Miscelanious YYH

Welcome to my misc page. Here you can find a few fanfics, fanarts and other YYH related stuff. I still don't know what to put here, so any suggestions are very welcome.


  • I only have one fanfic about Genkai & Toguro. Thousands and Millions thanks to YuChan *hugs*for her fanfic Tomodachi
  • Yes, I have another fanfic about Genkai & Toguro! Another thousands and million thanks to Emerald Phoenix. for her fanfic Moonlit Tears.. ^__^ *hugz her tight*

    My Fanart

    The background picture is resembling me as a wolf holding a cute little sheep. ^__^ The sheep is resemblimg my best internet soulmate, who pretends to be a sheep. We always had a lot of fun... ^__^ Before I draw this I drew an exactly copy of this but in aquarel. That was my most beautifull drawing I ever made and I gave it to this sheep as a present... ^_^
  • Umm. I am not sure wether it's wise or not to show you this. I draw this in Microsoft Paint (for the first time!!!) So.. please don't laugh at me... It's supposed to be Genkai... but ... *sigh*
  • I really love to draw... but no matter how hard I try... my drawings will never be a success.. Take a look at this and you'll understand what I mean. Poor Yukina....
  • *new* Hmm.. this is a drawing with color pencils of Yukina with big red eyes I made a few years ago.. so.. what do you think of it?
  • *new* Hmmm this is an aquarel drawing of Genkai.. hmm.. but the eyes aren't done so beautiful... :(
  • *new* This is an aquarel drawing of Keiko staring at the sea but again.. the eyes are done very bad... because I used too much water on the aquarel... :( it's dedicated to my friend SeaBird.
  • *new* This is an aquarel drawing of Itsuki.. but it don't look like him.. sniff snifffff
  • *new* This is an aquarel drawing of Elly or Elhaym.. the girl from Xenogears.. yeah one of my favourite game...
  • *new* This is an aquarel drawing of Aerith. Here holding a white bunny...
  • *new* And another one of Aerith..
  • *new* Just a girl who looks a little bit of Sakura from Street Fighter. (if you have a lot of imagination!)

    Stolen Fanart

  • A very beautifull fanart of Yukina sent by Rei. The colors are simpy beautifull... wish I could do that!
  • Also a very beautifull fanart of Sensui sent by Liliterb. He looks here so cute!
  • This is really cute animated gif of Genkai. I downloaded this amazing cute gif by Anipike: Guest Trixie for July 2003 by Naska. Thanks!
  • This is another beautifull fanart of Genkai. However I have forgotten where I stole this fanart from! If it yours, or you know who draw this, please email me!!!!!!!! I really want to give credits to this person!
  • This is another beautifull fanart of Genkai stolen from http://www.h.do-up.com/home/sorano/genkai.htm.
  • Another Genkai stolen from http://www.nct9.ne.jp/clover/ira4.htm
  • This is soooo cute... You really got to see it... It's chibi Kurama in Dexter's Lab form... It's so funny!! Anyway, if this fanart belongs to you or if you know to who it belongs, please contact me.
  • *new* A new stolen fanart of Genkai hugging Toguro!!!! Liliy thank you very much! You're the first one who draw them as a couple. many many thanks.
  • *new* A fanart of Genkai!!!! Thank you Emerald Phoenix for this donation!!! I like this fanart because you also see the old Genkai and the young Genkai together. Usually I only draw young Genkai, never though about drawing the old Genkai. So many many thanks...
  • Another fanart by Emerald Phoenix, I am very gratefull for your lovely fanart! marry me, I am so hot..., Wanna grow old with you. and young Genkai.
  • *new* A new stolen fanart of Genkai hugging Toguro!!!! Riccig thank you very much! I don't know who you are, but many many thanks.
  • *new* And yes, another fanart by Emerald Phoenix... *hugzzz* This is a fanart of Toguro hugging Genkai (based on my fanart!) I am so happy.
  • *new* A beautifull fanart stolen from AnayuJust take a look!

    Other thingies

  • This is amazing! Winnie Chan is the greatest! She drew her own comic book about Toguro and Genkai!!!! It's in Chinese... so if you can read Chinese, you can actually buy this book! If you can read chinese go to her website or take a preview here and here. Many many many thanks Winnie!
  • Join now to the fanlisting site of Genkai

    This page is done by Lai Fun Lee aka Yukina Hokoru
    Comments and suggestions should be emailed to genkai@hotmail.com.

    Last update: May 2004.