Eternal Sleep:? Part Four

Written by: Son Pan

Ranma ½ Homepage
Eternal Sleep?: Part Five

Akane pulled Ryouga into her lap and caressed his face. She held back tears in her eyes. Both Soun and Genma restrained themselves from ripping Ryouga apart in front of Akane. Ryouga whimpered in Akane’s lap and she hushed him.
"There, there, Ranma. You just blacked out…its okay." She cooed, brushing his dark hair out of his eyes. Soun began crying and clenching his fists. Genma snorted and growled. Ryouga lifted his hand and put it to his face over Akane’s hand. Slowly, he opened his eyes. He was over come by Akane’s beauty as she gazed down upon him. He swallowed hard, and suddenly needed to sit up. Akane placed her other hand on Ryouga’s hand and squeezed it slightly. Ryouga blushed.
"Akane!" Soun cried watching the two. He put his hands to his head, weeping.
"Dad, it’s alright…it’s Ranma." Akane tried to say. Ryouga blinked and looked away shyly.
"A-A-Akane…" He mumbled.
"What is it, Ranma?" She asked, looking down at him. He winced, and sighed.
The real Ranma was standing in between Soun and Genma, glaring at Ryouga. Ryouga realized that Akane still thought Ranma was in him. She stroked his face with her soft hand again, and he nearly melted. She was so happy, knowing Ranma was alive…he couldn’t let her down again. Not after all the pain he’d caused her.
"Never mind, Akane. I’m just glad I’m here with you…" He mumbled, not sure what to say.
Ranma leaned closer, trying to hear the two. He suddenly felt very cold and gasped as his father walked right through him, toward Ryouga. "God! Don’t DO that, Dad!" He cried.
Ryouga looked up as Genma approached. "Get up, Hibiki!" He ordered angrily.
Ryouga and Akane exchanged glanced warily. She helped him to his feet, and then helped support him stand. Nabiki and Kasumi stood in the doorway, watching wide eyed. "You have got a LOT of explaining to do! If you think for a second that I will allow you to impose as my…son, *sob* move on Akane, and free load at the Tendo’s house, you’re gravely mistaken!"
"You’ve been free loading here along time Mr. Saotome…" Nabiki absently commented.
"Mister Sao-, uh…" Ryouga paused, trying to think of how Ranma would act in the situation. Soun approached Ryouga as well. Ryouga gulped and looked at Akane.
"Dad! This isn’t Ryouga! Well, its his body, but Ranma’s spirit took over it! You’ve got to believe me!" Akane cried. Ryouga nodded his head.
"It’s true! I am Ranma! Ryouga was nice enough to let me use his body!" Ryouga added. Suddenly Ranma materialized between the two fathers. He stepped through the men and peered angrily at Ryouga.
"What in the HELL are you TALKING about?! How DARE you toss me out of your body! Ryouga! Listen to me!" Ranma furiously cried, but Ryouga wasn’t paying attention to the ghost. He was watching Soun and Genma, both who seemed tensing to fight.
"That’s enough! I’ve HAD it with you!" Genma roared. "Akane, move away!" He added. Akane gasped and looked at Ryouga and then to Genma.
"Are you crazy?! I won’t let you fight Ranma!" Akane cried, latching onto his arm.
"He’s an impostor, Akane! I won’t stand for this any longer!"
"No he isn’t!" Akane pleaded. Soun moved over, in front of Ranma and Genma.
"This is my home, Ryouga-kun, my family. I find it dishonorable that you would try something like this so soon after my son-in-laws death! I order you to leave!" Soun demanded. Ryouga narrowed his eyes at Soun, but started to turn away.
"NO!" Akane cried. "I won’t let you throw Ryouga out!" She screamed.
"The choice isn’t yours, Akane!" Soun answered.
"Get out of the way, girl!" Genma bellowed, pulling on his shirt bottom. "I’ve gotta teach this boy a lesson!"
"No!" Akane cried again. Genma physically lifted her and moved her aside. Ryouga stepped back, ready and willing to defend himself.
"Ryouga, you baka! What are you doing?! My dad’ll KILL you! And I’ll be outta a body!" Ranma cried furiously. "You don’t seriously think you can pull this off, do you?!"
"Shut up, Ranma! I can handle this!" Ryouga cried as Genma lunged at him. He reached for his umbrella and realized he was in pajamas and didn’t have it. Swearing he took the blow and flew backwards.
"Ranma!" Akane screamed. No one paid any attention to her whatsoever.
Ryouga squirmed from under Genma and got to his feet again. Genma seemed to roar as he leapt into the air and flew at Ryouga his foot extended. Soun cried out as Genma ploughed into the kitchen sink and Ryouga bolted away.
"Come back here, boy!" He growled. Ryouga turned and shouted:
"I don’t want to fight you, but I will if need be!"
"It need be, boy!" Genma cried, dropping into a fighting stance.
