Hi! As you might have noticed, I have =ahem= another guestbook. That one's from Lpage. Well, what with this cool new Geoguide up, with a link to this, I reinitialized it. :) Hey, it's no problem to me, because I really love guestbooks. I think the 're really neat because you, yes YOU, can tell me what you think about my page and my fics. Ain't that something? ;P

Usami - 12/02/00 03:40:49
My Email:classified info!
Favorite Fanfic: All of them!
Favorite Character: P-chan, Ranma, and "Aisa"!
Favorite Couple: Ranma and Akane
Referred by: Me, myself, and I
From: Japan
Favorite color: Blue and Red
Love your fanfic! They're the best I've read so far on the Internet! They're funny, nice, and extremely creative. I loved every single one of theem. By the way, nice web page! Might you consider adding a quiz saying which character you're most like, based on questions? Good Luck! Write more fanfic, please!

- 11/09/00 23:37:18
My Email:ElizaLena@hotmail.com
Favorite Character: in ranma, it'd have to be ryoga or p-chan ((cuties :P))
Favorite color: red
i read most of your fanfic, and i have to say that's it really good. i've read some by other people, and there's really aren't all that great. i LoVe fanfics, although i don't write any myself. it's coolio to know that there are other flip people out t ere that love anime as much as i do!! keep writing!!

Miyako Kobayashi - 09/09/00 21:50:02
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~meelee/index.html
My Email:SasaKat@aol.com
Favorite Fanfic: Anything waffy or mushy, and funny
Favorite Character: Shampoo!!!!
Favorite Couple: Ranma and Akane!!!!
Referred by: Myself
From: Igi-Boo land
Favorite color: Aqua
Hello!!! Dreamspinner, if you ever read this, E-mail me!! I love getting e-mails!!!! I'm currently working on a self inclusion fic! Actually, I'm inserting myself AND all 8 of my other made up ranma chars. Ohya, my page isn't up yet, it will be ina few da

Kaiki aka Stephanie - 01/24/00 03:20:32
My URL:http://listen.to/cloudmp3s
My Email:Azncloud8@aol.com
Favorite Fanfic: A Lesson in Love (the first 14 chapters)
Favorite Character: Ranma and Akane!
Favorite Couple: Ranma and Akane!
Referred by: err...some other site, but i've been here many times before
From: California
Favorite color: why is this important? fine, silver.
Hey hey! Do you remember me? you probably dont..but i was the one that told you to put a guestbook on the site! and since you finally have it up..i've decided to sign it! ....sniff...you don't remember me, huh? oh well...not that i'm surprised. but anyway i still love this fanfics page...i love how you devote your time to writing your own comments on it..instead of just putting "great fanfic, read now" or something like that. sooo....thanks!

do you remember me or not?

Nhan - 12/30/98 23:05:24
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Bridge/1789/main1.htm
My Email:nhanvu@net999.com
Favorite Fanfic: a lot
Favorite Character: Akane, Ranma, Ryoga
Favorite Couple: Ranma and Akane
Referred by: A link to Fanfic
From: California
Favorite color: Blue/Purple
Wow, your site is so good. I like your stories. And I can't believe you're 14, and I just want to ask you are you in high school now? Well, I thought 14 should be a Freshman in HS. Well, I love your stories and you written it very well. Ok, just to tell y u that. I have a site hope you visit it. And I have a story about Ranma and Akane, hopefully you come by and read it. My site is still under construction. Please come in and give me comments about it. Plus, I read your bio and you said Dec. 31 is your birthday. I hope you have a very Happy Birthday!!! Don't forget to have a Great New Year's Day!!! Bye and good luck in the New Year!!! ^_^

Albert Bautista - 12/01/98 22:06:21
My Email:dreamcast128@metscape.net
Favorite Character: GOKU!!!!!!
Favorite Couple: Ranma n' Akane :)
Favorite color: Navy Blue

WordCobbler - 11/09/98 19:07:54
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Pagoda/1319/
My Email:wordcobbler@oocities.com
Favorite Fanfic: Too many to list! ^-^ Dreamspinner's, for sure!
Favorite Character: Ranma
Favorite Couple: Ranma and Akane
Referred by: Dreamspinner herself ^-^
From: Canada, eh!
Favorite color: Green
Great site, Dreamspinner! It seems better every time I access it. I really like the html manga format for the stories. ^-^

Paolo V. - 04/30/98 19:14:29
My Email:owlznest@gala.ub.edu.ar
Favorite Fanfic: Whatever!!
Favorite Character: Renma (perhaps??)
Favorite Couple: Akane & Ranma
Referred by: My sis (of course)
Favorite color: Green
Well, I haven't read your stories. I just wanted to pass the guessbook before I read any of your stories. ¡Hasta Luego! Paolyn sends her regards to your group.

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