Welcome to Monkey's Guestbook! 歡迎來到猴子地帶的簽到簿!

Small Sunday - 08/17/00 14:14:05

oh, Rita, I just found that you have updated your homepage....that's very good....but how come so little comment about a good girl -- lo 4, I know her very much...she is indeed a very good girl.....so remember to make a better comment on her next time......

lo 4 - 11/24/99 17:53:34
My Email:don't tell u...

i just want to see whether u have change your comment on me...but no.....how come! hehe....but i like our club's photo...and the mumug beside it.....

alice cheng lui - 07/19/99 23:53:45
My Email:alicecheng@hotmail.com

mau lau, you go to die lah! ha ha.... just kidding je...

Rebecca Tan - 03/24/99 08:20:29
My URL:http://www.come.to/Favourites
My Email:rebeccatan@oocities.com

It's neat! Come pay me a visit at: Yutaka @ Favourites from JapanFavourites From Japan

Jason - 02/18/99 22:20:06

i really love your homepage. well done. :>

果皮佬 - 11/14/98 08:20:52
My Email:mullie4three@hotmail.com

o well, I haven't finished reading your homepage yet.. but um... I think it's great lor.... haha... MISS LIU!!! haha

Claudia - 10/30/98 14:09:17
My Email:claudialo5@yahoo.com

好口野! 個HP update 後又visit 多次! 中文好難打呀!

Hendry - 10/14/98 10:51:28
My Email:Hendry@hongkong.com

I am very happy that I can know you from ICQ. After I saw your homepage, I think you should be a very nice girl. I hope that I can also become your best friend in the future.

Jane Yee - 10/09/98 18:17:55
My Email:janeyee@netvigator.com

唔好意思呀,咁遲先簽你本"吉士簿"。It's a nice and lovely homepage, I love those jumping hippos! I wish I could have one homepage like this! But you didn't correct the 'Ekin Cheung' ar... Maybe you can add more information about yourself, coz I want to kno more about you... Anyway, I'm glad that I can talk to you again! My dear primary school friend!

Yi Chien Leng - 10/07/98 16:55:00
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Garden/4048
My Email:ycleng@ucla.edu

nice page... really neat.... can't see Chinese tim.. oh well... just want you to know it's really nice meeting you.... ^_^ take care la...

wallace lau - 09/30/98 05:46:58
My Email:u know it

hahaha what a handsome, intelligent,and great man i appreaciate it a lot thanks,hahahaha

劉德豐大少 - 09/29/98 01:29:50

haha, it's me again nothing has been changed!!! pls. update ur information in ur page!!!

siu bing - 09/28/98 02:17:11

um...Great Homepage!!!! wonderful work with all beautiful pictures ! it is worth to visit !

Sandy, lo 4 - 09/28/98 02:12:14
My URL:http://home.ust.hk/~ec_syp
My Email:ec_syp@stu.ust.hk

sorry 美人...I found that I am last one in the club who sign your guest book....indeed..it is your homepage is so wonderful that I have to go to it for serveral time and look at it in detail before it sign the book...... I think that the homepage will be more perfert if u can add some MIDI music AND have a bit change of the content the describes me...don't use the PK picture for me ......

Amy Ng - 09/20/98 14:54:13

Your homepage is great !!! i like the background la, idol photo la, etc la ...... good luck to you !!!

Claudia the horse - 09/18/98 05:46:27
My Email:h9708244@hkusua.hku.hk

Hey! I am here at last. And I am the 226th person to come to your to hp! Your hp has brought me back to my days in HYS. I do miss the morning assembly...we can attend one some day when you are back! Thank you monkey.

wallace lau - 09/17/98 03:34:45
My Email:wallace_lau@hotmail.com

it is funny! a lot of cartoon characters in the homepage. but the source of materials are too narrow. but,anyway,it is a good page

Garry Kwan - 09/12/98 10:37:35
My Email:gk290872@hkstar.com


Lo Dai - 09/04/98 20:02:58
My Email:ywlleung@netvigator.com

I'm really happy to be the 1st friend u introduce in ur hp. I like it vvvv much! Gd work ar, lo 2, i'll regularly visit it & c whether u'll + new stuff to it (I think I've this responsibility wor). Ur hp remind me lots of memories in hys... tell u, I also put our club photo in my hall, so I c u every day lar... but really want to have another club photo in the near future.

Flora - 08/21/98 08:26:15
My Email:idle@hotmail.com

Ritaaaaa.......you really did a good job! I love this 靚靚網頁 very much especially the guestbook and introducing your friends' parts. No worry, if you come back Hong Kong again, apart from using my pager, you could also stay at my home. :) Flora is alway here for you....