"Take it to the Dojo, you two!" Nabiki shouted from at door. Neither paid her any mind. Ryouga dropped back as well. Soun frantically gathered all the plates and glasses away so the two wouldn’t break them fighting in the kitchen. Tears flooded down his face.
Genma pulled himself from the sink and turned to face Ryouga. "Now you die!" He hollered.
Ryouga pulled his head bands off and began to spin them wildly. He released them at Genma, who took them in stride. Ducking each, until Ryouga grabbed them again. Then Genma charged and ploughed Ryouga into the wall, crushing him with his huge body. He gasped and put his hand to the wall.
"Bakusai Tenketsu!" Ryouga screamed. The wall shattered and both fell over into the rubble. Behind them, Soun wailed in anger. Ryouga struggled to get up, but Genma grabbed his legs before he got away. The burly man flipped Ryouga over and with his free hand, tried to crush him with a huge chunk of broken wall.
" Bakusai Tenketsu!!" Ryouga cried again, shattering the piece of wall. Ryouga pulled free of Genma, and found himself in the Tendo dinning room. He leapt over a hunk of wall and then lifted it up, aiming for Genma. "Diiiiiiiie!" He raged, tossing the heavy stone. Genma jumped aside and the rock-like-wall smashed into the kitchen floor. Akane screamed.
Ryouga turned and saw Ranma glaring at him. He paused a second. "You dolt! If you are gonna pretend you’re me, at least do it good!" Ranma yelled at him. "Defend yourself!" He added, pointing at Genma who was flying at him. Ryouga flew back as he contacted Genma, through Ranma and slammed into the bottom of the staircase. He lay there a second motionless.
"Get up, you dunce!!" Ranma yelled from in front of Ryouga. Ryouga opened his eyes, and saw, through the transparent Ranma, Genma rushing towards him. Ryouga kicked his legs up as Genma grabbed for him. He rose up on top the second step using his hands to hold himself upright, grabbed Genma’s neck with his legs and flipped Genma overhead. Ranma’s father smashed into the top layer of stairs as Ryouga lost his balance and collapsed to the floor.
Within seconds, Akane was by Ryouga’s side. She helped him sit up and he smiled at her. Ranma yelled and tried to push Ryouga out of the way. Ryouga looked up and saw Genma tumbling down the stairs, arms and legs flailing. He instinctively threw his arms around Akane, protected her head with his hand and ducked his head. Genma slammed into the two, sending them both into the air. Ryouga hit the front door, and took the brunt of the hit on his side and leg, keeping Akane from getting hit.
The two fell to the ground after smashing into the door. Ryouga held Akane tightly in his arms, and she buried her face in his shirt. His entire body ached from the hit, but he was oblivious to the pain as he felt Akane trembling in his embrace. She whimpered and he smoothed her back with his hand. Someone grabbed his collar unexpectedly, yanking him to his feet. His hold was so firm around Akane, she came up with him.
Genma snorted in his face, and Ryouga frowned. He set Akane down, as he realized he was holding her several feet off the ground. She stood near, within an arms reach away. Ryouga sneered at Genma, and dropped back into a neutral position.
"I wasn’t finished with you yet!" Genma growled. Ryouga faked a jab at Genma’s chest and then attacked with a high round house kick. Genma knew the attack, and countered it. He dodged the kick, and caught Ryouga’s leg as he brought the kick around front again. He twisted the leg at the thigh, and Ryouga hopped on his left foot, wincing. Akane punched Genma once in the shoulder and he back handed her away, sending her back a few feet. Ryouga got enough lead way on his left foot, and jumped into the air, kicking his free leg into Genma’s stomach. Genma gasped and let Ryouga’s other leg go. He tried to land on his feet, but fell to his rear instead.
Already on the ground, Ryouga got to his hands and did a ground sweeping kick, knocking Genma’s legs out from under him. The man fell to his rear as Ryouga scrambled to his feet. Ryouga shot a glance at Akane to see if she was alright, when he got a boot in the mouth. His head spun around, as Genma stood with his leg still poised high in the air. Ryouga nearly fell, but shook his head and cleared his mind. Akane yelled something at Genma and he turned to look at her. Ryouga back kicked him at that moment, not expecting Genma to still be aware enough to grab his leg again. He cried out as Genma twisted the leg again.
Genma seemed to chop Ryouga’s leg with his fist, and Ryouga cried out. He yanked his foot free and advanced on Genma, throwing random punches at Genma. Saotome grabbed Ryouga’s left arm, and twisted it behind him. Ryouga growled and used all his weight in a forward thrust. He was able to hurl Genma over his back, right into Akane.
