-Enya- Spiritualist of Britannia Oclloan History
Oclloan History

Oclloan Religion

Spiritualist Dictionary

Spirits and Occult Creatures






Images of Incarnations

The Twilight Circle

Of all the races on Britannia, spiritually is most practiced by those of Oclloan blood. Although the blood of the original Oclloans has become scarce over the years and most of their ancient history forgotten, there are still some left that have its ancient blood pulsing through their veins and have not forgotten their legacy.

The original ancient ancestors of Ocllo are said to have originated long ago from another planet, known as Earth, and inhabited an island country there called Japan, or as they called it, Nihon or Nippon. Although their reasons for leaving are still unknown, it is said they left this planet for Sosaria, where the settled into the island of Ocllo, and there developed their own unique culture.

Their culture developed into one of mixed Japanese culture and new spiritual beliefs. Like the Japanese, the Oclloans spoke and wrote in their ancient tongue, and lived together in small village communities. They lived in small homes with tiled roofs and large gardens, and built many shrines to honor their religion. But unlike the Japanese, the Oclloans built these shrines to honor their new beliefs, rather than the Shinto and Buddhist beliefs of their ancestors.

Together the Oclloan people flourished. Each would contribute to their village with their skills, creating a need and unity between them. Some people would fish and farm to provide the community with food, while others would farm silk and dyes to make their traditional garb, the kimono. Others practiced their new spiritual beliefs, or trained to be a Samurai, Ninja, or Martial Artist, to protect their lands and learn discipline. Together their culture strived and developed over the years. Although their blood began to slowly change to the adaptations of Sosaria (such as lighter skin and hair), their beliefs and practices remained the same.

The Oclloan people were especially rich in the arts, and had a strong need for music, the theater, and literature. They found a great spiritual power behind music-- to them it was the eternal language, and through its melodies created the rich resonances in oneself to honor their Elemental gods. Each song was said to be a key to the spiritual side, but only certain people knew how to properly use this knowledge and the power of music to get this effect. The most noted Oclloan spiritualist to be able to do this was known through ancient legends as Enya, the mortal daughter of the Water Goddess Rasa. Most scriptures about her have been lost throughout the ages and changes of the Oclloan people, but still many with pure Oclloan blood still pass down tales about her musical talents with the spiritual unknown.

In their traditional theater they practiced the ancient Japanese stage arts of Kabuki, Noh, Kyoogen, and Bunraku. Many of these plays depicted the ancient mosters of the Oclloans, emphasizing the importance of the spiritualist to rid these demons. But their plays didn't hold special spiritual powers to them like music did-- for the most part they were used as entertainment, and to spread their ancient tales.

The literature they developed was unique. Although they did record history and religion like most cultures, they loved to write fictional stories for the soul purpose of entertainment. These stories often had strange people with super powers, involved in saving the world, fighting in outerspace, or just involved in comedic romantic situations.

Even though the Oclloans developed such a rich culture, over the years their ancient ways began to dwindle away. As their island home became less secluded and the arrival of people from the mainland of Britannia started to arrive, their blood began to become quite mixed, and their beliefs and culture started to die away. Today nearly all of their ancient settlements and practices are gone-- their villages have disappeared, and few are left with the Oclloan blood who still practice their ways. Some say that many began leaving for port cities like Vesper and Skara Brae, leaving their old ways behind. Nowadays original Oclloan people are extremely scarce, but those that do possess its ancient blood are those that most likely have spiritual powers that cannot be explained. Perhaps one day its beliefs and culture will be revived, but most likely it is another lost settlement of Sosaria.