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Manga Related Sites

Artistic Inks Mediaworks
Probably one of the most complete web sites about manga.

Anime Web Turnpike
What else can I say? It lists everything that needs to be listed

The Shoujo Manga Home Page--Japanese Girls' & Women's Comics
An in depth look into the world of shoujo manga.

Manga Seeker
The name explains it quite nicely.

Tokimeki Club
Incredible page about shoujo manga in Japanese and English contains information about newly released manga as well as author's profiles and a searchable data base.

Otaku World
Wonderful design, great links and you got to check the KISS page :).

Shoujo Manga List
Run by Minori, a mailing list for shoujo manga and not anime.

Pure Manga Ring
It's not gratuious self advertising, but the ring does contain some of the best information on specific manga on the net! (updated)

Manga Translation Ring
Another ring run by me, this one specialises on manga translation only. (updated)

Comprehensive site about various forms of manga in English, and with continous update it can only get better :).

S-cafe Affiliates (NEW)
Honestly, never expected this would happen, but this site have affiliates now!. The following sites have kindly decided to translate some of S-cafe's reviews into another language :).

Publishing Company

Shogakukan Online
The publisher of Fushigi Yuugi, Puchi Comics and other well known manga. The web site's awful, it's detailed, but the font's miniscule.

Kodansha Bookclub
In Japanese, contains good info on some manga.

Publisher of Chorus, Ribbon, and Young You. You can search their database for titles or authors.

My favorite publisher's page, probably because it's so easy to navigate. Oh yes, they publish Lala and Hana to Yume. Look around for their spotlight on some mangaka, it's worth reading.

[Anime Web Turnpike] Elex Media Komputindo Online
The Indonesian publisher which translates Japanese manga.

Manga Magazines

Published by Shueisha. (updated)

Betsucomi Shoujo Comics
Published by Shogakukan, contains Basara.


Jpqueen (new)

I've bookmarked this link a long time ago, but I didn't want to review it then since their selection was pretty small. I will add a review on them soon, but one thing I'm rather impressed about is the way they actually scan both cover and contents. They also stock quite a bit of dojinshi as well.

Kinokuniya Company LTD
The English version of the well known Japanese chain of bookstore, contains the address of the nearest Kinokuniya.

Work in collaberation with Book Studio sells second hand Japanese manga. It's great and cheap if you buy things in bulk. Don't let the words "second hand" turn you off, the manga are still in prime condition! (updated)

Please note they no longer ship items to Aistralia (grumble grumble)

Book Mart
Finally ordered something from them, just to check what's it's like. It's another second hand bookshop, but what probably sets it out from the rest is the use of scanned covers in their catalogue as well as a searchable data base. I recommend the art book section, you can get some very good bargains as long as you check it frequently. Their stocks are rather limited, and new things are always pouring in. Unlike Ekotoba they do accept credit cards, but their shipping rate is also slightly more expensive. (updated)

Acclimate Solution
A second hand book shop which also offers translated manuscript of requested manga. They accept orders for magazine, though their range is limited. Credit card is accepted. Individual items are cheaper than Bookmart, it's just that their shipping cost is more expensive.

Other than being reliable, well known and comparitavely cheaper what else can I say? It does not sell Japanese manga ofcourse, but it does sell some useful resources.
    Part of Amazon's international branch, selling a lot of Japanese manga.


Anime UNSW
The biggest and best anime club in Sydney, ok that might be biased due to several reasons. Though seriously, it's probably the best and cheapest place to watch anime every second week.

My ever growing list of translated manga

Right now it's rather stunted in growth.



Inu Yasha

Y.W © 1997-2001 last updated : 23/6/02