Akane cried briefly as she was trampled by Genma. Ryouga momentarily stood, shocked as Akane writhed under Genma’s huge form. Genma, woozy from hitting Akane so hard, climbed to his feet and then sank to the floor. Akane pulled herself into a sitting position. Ryouga was at her side instantly. He lifted her up and ran upstairs. Soun, Nabiki, and Kasumi followed close behind.
Ryouga burst into Akane’s room and ran to hr bedside. Akane was struggling to hold back tears of pain. He gently laid her on her bed. Akane lifted her hand off her knee, wincing slightly, and biting her lower lip. Ryouga grimaced as he saw the bruised knee cap. He looked up sympathetically at Akane, she managed to smile back at him. Soun tried to push Ryouga out of his way, as he made for Akane, but Ryouga politely stepped aside to nurse his own wounds.
Kasumi brought up an ice pack to put on Akane’s knee, while Soun held her hand and cried. A knock on the door made everyone turn, Soun frowned. Genma stood in the doorway, part of his gi torn, he glared at Ryouga. Soun let Akane’s hand go and stood up.
"Out of my way, Tendo! I’ve unfinished business with-" Genma stopped short as he saw the look in Soun’s eyes. Soun took a deep breath, grabbed Genma’s ear, and dragged him into the hall.
"You blind fool! What were you thinking!?" Soun yelled, audible even through Akane’s closed door.
"Mr. Tendo is in for it now…" Nabiki stated, looking up from Ryouga, where she was bandaging his arm. Ryouga sighed and glanced at Akane. She returned his gaze, but looked away shyly. He stood up.
"Thank you, Nabiki-chan." He said, walking over towards Akane’s bed. He sat down on it, near her. "Are you alright?" He asked, feeling awful, since she was hurt because of him. Surprisingly, she smiled back at him.
"I’ll be fine, its just a bruised knee. I’ve had much worse." She answered. Ryouga blushed realizing he was sitting on Akane’s bed…while she was in it. He swallowed hard, and managed a smile. Something caught his eye to the right of him and he looked up.
Ranma stood there, his arms crossed in front of him, glaring down at the two. "Some friend you are." Ranma spat, turning away. Ryouga nearly protested, but the door opened, as Nabiki poked her head out to see if Genma and Soun were at each others throats yet. She jumped back inside as Genma flew across the hall and slammed into the end corridor.
"Get up, Saotome!" Soun angrily cried, and then physically lifted Genma up off the floor. "You’re time is due! You’ve destroyed my house, my sleep, and my peace of mind! You have freeloaded here far to long! Now that you have lost your son, and the heir to my Dojo, I see no reason for you to stay! Now leave my home before I hurt you!" Soun yelled. Genma grumbled, pulled himself free of Tendo’s grip, and stood his ground.
"I own this place as much as you do, Tendo!" He replied, stubbornly.
"Not anymore you don’t!" Soun answered, he grabbed Genma, turned him around and kicked him. Genma flew through the air, smashed into the hall wall, broke it and continued his flight, slamming into the pond outside. "And STAY there!" Soun added, wiping his hands together.
Ryouga and Akane’s jaws dropped at Soun’s violent display.
"Oh my!" Kasumi cried. Nabiki got up from her knees, and walked over to where Soun stood. He was breathing hard and glaring out the hole in the wall, where the stars were peeking through. Nabiki leaned forward a little to get a better view.
"You always said you wanted a window there…" She commented.


Genma pulled himself from the pond, now in panda form. He grumbled and looked up at the Tendo’s house angrily. He shook himself off, spraying cold water all over the place. The air was nip, but his fur kept him rather warm. He walked a little and the sat on his haunches, looking at the now lit Tendo home. He kept from crying over being thrown out.

--Stupid, stupid Ranma!-- He through to himself. Why couldn’t you have married Akane already! None of this would have ever happened if you’d only listened to me!-- He stopped as another though crossed his mind.
Ranma was dead.
--Oh! Ranma my boy! I’m sorry! Forgive me!-- He cried in mind thought. His eyes filled with tears and he let them flow sadly. --Ranma, Ranma, Ranma…--
"Mph aryyoua, Rowmaph!" He said, cursing his body. --I’m sorry, Ranma!-- He thought, knowing his voice was no understandable. --So sorry…
He looked up at the sky, miserably. Somewhere up there, was Ranma. Possibly even watching him with scorn. Genma hung his head in shame. He had failed. Miserably.

To Be Continued