Welcome to CU's Guest book.

ashley barrett - 11/24/00 16:28:19
My Email:ashley-10webtv.net
Favorite Scout: sailor moon
coolest attack.: wand
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: yes

i a big fan of sailor moon

serena tsukino - 11/24/00 02:43:42
Favorite Scout: sailor moon
coolest attack.: moon corcus medication


Empress Iona - 08/21/00 22:20:42
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/empressiona/
My Email:empressiona@hotmail.com
Favorite Scout: Sailor Venus
coolest attack.: Venus Meteor Shower
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: A Sailor Moon Romance

This is a good site, keep up the good work and visit my site too

- 08/18/00 16:24:24
Favorite Scout: sailor moon
coolest attack.: moon cricis attack
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: yours

sailor moon is cool. I dont know about the eppisodes sailor moon s and r.

Sailor Eartg - 08/02/00 21:49:20
My Email:bkriver@webtv.net
Favorite Scout: Sailor V &Sailor Jupiter (personaly Me! ^.^)
coolest attack.: Deep submerge
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: AAAAAAAK!!!! I DONT KNOW!....HEY THATS TO HARD!!! >.<

Wicked cool page. Um I know some people might think im being a glory hog but tum, this is just a request could you make a fan fic where Sailor Earth shows up? I like fan fics like that! Hee Hee You dont have to if you dont want to.

Melisa - 06/30/00 18:09:47
My Email:snyderguyz@webtv.net
Favorite Scout: Sailor Moon
coolest attack.: Moon Spiral Heart Attack
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: Al of them are cool

I like your Sailor Moon stories. I have created more than several of my own. But most of them have a pretty cool charecter I mad up. Her name is Sailor Solar, when she's a humanhe name s Jordan. I would like to mail you my top 5 favorite stories I've writ en including the one that tookmeayear to make.

Lita - 04/19/00 03:26:25
My Email:taoloca@usa.net
Favorite Scout: Sailor Jupiter
coolest attack.: Thunder Dragon
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: The Sailor Moon Hideaway

your page is very creative and Im thinking of doing one myself

Momoko - 03/24/00 19:16:07
My Email:bubblic_ous@yahoo.com
Favorite Scout: Jupitor
coolest attack.: I think all of them are pretty much the coolest
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: I like them all

I really love your web pages. I also really like the pictures AND the stories. And if youlike anime movies (or stories) with comedy then I suggest Slayers. It is one of my absolute favorites out of most o the anime movies. I don't know if they have any manga... I pretty sure they do but anyways I like the movies the best. The first ew minutes may seem like its all about fighting but it really isn't. Well anyways I just thought I might suggest it and I really really like your page BYe Bye!!!!

carlee johnson - 01/23/00 11:52:45
My Email:nanshanks@cs.com
Favorite Scout: sailor moon
coolest attack.: moon septer
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: sailormoon universe

this site is my second favorite sailor page!!!

Aneeka (Ami) - 10/15/99 22:16:16
My Email:aneeka54@hotmail.com
Favorite Scout: Ami
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: http://aneeka.anime.somewhere.net

Your page is great!! Do you by any chance go to Fake Moon Chat?

K. Mattson - 09/07/99 00:14:47
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/LeaChoadee/gcouncil.html
My Email:iriskm@juno.com
Favorite Scout: Sailor Moon
coolest attack.: Uranus' "World Shaking"

Hi! Cool page! I'm a fellow fanfic author. I'm writing to let you know that I've started a fanfic authors e-mail list. The purpose of the list is to help fanfic authors get feedback on their work, and keep in touch with each other. If you'd like to join, lease go to www.onelist.com and subscribe to the Animefanficauthors group. Thanks! Karen:)

Melodi - 08/06/99 20:08:18
My Email:moonmelodi@hotmail.com
Favorite Scout: Serena/Darien
coolest attack.: All of them!
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: All of them!

I totally love sailormoon! I exspecially love Serena/Darien romance stories that have action in them. Know any good stories on them, please email me!!!!

Sailor Comet - 03/15/99 22:39:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co/TwinkleBell/index.html
My Email:sailorcomet@hotmail.com
Favorite Scout: Chibi Moon? ^_^
coolest attack.: Mine ^_^

Hi CU..I didn't know you had a page.^_^ Just found it on Gray's page...*pikachu* Bye!

Kinki - 12/07/98 00:01:31

Nice page! Not bad at all.

Silver senshi - 11/28/98 16:17:05
My URL:http://www.gecities.com/tokyo/island/4354,http://www.oocities.org/tokyo/palace/7796
My Email:makona3@yahoo.com
Favorite Scout: Sailor Jupiter
coolest attack.: Too many to choose from.

Me like your sailormoon page the best. Keep up the good work.

Erin - 09/19/98 00:07:15
My Email:mirage16@mailexcite.com
Favorite Scout: Jupiter
coolest attack.: thunderdragon
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: ummm.... Janices..

WICKED PAGE CAPTAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love the pics, you gotta draw one for me soemday!!!!

