For Love of the Game

The game, it rules my soul,
the dribble of the ball like a beating heart,
the sound of roaring fans fills my ears,
have I found what life is truly all about,

As I dodge from side to side,
trying to get closer to the goal,
I fall forward, onto my face,
and I can see my destiny bouncing away,

the true meaning of life is different for all,
but my meaning is the game,
there is nothign else but the music of the game,
nothing else that matters to me,

I get up slowly and look back,
at my enemy going for the ball,
I know in my heart, that if I don't act now,
I will lose it all,

I rush forward to him,
and snag my destiny free,
I head towards the other side,
my heart pounding with glee,

As I approacdh the pearly gates,
I jump into the air,
the ball goes in, the cheer goes up,
my destiny complete.


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