My YYH Heroes

Hello there, here can find my favourite characters. I guess I have choosen some very weird characters. Some of you would never never have chosen them... but give me a try to explain why I like them so much! ^_^

I think I like Hagiri just because he looks so cute... ^_^ I saw the chapter when Sensui died, where Hagiri talked to Kamiya about what to do without Sensui or something like that... and later on he talked with his sister (she looks so nice and sweet!), about a dead cat which had been tortured by his classmates... ^_^ "Because of this, I will hunt for them".. he's so cute!!! ^_~

This one is more difficult to explain... Probably coz of his past and he's really mysterious... ^_^ He ended quite sad (at least to me). I felt sorry for him, because he felt sorry for all those creatures he killed. Perhaps isn't he so coldhearted as he want look like. Knowing he had not long to live, he decided to open a gate to Makai, to die there was his last wish. ^_^ I think that was very sweet of him.. :) Anyway, he was also called "the Dark Angel" and I think it's beautifull... Another reason was that I found a pic of Sensui with beauuuuuuutifull wings.. plus I saw a pic of the young Sensui... he's sooo cute..

Hehee.. I can't explain that just in a few words!! Just click here for my 10 reasons why I like Toguro so much... ^_^

She's the prettiest, coolest, strongest girl ever!!! [and in love with Toguro, the most handsome, coolest, strongest man ever!!] Actually the real reason why I like Genkai so much, was Toguro. I think they're really made for eachother, even though they've been seperated for so many years, their real feelings haven't changed for eachother and that's just so beautifull....

I always had used this as my reason for Yukina: Uhh.. yeah.. that's me... No COMMENTS heheee . But I think it's a little unfair to write such little about her, since this page was originally dedicated to her only. And I feel really guilty when I visit other Yukina shrines, and then I realize I didn't payed enough attention to her. The other pages describe her as a goddess, an ice-queen, while I only can talk about Toguro & Genkai. So Yukina, this page is also dedicated to you. Yukina is really great: She is nice, sweet and gentle, not selfish and always ready to help others. She have healing powers, most people can only hurt eachother, but she have the ability to heal. She is shy and cute.She is also pretty and mysterious. Mysterious because of her sad look in her beautifull red eyes... And I can recognize alot of me in her personality or perhaps is she a "perfect" character to be. I named my site "Tears of Sadness" because her search after her lost twinbrother... and the only thing she knew was the teardrop necklace. It's a sad and a long search not knowing wether you will find him one day or not, but still she has hope and went looking for him and that is very brave of her. A little girl searching all over the Makai and the Ningenkai for one person she've never seen or knew his name. Every tear of her will turn into beautifull pearls, and that's very unique & beautifull. It's a comfort for everything you're crying for, is also worth fighting for, right?

Important Note: This does absolutely not mean that I don't like the other great Yu Yu Characters, like Kurama, Hiei, Yusuke and others. Ofcourse they are all very cute and Kurama-san and Hiei-san are very attractive and cute but for me... no need to waste your time.. Toguro-san is the best.. *^_^*

This page is owned by Lai Fun Lee aka Yukina Hokoru.
Suggestions and comments should me emailed to
Last updated August 2003.