Silver Destiny - 07/25/98 21:06:19
My Email:yeek! a way to contact me? itekimasu! :P
Favorite Scout: Me, who else? :P
coolest attack.: Waah? ^_^
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: http://moonromance.simplenet.com

Greetings to you, Uncle Jason! *wave* You MUST check out http://moonromance.simplenet.com if you have not already...it rawks! BTW, you have a nice page. ^_^ Domo arigatou 4 listening to my rant! ^_^* *poof*

Sarah aka Gray - 05/16/98 00:49:50
My URL:http://is.dal.ca/~barkow/sarah.htm
My Email:aq422@chebucto.ns.ca
Favorite Scout: Saturn
coolest attack.: uh... not Moon Frisbee anything...
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: O_o don't remember...

mon dieu! i haven't signed your guestbook yet... *evil grin* well.. now you're no longer deprived of great power pack of the Toaster. Uh.. cool page.. yah... **bonk** byees!

Ami Anderson - 04/10/98 02:39:09
My Email:Jupita123@aol.com
Favorite Scout: SSMercury
coolest attack.: Shiney Aqua illution
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: Mamo-chan's Homepage

GREAT PAGE!! I love Darien!! If you can find any pics of him, please put them on your page!! PLEEEEASE!!!!!

Kaioh Miyu(aka) Jackie - 04/09/98 22:51:07
Favorite Scout: Mamo-chan, Neptune
coolest attack.: dead screem
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: The sailor senshi page

HIIIII!!! I cant beleave I never signed YOUR PAGE! guess I just never stuckarround longenough!! Well gonna go back to your page and keep lookin arround.. it's pritty kewl. see yeah CU *grin*

Lori - 03/22/98 20:53:34
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/skybunny
My Email:spider-woman@mailexcite.com
Favorite Scout: Sailor Moon!
coolest attack.: EVERYTHING! :)
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: http://www.michirukaioh.simplenet.com

Hi! Visit my page sometime! It's not that good though. Check out the moonie fan club too! I hope you decide to join! :) Keep up the good work!

Erin - 03/04/98 21:16:38
My Email:lfbrowne@idirect.com
Favorite Scout: Hmm lets say..Sailor Mars
coolest attack.: Flying belly poke
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: I don't really have one

Hi Jay! Ahh I know your name. Run and hide! No silly its Starr from FMC. I got here from Sarah's page. **bonk** I like yer page! And That picture of Bandit is soo kawaii!!! Well, keep up the good work and stuff like that! Lalala always remember to brush y ur teeth. Okay I'm being silly! Bye!

Nicole - 02/22/98 18:42:56
My URL:http://members.delphi.com/nicholine/index.html
My Email:over_you@usa.net
Favorite Scout: Sailor Moon
coolest attack.: Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: The Sailor Senshi's Diary

This is a cool page, but you should update it more often. I might check here later. Sorry for not choosing your page as the best, but your page is just fine the way it is!

Jov - 02/14/98 13:29:48
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Temple/1102
My Email:thundersenshi@earthdome.com
Favorite Scout: Jupiter
coolest attack.: Dead Scream

Hello! I really love your pictures in the page, and oh I understand that after watching only 1 Ranma episode gets you hooked. ^_^ It happened to me, too.

Here's two tickets, you're invited... They're front row center, by the way.

are members of the

Tao (Celeste) - 02/08/98 21:26:45
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/tokyo/towers/6725
My Email:taosolarakis@hotmail.com
Favorite Scout: Sailor Mars
coolest attack.: Hellfire Staff (my characters)
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: Sailor Moon's Lunar Hideaway

Even though I only met you yesterday, I think you're cool. I love your Captain Universe idea. And melding Marvel with Kodansha? Pure genius! (though I shudder at the animation compatibility rate!)Say hello to Gray, Forever, Diva, Allie, and Super Sailor S turn for me! The Mighty Tao Solarakis (P.S.: See you on FMC!)

prettyNINJA - 02/03/98 23:10:21
My Email:pretty_ninja@hotmail.com
Favorite Scout: Saturn
coolest attack.: they're all pretty cool.
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: Any sailor moon page is a good page.

What is the short story thing you're talking about on your image page? And what's the deal with 'Evil Neptune'? All you've done is draw dagger (from cloak & dagger- Marvel comics)with aqua hair and an aqua suit and you added a bow (where there's no materi l to sew it to, might I add). It's not even anime. If neptune is a favourite of yours why don't you at least try to draw her as an anime character. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just wondering what's on the go.

Leah Haines - 02/02/98 22:46:47
My Email:lhaines@upei.ca
Favorite Scout: Saturn is so super cool but as far as the american version goes I guess it would be Venus.
coolest attack.: I loved the Jupiter Lightning dragon crash. Quite a mouthful... Amazing move.
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: It's in the Sailor Moon Archive. It's a black background with all the scouts looking pretty cute. They're not wearing their uniforms but the black starlit night covers all the important parts. It's really incredible animation.

Sailor Moon Rocks! I'm working on a page of my own now. SThe scouts will be a big part of it, I'm sure. When I'm finished I'll sign your guestbook again and tell you where it is. I've got some amazing pics.

