Image Index

If you're new here, new images are at the top. You'll find a list of our existing images if you scroll down past the new images.

** New or re-edited pictures.

New pictures scanned by Minako:

Ep. No. 64 Ep. No. 65 Ep. No. 66

I can't help noticing that this picture is very similar to this one of Tsukasa and Ryuji.

Don't forget to check episodes 64-66 to see the pictures in the context of the stories!

In addition, here is the picture that goes with the new translation of episode no. 74 that Yuki just completed on 5/9/2000.

New picture scanned by Asia Leigh:

Cover of 70.  Tsukasa in jeans... that's it!

Somebody scanned this in an sent it to us a while ago. However, we've only been able to get around to it now. Please e-mail us if you did send it to us. This reminds of an old jeans commercial that was extremely controversial when it came up. I'm thinking it was Brooke Shields for Levi's or something. Oh well... if anything, Ryuji would be very happy if he saw Tsukasa this way. However, Tsukasa would probably not be caught dead in this outfit. (^-^)





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