Vivian Fung - 08/16/98 07:55:24
My Email:vivian_fung@hotmail.com

ma lou...lay gei mong tsee ho tsang ah!!!lay sang yat dou lum dou d sun yi si,kock hai ho gwai gou yun!!! ...lay gum chung ming,yat ding tsee all gong gun d mud,haha!!!^o^

Queenie Lo 3 - 08/16/98 03:46:03
My Email:icicle_i@hotmail.com

喂....我呀...上次未看...(i better change back to Eng..too hard to type Chin)...last time i havent finished browsing ur hp...this time i look at all of them....it s really good....but i suggest adding something more personal....theres very few things about yourself...i m more interested in your personal life than your name, height...etc.....but again, just a suggestion!

Killer - 08/15/98 08:05:26
My Email:unity@cheerful.com

Oh Rita, you have your homepage!! Congradulation!! It is very cute wor, really full of monkeys!! Hey, I have seen your pic, which one is you?! No one look like a Ma Lau wor, strange!!

Queenie Lo 3 - 08/14/98 17:05:39
My Email:icicle_i@hotmail.com

喂,死馬騮....終於搞掂個空呸啦.....等死人咩.....不過 的確 幾正喎!...你有幸啦....我成2個月無上net啦.....一上就黎呢到啦.....算俾face掛!! 我email add 俾人cut o左 :< ....later 找到先至傾..........我得閒會上黎嫁喇...等你唔使成日自己黎increase 個guest book count 啦!!!

Joyce Wan - 08/12/98 02:51:27
My Email:joyce-wan@usa.net

woooo....it’s amazing. u are so cheap. u like the japanese stars. my ”blue” is better. why there’s no rountsabout?

- 08/12/98 02:47:16


Candy Wong Mung Yan - 08/11/98 05:19:48
My Email:h9708195@hkusua.hku.hk

Your homepage is very interesting and enjoyable! It shows a lot of your unique style. I think you are great!!!

Che Che - 08/09/98 17:47:33
My Email:yukam@msn.com

Well done, ma lao!!!! Wai!! how long does it take for you to finish the homepage...it's really cute, heeeheee, since it brings back many of my memories...thanks!!!! However...where are Patsy, Astor, Beckie and me....whenever you have time, please put on o r nice picture la...hahaaa!!!

Wu Wai Shan - 08/09/98 16:23:35

Wei, me again ar..... Your Ed page is great ar..... I think that you can put more teachers on that page...eg...Miss T, Miss L.......Ha.... Then, it will be even more funny!!!!

Kit Tsang (Ar Bill) - 08/09/98 06:52:24
My Email:kittsang@hotmail.com, ktsang@csupomona.edu

I can't believe I am the 155th person to come to this site. Ma Lou, are you the one who comes here 30 times a day??(j/k) By the way, I love this site very much. May be F.5A girls can arrange a reunion here?!

小Kammy - 08/09/98 05:38:17
My URL:http://home.ust.hk/~bm_lkm
My Email:bm_lkm@stu.ust.hk


May Bo Lam - 08/08/98 18:54:08
My Email:moomin81@hotmail.com

Wow! your homepage is pretty good wor! how can you write that ga? teach me ar. emm.....in my opinion, I think you should put more your own pictures in there ar, heehee, I want to see ma!

JOYCE TSANG - 08/08/98 15:32:55
My Email:joycetsang@sprint.ca

i LOVE your homepage very much. NICE characters' pictures. but i want to tell you that you have spelled the Jap TV program "Long Vacation" wrong, you said that it was "Love Vacation", remember to correct it!! i love this TV very much, i watched that for more than 4 times. Also, i want to recommand u that the picture you have taken during Heep Yuen graduat'n should be replaced by some other coloured pictures, not black & white which is hard for everyone to see it. PS:just recommandat'n, not necessary to take the advice!!!

Florence Wu - 08/08/98 11:10:21

Your homepage is excellent, my dearest secretary!! ^.* Lots of cartoon characters and interesting comments about your friends!! Interesting!!!

Wu Wai Shan - 08/07/98 14:15:38

Wei.....an interesting hp wor....Lots of funny cartoon characters ar...But how come there's no miffy ga.....>_< Miffy is lovely ma.... Anti-flower??? What's that flower ar?? Is that the snowflake ar?? You must tell me next time ar!!!

Clandia - 08/07/98 07:59:24
My Email:clandia@hotmail.com

beautiful and cute, enough?ha...ha....you have shown your talent in this excellent homepage!!!

sherman - 08/07/98 07:54:41
My Email:shermanw@netvigator.com

i am angry with u la monkey.. ha..... if i see u later, i will surely bring a big piece of wood to kill u la.. be careful.... hor hor

人瑞/regina - 08/07/98 07:26:20
My Email:reginawu@earthlink.net / sleepy615@hotmail.com

幾好!唔差!好鬼死正!,可惜無我地相!快D入落個 homepage啦!

savanna - 08/07/98 04:09:03
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Lagoon/9973/
My Email:draft@total.net

Great site here I really enjoyed my tour and am looking forward to watching it grow. Keep up the good work! and I'm glad I was able to help you

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