Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Hana to Yume
2001 vol. 21, episode no. 108 Part 2
Translation by Yuki-chan
Pictures scanned by theria

She wraps her arms around his waist in a tight embrace as Ryuji does the same.

Tsukasa, red-faced mumbles into his chest. "...That's not fair---... You said what I wanted to say first." {You piss me off.}

Ryuji, matter of factly: "...You told me to speak first." {Don't be so picky.}

Caution: Do not enter

Somewhere in the bushes nearby lurks another male student.

Arrow pointing to the student: Asaba-kun

Tsubaki: "A! That's!!"

Tsubaki creeps out of the bushes and brings out "Caution: Do not enter" tape out of nowhere. He starts enclosing the area surrounding the bushes, causing other students to look on with curiosity. [Kya ha ha ha!! I wonder if he knows that Tsukasa is a girl... probably not......]

Tsubaki: "Sorry, but can you go around this area?"

Tsukasa and Ryuji are oblivious to Tsubaki's actions and are still in their own world.

Tsukasa: {---Since I'm probably the only one who can give Ryuji all these emotions and give him his happiness---...} "...I was hoping for the same thing------... That your happiness would never come to an end------..."

Ryuji stares down at her in shock.

Tsukasa: {---If I want to stay by his side forever, then Taku-nii is an obstacle I have to overcome---...} "So, let's go talk to Taku-nii..."

Ryuji says nothing in shock.

Tsukasa becomes worried. "... Ryuji?"

Ryuji: "------..."

Tsukasa waves her hand in front of his face. "...?" {------------On top of that----------...... I've promised.}

She recalls the promise she sealed with Kamo-san at the shrine.

Back on that day Tsukasa saw Kamo-san at the shrine.

Tsukasa: "...Leave it to me. I'll make Ryuji happy---------...!!"

Kamo-san had broken out in a huge smile.

Tsukasa: {With Kamo-san--------...}

Tsubaki freaks as the bushes nearby rustle violently. "!! OOU!!?"

Tsukasa and Ryuji come storming out of the bushes in anger.

Ryuji: "Didn't you say that what you had to say wasn't important so speak first!!? Isn't my happiness mean something important to you!!? AA!?"

Tsukasa: "I'm saying!! It's just a figure of speech---!!! Don't get so hot headed over something so unimportant!!"

Ryuji: "Unimportant!? Did you just say unimportant!?"

They both break through the tape which Tsubaki had put up without realizing it, stalking away angrily.

Tsukasa: "O--- I just did---!"

Tsubaki is crouched behind them at the edge of the bushes. "......" {...What's with them...? Just seconds ago they were in such a lovey-dovey mood....... ...I really don't understand... if they're really good for each other or not---------...}

A little distance away, Tsukasa and Ryuji stop in mid-stomp as one and turn to face each other. "... ..."

Text pointing to them: In agreement.

They suddenly burst out laughing.

Tsukasa: {---Just watch Kamo-san------ I'll do my best---------...!!}

Horizontal Chain

At the Kozuki residence.

Looks like a group of kids are surrounding a huge black feline in front of the apartment complex.

Taku: "...There's absoluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutely no way!!"

Sho: "..."

Toshi: "..."

Kaya: "..."

Looks like Tsukasa had been holding her breath all that time as she's panting.

Text pointing to Tsukasa: Breathless.

Tsukasa: {Aa... I felt like I just climbed Mount Fuji.......... I knew... that the way wouldn't be easy......} [For those who don't know, Mount Fuji is the tallest mountain in Japan, a dormant volcano and it's high enough to cause mountain sickness. Somewhere around 3750 m or so.]

Taku is sitting across from Tsukasa and Ryuji on the floor, while Sho, Toshi and Kaya are sitting nearby.

Somewhere close by, a black tail twitches.

Taku: "Tsukasa, I want you to lead a peaceful and quiet life."

Tsukasa, her eyes closed: "I've always heard that."

Outside, Kali seems to be playing with the kids of the neighbourhood. It's tickling Isahaya with its tail while Masa is shaking it a bit.

Masa: "Kali, Kali, become a horse---! Please---!"

Text pointing to Kali: Kali was at the Kozuki residence for awhile.

Looks like Kali relented and Masa is seen sitting astride Kali.

Masa: "Wow---! Isahaya, why don't you try next---!?"

Isahaya looks a bit nervous. "It's okay---! Not me---!"

Back in the apartment, Taku continues his argument.

Taku: "I've always wanted you to lead the life of a normal girl."

Tsukasa: "Ha, I've heard that almost daily as well......" {Enough to give me an earache.}

Toshi, Sho and Kaya are looking down at the hands in their laps. {...As a normal girl...} They all sweat drop.