Ryan E(aka Nishhokuman) - 01/30/98 15:56:28
My URL:http://nisshoku.home.ml.org
My Email:nisshoku@usa.net
Favorite Scout: --None--
coolest attack.: --None--
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: --None--

Yo Jay,you got a kickass page here..Keep up the jammin' work....

Mhonyckah - 01/26/98 00:17:42
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/piccys
My Email:mhonyckah@yahoo.com
Favorite Scout: Sailor Venus & Sailor Saturn
coolest attack.: Moon cosmic power thing
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: http://www.angelfire.com/hi/animebunny

This page is kewl. My page is about Magic Knight Rayearth! Anime rocks!! SO does Leo!! er...I don't know a whole lot about Sailor Moon...hehe....buh-bye!

KAYCEE - 01/25/98 18:04:06
My Email:kaycee_@hotmail.com
Favorite Scout: Mars

cool page.......i'll let you know when/if i ever get a page. bye!

Karlie - 01/12/98 18:25:57
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Towers/9590
My Email:mistress_9@hotmail.com

Hi Jason I doubt you'd remember me, we used to chat on MC alot. I was Lady Diamond or Angel. Well I think your page rocks. I love the anime and Gen 13 rules.

sailor Venus21 - 12/20/97 20:49:05
My Email:immortal75@juno.com
Favorite Scout: Mars
coolest attack.: Mars fire
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: I like em all -_^

This is a cool page ^_^

Destined - 12/14/97 00:43:04
My Email:bchafe@firstcity.net
Favorite Scout: JUPITER
coolest attack.: thunder dragon
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: www.tiac.net/users/ascribe/sailormoon/pic

HI!!! *hehehehehehehehehe* webpage not mine!!

Snowy - 11/14/97 00:06:50
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/area51/lair/6794
My Email:thesnowster@oocities.com
Favorite Scout: Sailor moon
coolest attack.: Moon cresent smash(i think thats how youn say it)
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: Not sure

um....As i said before me like all pages but always sign guestbooks before looking at page

Ren - 10/14/97 19:58:22
My Email:lurgee@tiac.net
Favorite Scout: Moon
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: Dark Side of the Moon

Hi Jay Jay I like your page but I noticed one thing's missing! *Sniff* my name isn't included on your list of chat buddies. But that's ok cause I know that you'll put it on there cause you're my pal!

Gei! aka: Silver Angel Saturn - 09/27/97 23:52:27
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SoHo/Studios/6372/
My Email:wberry@bfree.on.ca
Favorite Scout: Sailor Saturn
coolest attack.: Death Ribbon Revolution
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: Sailor Moon CyberCity

Hey love the page. Gen13 rules! And Ranma is cool too! Check out my Sm page at:

Carly and Jackie - 08/28/97 21:20:01
My Email:Sailor Star Fighter (carly) Sailor Pluto (Jackie)
Favorite Scout: Sailor Star Fighter (carly) Sailor Pluto (Jackie)
coolest attack.: World Shaking! :P (Carly) Dead Scream (Jackie)

HIYA Jason! Carly and Jackie here goin through your page! Cooool :P I like it!! I'll be sure to add a link to it when my SM page comes up!! (carly) Hey, Cool page :P I'll link to my page if/when it gets up!!!!!! Once again YOUR PAGE ROCKS

Stargazar - 08/21/97 04:40:18
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/tokyo/temple/2857/
My Email:canadense@oocities.com

Nice page! Cool!

cherrycusp - 08/20/97 18:18:57
My Email:
Favorite Scout: sailor mercury

how old are you?

Ryan Eagles - 08/18/97 12:44:57
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Towers/1747
My Email:reagles@hotmail.com
Favorite Scout: Eclipse(heheheh...)
coolest attack.: Solar Flare(heheh...)
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: http://dau.physics.sunysb.edu/~daffy/sos/

Hey CU,wassup? Just thought I'd take a look..BTW, Gen 13 kicks! Heheheh.....Ya need more DBZ..Gotta jet..Ja ne!!!

Absolom kue - 08/10/97 22:19:53
My Email:plk1@roogna.eng.wayne.edu
Favorite Scout: Salior Pluto
coolest attack.: Dead Scream
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: Don't know

One question! Do you know anyplace where I can get some Salior Moon posters from in the U.S.?Your website is very nice!!!!!

Mage Knight - 08/10/97 02:03:14
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Area51/Corridor/5939
My Email:blackrobed@oocities.com
Favorite Scout: Saturn
coolest attack.: The White Rose of The Moonlight Knight :-)
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: Sailor Moon Sensations (My love Sailor Universe's Page)

Great page Cap!

Nem - 08/01/97 20:41:13
My Email:nem
Favorite Scout: nem
coolest attack.: nem
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: nem

Hey cap:-) told you i'd sign it

Jason Lee - 07/26/97 17:28:09
My Email:Captain_Universe@hotmail.com
Favorite Scout: Mars
coolest attack.: Flame Sniper
favorite Sailor Page, doesn't have to mine its your pic okay.: Sailor Universe (no relation) page

Since its my page why not sign it first.

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