! This page is no longer being updated. I created it about 5 years ago and just don't have the zest for it any more. This unfortunately means I probably won't be replying to your e-mail. I check it a few times a year just to keep my account from expiring, so if you message really stands out I'll drop you a line, otherwise sorry. So write if you want to, and check out the page, there's still a lot to it. Thanx for the years of support. Before the counter broke (I'm sure geociteis changed the apparatus) I was around 3 millions I believe. COOL!

Hey hey hey, and welcome to DOWN WITH PINK. This page is devoted to defacing the charactor chibi moon from a semi-pathetic japanese cartoon called Sailor Moon. I'll admit that at one point in time I was an viewer of the show, and to tell you the truth it's not actually that bad at times...although at times it can also make you want to hurl your grandmothers antique vase at the television screen just to stop the incescant wailing being emmited at certain points during an episode. Chibi Moon is a charactor who joined the show in the second season, and lets just say I'm not her biggest fan. I think she portrays a horrible image to young girls everywhere and this page is just my humerous little attempt to show everybody how putrid she really is.

NOTE!!! If you plan on e-mailing me you MUST include the word "chibi" in the subject area. I am inplementing a filter that should keep my hotmail account clear of all the junk mail I've been receiving recently. Thank you

*Just a Note

To all the people who keep sending me death threats (by e-mail or guestbook entry) This page is based on facts and facts alone, not on the opinions of sniveling little crybabies who keep saying "I HATE YOU!" (sound like anyone we know??) So If you hate this page then make one of your own with cute little lace and frilly little borders instead of just whining about it.

Thank you -- Anti Chibi

Stuff To Do (under construnction)

What You are ThinkingWhat To Do
What The Heck?? What's Sailor Moon?? My full description of Sailor moon(updated)
Oh I see! Now who are the Sailor Scouts? My guide to the Scouts homes
So what is DOWN WITH PINK! all about? Check out the Manifesto
So what's wrong with Chibi Moon? A list the most annoying things about Chibi Moon
You're right!! She's a little fungus! How to get rid of Chibi Moon
I want to hear more stuff about the REAL Chibi Moon Fanfics written by haters of Chibi Moon. (please submit)
Why are all the pics of her made up to be so sweet? Not any more! My collection of bad Chibi Moon pics
Can I talk to more fan's of Sailor moon?? My collection of SM mailing lists
So where can I find some more of these cool pages DWP links! (e-mail me for link consideration)
So are there a lot of SM pages? All my rings!! (not too many so far, but increasing)
Who the hell are you?? All about the creater of this page
I don't know if I have what it takes Take this quiz and find out if you're worthy!
What do people think about you?Read the hate mail
So what's new to DOWN WITH PINK?Updates

For those of you who have never met the beast, click on the box below to listen to an actual audio clip of it's mating call.

If youv reached the bottom of my page it probably means that you either hate Chibi Moon or you want to run me over with your 4x4. Either way I'd love to hear from you! Tell me what you think at I try to respond to all letters, no matter what the content is. I love to make fun of morons, AND I enjoy conversing with intelligent people. Or if you chose, leave a message at the DOWN WITH PINK guestbook. Make sure to come back here often and see our new look in progress.
*thanx -- anti-chibi

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Sailor Moon is copyrighted by Takeuchi Naoko, DiC and a whole bunch of other people

This page is copyrighted 1997 by ME!