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Updated on May 6, 2000!!!

All these fanfics have been completed, and they are more or less all about the romance between Ranma and Akane. Hope you'll have as much fun reading these fanfics as I enjoyed writing them. Thanks for taking the time! :o)

Fanfic Description Format
Love gets in the Way

A freak accident occurs in the middle of the night and the dojo burns down. While the Tendos and Saotomes are still recuperating from their loss, Soun and Genma drop another bomb. They announce that they are relieving Ranma and Akane of their obligation to stay engaged.

As if things could get any worse, Akane receives a letter of acceptance from an acting school she really admires. Problem is, it's located halfway accross Japan. Will Ranma finally work up the courage to tell her how he feels? Or will he let Akane move away from his life forever?

Your Body, My Mind

Akane's upset! Ranma keeps on besting her at everything she does and she's not happy with it one bit. She's so frustrated that she goes to bed wishing she were him. But when she wakes up the next morning and finds out that the two of them have switched bodies, she quickly realizes she's bitten off more than she can chew!
Personality Makeover

RANMA'S VOICE: Can anyone tell me what the heck's happening??? Akane got hit on the head by -um- me, and now she's this huge superficial flirt. Worst of all, she's after Kuno and his money! Nabiki and I ain't happy 'bout that, and we're going to do all we can to get her back!
Wings to Fly Away

It's been a year since Ranma's sudden and tragic death. Akane, Shampoo, Ukyo and Kodachi are still mourning and grieving his loss. But wait...a look-alike walks into town. It's impossible but...has Ranma come back from the dead to finish things?

Especially because of the strange circumstances surrounding his death...


Akane's Heart

A letter of challenge arrives in the mail...and it's for Akane??? The unexpected letter comes from a mysterious Shizuko Kimura and Akane's got to find out what her problem is...preferably before this girl beats her up...

One of Those Days

It's just an ordinary mother-son talk between Nodoka and Ranma discussing how his day went...then again, how ordinary is a day in Nerima??? Not a day goes by that a person doesn't change into another form, mallets come out of nowhere, and strange people arrive threatening your death...

A short, amusing fic that won't take much of your time.....


Ranma 1/2 Moments where Everyone ends up with someone

Title is pretty much self-explanatory. Just a silly little thing you might want to browse through...

A Matchmaker in Tokyo

Um... It just happens that there's a character here with the same name as I do? ^_^ Nah...this is a self-insertion fic through and through. I manage to convince Rumiko Takahashi to include me in her 39th Ranma 1/2 novel, and I set about making sure that Ranma and Akane get together. Of couse...not all is smooth sailing... After all, not all agree with my decision... *HTML is in manga style. You have to flip through the "pages", so to speak. Don't know what I mean? Find out!

In a hurry? Download the ZIP files to read all of these fanfics to your heart's content.

Any comments questions and suggestions? Don't hesitate to tell me all about it.

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