Sailor Venus

N.A. Name: Mina
Japanese Name: Aino Minako
Birthday: October 22
Astrological sign: Libra
Blood type: B
Favorite color: yellow and red, orange
Hobby: chasing after idols
Favorite food: any pasta
Least favorite food: mushrooms
Favorite subject: Phys. Ed
Worst subject: math, English
Has trouble with: mama and the police
Strong point: playing
Dream: being an idol
Favorite gemstone: topaz


Venus Power, Make Up
Venus Star Power, Make Up
Venus Crystal Power, Make Up


Venus Crescent Beam Smash
Venus Meteor Shower (Crescent Beam Shower)
Venus Love Chain Encircle (Venus Love Me Chain)
Venus Love and Beauty Shock
Venus Wink Chain Sword
Venus Crescent Shower Pour Down

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