On-line Sketchy

~ Collection ~
the development of my fanart skills and styles over the years
featuring various subjects
~ Seven ~
Final Fantasy 7: includes enough Sephiroths to match the title
~ Xenogears ~
lots of Krelian as well as others
~ Zechs and Noin
Picture Gallery~

my favourite couple from Gundam Wing plus exclusive model scans
~ Wing of Dragon, Song of Goddess ~

Folken and Sora from Escaflowne the Movie: A Girl in Gaia
fanart and fanfiction

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Disclaimer: The images on these pages are my own original fanart. You may use only if you do not alter them in anyway, and my credit is still visible on the image.
NOTE: Pics are "signed" either Shadowfax or Nickel S(tein). Regardless of which, they are all mine.

The SketchBook is part of the MoonSilver ScrapBook v3.0 © 1998 - by Nickel S.