Shrine to Ifurita

When going through the world wide web, I was shocked to learn that there were no pages dedicated to Ifurita. I decided to fix this problem by making one myself. I have to note that at the moment, I don't have much stuff on her except for pictures, and information, but hopefully, very soon, I'll have a sound file or two up and maybe more goodies.
You are visitor # since 6-4-97.

Last updated 7-27-97
I recorded some sounds, but they're really bad quality,
so I didn't put them up. I'm also looking for Chiisana Hana preferably
in MPEG2 format. If anyone can help me, please e-mail me.

Ifurita is most likely the most powerful being in El Hazard. Not only is she the one who sent Makoto & Co. to the Magnificent World, but is also the legendary most-powerful "Demon-God." I'd love to say more, but because I don't want to spoil anything for you people who've never seen her before, I won't...
but if you REALLY want to learn more about her, I'd highly recommend this page.

Why Ifurita?



Warning: These MOV's were recorded by Jason Chu whose got an excellent El-Hazard homepage: El-Hazard: The Magnificent World. They are also from the *ugh* dubbed version.

Other Stuff:

Disclaimer: El Hazard © 1995 AIC/Pioneer LDC, Inc. Presented by Pioneer LDC Inc. Manufactured for and distributed by Pioneer Entertainment (USA) L.P.

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