Ryuji looks expressionless as usual. "..."

Taku: "...However...... It is a fact that we're still in debt." {Sadly to say.}

The Kozukis and Kaya stare at Taku in round-eyed astonishment. The younger Kozukis all put their fists to their hands as they recall it.

Taku: {...They had forgotten.......?}

Taku: "...Wasn't it that you were going to repay the debt to Sandaime by becoming his bodyguard?"

Tsukasa: "...... ...Yeah."

Taku: "---Then, until that debt becomes zero, even if it takes the rest of your life, it can't be helped------..."

Tsukasa's mouth drops open in surprise, as do the mouths of her younger brothers and Kaya.

Tsukasa: {...Taku-nii---------...}

Taku: "...Tsukasa, once you make a decision, you stick through with it---... That's the law of the Kozuki family." He stares his sister in the eye. "...Don't you forget it..."

Tsukasa starts at the comment and then kneels on one knee in front of her eldest brother. "Right...!!"

Tsukasa, narrating: ---It was after that----- that Taku-nii had already prepared himself when I had decided that I would participate in the fight against Garyukai...... Sho and Toshi told me in secret.

Sho: "Taku-nii just can't be honest sometimes." He chuckles.

Toshi: "I swear, he's just like a stubborn father at times."

Tsukasa: "......" She smiles. {------That's right. ---...People's emotions can change------...}

The sun is now setting and there are crows cawing above. Tsukasa and Ryuji are now standing outside, with Kali sitting patiently at Tsukasa's side.

Tsukasa: "...All right...! I'm ready for this now~~~...! At this rate I can command the kumiin's wills too------!!" She yells to the skies above, her fists clenched and pointed upwards. {You there Mr. Sun, shine down on my brave self won't you---!!? I vow to you!!} "Just you watch! As a katagi Kozuki Tsukasa, I'll change their hearts!!" [Not the best translation?]

Meanwhile, Ryuji is leaned up against the wall of the apartment, his arms crossed. "---... In that case, you've already achieved that." {Enough, and splendidly.}

Tsukasa stops in mid rant at Ryuji's words and glances back at him. "...?"

Ryuji steps up towards her. "... At Megafloat when you were in that death match with Freya... they (the kumiin) were seriously rooting for you." He recalls how the kumiin had been cheering wildly whenever she managed to strike at the female Ultimate Weapon.

Tsukasa faces him.

Ryuji: "------Even though... they had no idea you were 'Wakasa's daughter'---------..."

Tsukasa's eyes open wide in surprise.

Ryuji: "...Though I didn't think you heard any of it since you were concentrating so much on the enemy before you------..."

Tsukasa looks down in shame. "Yeah." {---...I didn't hear them------...... ------That they (the kumiin) were all cheering for me---------...... I didn't even try to hear them------......}

Horizontal Chain

Back at Kuryugumi.

Kyuragi: "A!" He freaks out and backs up a little.

Usui: "N?"

Mooka: "What is it? What's wrong?"

The clan heads: "A!"

They spot Tsukasa, Ryuji and the huge feline at Tsukasa's heels.

Kyuragi turns and runs for his life. "WAAAAA! A red eyed animal---! NO----------!!"

Usui: "...Th... That animal...!"

Mooka points at it. "Did you not leave it at your home since people were afraid of it..?"

Text pointing to Kyuragi's retreating figure: Like that.

Tsukasa: {Even though they spoke their hearts---------...}

"---'That matters not. We approve of you---...' "

Tsukasa: "Yeah, but it's really good. It's all right. It'll never bite or anything." [Tsukasa hasn't directly said that she's referring to Kali as either being male or female...]

The kanbu: "Hoho------" They approach cautiously (no Kyuragi though).

Tsukasa: {---Maybe...}

Tsukasa has Kali do some tricks for the kanbu. "Kali, sit. Paw. Other paw. Give up!! (roll over)"

Soon she has them all laughing.

All of the kanbu: "I see."

Ryuji: "---..." He wonders about the kanbu's ulterior motive. "...So what exactly are you doing here now?"

The kanbu all start and begin to sweat drop. You can see Kyuragi in the back of the crowd, the furthest from Kali.

The kanbu: "...That's right..."

Usui: "...Just... A word for Kozuki Tsukasa........." {Even though we know it's in vain.} [Interesting... seems that Usui is now speaking on behalf of the kanbu now, where it used to be Kyuragi all the time......]

Tsukasa looks up.

Usui: "That night, when the true 'Wakasa's daughter' appeared before us, we seriously thought that it had to be you (Kozuki Tsukasa)------..."

They think back to the ultra feminine role Tsukasa was playing that night.

Text: With the bravery of a flea, a small animal type girl who couldn't stop shaking with fear.

The text is accompanied by a pic of Tsukasa in the lacy dress with her hands to her mouth, and tears in her wide eyes.

Usui: "To be Sandaime's partner------..."

Tsukasa breaks out into a pleased smile. "...You think?" {------Maybe------------ the one who was most troubled by the title of 'Wakasa's daughter' was,}

Kyuragi blurts out: "I knew of Kozuki Tsukasa's fierceness before anyone else." {Literally!! Putting 'Wakasa's daughter' aside!! }

Mooka: "That's it Kyuragi." {That sounds more convincing!}

Tsukasa looks slightly embarrassed. [Just how many times did she beat up Kyuragi......? At least twice I think...]

Fujioka, is calm and composed as usual, puffing away on a cigarette. "I don't care whether it's Wakasa's daughter or a katagi's daughter as long she can support Kuryugumi."

The other clan heads: {...I get it now... It's not that he was cool headed about everything since he knew of the details, but it's because he's indifferent about Wakasa's daughter!!!}

Text pointing to that comment: That's right.

Tsukasa: {Myself------...} She doubles over with laughter. "Aha ha ha ha ha ha! Fujioka occhan, you're kakkoii-------!!"

Ryuji: "Well he has to have been like that to have hung around with Kamojima......"

Horizontal Chain

Sometime later.

Birds are chirping outside happily. [So I'm assuming it's morning, but then again, it may be just moments after......]

Tsukasa: {---...But still... It's still kinda disgusting to be bowed to---...} She's dressing for school and had just taken off the tank top she wears for at night while asleep. She already has her pants on.

Her hair is kinda has some locks sticking out in different directions.

Text pointing to her hair: Neguse. [I guess it is morning then...] Her mind's still in a daze as she wonders. {It's not like I'm a hero who'll end up in history books or anything.......}

Text pointing to that comment: But...... The destruction of Megafloat International Airport over a drug war is sure to end up as a part of history......

Kali's ears twitch as it hears something.

Tsukasa: "N?" Topless, she reaches for the shirt on her bed. {What is it Kali?} "Is something..."

She turns in the direction Kali is looking and notices Ryuji in the open doorway with large eyes.

He takes in her exposed upper body, then lowers his gaze to below her belt level.

Sound effects of something being dropped.

Text: She dropped her clothing.

Ryuji is sprouting a popped vein on his forehead as crosses his arms with incomprehension. "---..." Ryuji sighs long and hard.

Ryuji can't understand

Text pointing to the sigh: A--! Kuso! Why is she already wearing pants?

He's also shaking his head.

Text pointing to Ryuji's head: Why does she dress the upper and lower body one at a time?

Tsukasa slowly turns red while her anger mounts. "~~~~~~~!!!!!!"

Screaming echoes through the halls of Kuryugumi.

Tsukasa: "YOU BASTARD------------!! How many times do I have to tell you not to come in while I'm changing---!!?"

Ryuji: "Humph. No matter how many times you say it, I have no intention of obeying it. Since you keep locking the door all of the time, it makes me want to open it."

Tsukasa: "WHAT--!? You!! Are you saying it's my fault!? Wait there------!!"

Sound effects of footsteps pounding down the hall.

A kumiin: "AA---! Oh no---!" He hollers at the top of his lungs. "The bozu and Sandaime------!!" {Arise, arise---! Stop them---!!}

Bun-san is already on the scene. "He! Hey---! Tsu-bo---!!"

But she's oblivious to everyone's screaming as she tries to score a hit on Ryuji. [Yes, she's wearing a top now] She throws punches and kicks but Ryuji easily avoids them, though he has his hands in his pockets. Next, she starts swinging a huge wooden mallet, but this too, Ryuji dodges with no problems. Her chain then comes flying out but with no effect. [Looks like Taku was able to repair it.]

Another kumiin: "AAA! Please calm down anego-------!!" [anego is a more informal version of anesan.]

Tsukasa is suddenly on the kumiin's chest, who finds himself on the floor on his back.

Kumiin: "A!" Panting and out of breath, Tsukasa gives him dagger eyes. "Who's the anego......!!" {Don't be calling that---!}

Bun-san, his arm outstretched. "A...... She stopped."

Ryuji: "...What's that? Then how do you want to be addressed?"

The kumiin nearby turn listen in.

Tsukasa smirks. "That's obvious! In the past, future and even in the other world, I only have one name. Tokyo Crazy Paradise's Tsukasa!!"

The end.

Final Picture


visits since December 26, 2001