Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Hana to Yume
1997 vol. 1; episode no. 11
Translation by Yuki
Images scanned & edited by Yuki

Man 1: "Hey niichan, are you a new occupant here? I'll be direct. If you don't want to die then you should leave here." [Niichan = big/older brother]

Ryuji, with a cigarette in his mouth says nothing. "------..."

Behind him, Kamo-san and Bun-san watch silently. "..."

Masa: "...Niichan ..."

Man 1, turning to his men: "Find the bastard that did Mori and Harako and get Iruma out here."

Man 2: " 'Kay." He turns to go, but Ryuji is standing in his way.

Man 2: "! ...What's you prob? ---If you get in the way I'll kill you too!!!" He grabs Ryuji by the collar and swings his other arm back for a punch.

Ryuji glowers at the guy.

Man 2: "!" He stops his punch. "......! What's with those eyes------!!?" He goes to punch Ryuji.

Masa covers his face, as if expecting Ryuji to come flying back at him. "U!"

Ryuji spits the cigarette out, hitting the guy in the eye.

Man 2: "Ugyaaaaaaa!" He holds his face in pain.

Ryuji belts the guy with a punch.

Man 2: "!!" The beating continues and Masa looks on horror-struck. "......."


Masa looks up behind him to see Kamo-san who had drawn his gun. Kamo-san looks serious and Masa's shocked at his expression. "!" Masa pictures the usual smiling Kamo-san and can't believe the change. "........."

The man falls to the ground and the leader of the hoodlums speaks up. "...Bastard...! Don't tell me you're the one that did Mori and Harako..." {A gaki beat him with only his right arm.}[gaki = young kid, brat]

Another guy pipes up. "Aniki, Should we get him too?" [aniki = big brother]

Ryuji: "...Hey, gaki (Masa)."

Masa starts. "...E...?"

Ryuji: "You want to protect this place right...?" He pictures Tsukasa's pleading eyes, who had asked him earlier to protect the place.

Masa: "...Y... yeah..." He swallows.

Ryuji: "...Then if you want something, use your own strength to get it."

Kamo-san: "Sandaime! What are..."

Man 1, startled: "...... Sandaime...?"

Ryuji: "I'll do the same."

Kamo-san: "...... ...Sandaime..."

Man 1, suddenly looking nervous: "Hey bastard... no you... how old... are you...?" {Sandaime you say...?} "...18...? 17...? 16...? You can't be 15 right...? You can't be 14... 14...." {There's only that one enormous syndicate who has a successor at age 14......} He points his finger at Ryuji and starts shaking.

Man 3: "Aniki, what's wrong?" {What are you muttering?}

Ryuji: "...Kamojima, Shibuya, don't worry about me. Support the gaki (Masa)."

Kamo-san and Bun-san: "...Ha"

Ryuji, glancing back: "Masa ...Come. ...I'll teach you how to fight........."

Masa looks resolute as he prepares himself for a battle.

Horizontal Chain

Back at Tenko's residence.

Isahaya (the kid): "Maa-kun's father!?" He runs up to the fence. [Isahaya calls Masashi Maa-kun]

Iruma: "...Thank goodness you remembered me."

Tsukasa, looking happy: "Man, I was getting worried..." [Not a direct translation.]

Iruma: "Isahaya-kun, I want to speak to your grandfather...... Can you let me in?"

Isahaya: "...I'm sorry... I don't know how to open it." [For the visually impaired, Isahaya has light coloured hair and is wearing fancy clothing. He's also carrying a white teddy bear with him.]

Tsukasa bends down to the child's height. "Then, can you ask your grandpa?"

Iruma: "That's asking for too much. I haven't spoken to him in person for the last 2 years. He's refused to see me ever since the hounding began."

Isahaya: "... ...Um... Maybe Maa-kun can open it though......"

Tsukasa: "Maa-kun?"

Iruma: "Masashi can?"

Isahaya and the killer bear

Isahaya, holding out the bear: "No, Maa-kun! Grandfather made him for me." {A friend I love as much as Maa-kun} [Okay, okay, I know this sounds confusing. Isahaya calls Masashi Maa-kun, using the kanji. Maa-kun, the bear is written without kanji. They're pronounced the same way though.......]

Text pointing to the bear: Maa-kun. [With no kanji.]

Iruma: "...Oh... Well Tenko-san is the president of a toy company..."

Sho: "......"

Isahaya searches for something in his pockets. {Ummm... does he need about this much to eat...?} He stuffs several batteries in its mouth, then places it in front of the fence.

Tsukasa: "?"

Suddenly the eyes of the bears flash.

Tsukasa and Toshi: "!!!"

Killer bear

Maa-kun the bear goes on a rampage, breaking down the fence easily.

Everyone on the other side of the fence: "Hi-----!!!" The run for cover.

Taku: "!! The security system!" He and Kaya cover their ears as the alarm goes berserk.

Isahaya: "A! Maa-kun!"

The robotic bear is running off in the distance.

Isahaya: "Ya...! Maa-kun! Wait---"

A car door slams suddenly behind the Kozukis and Iruma.

Sho: "!"

Isahaya: "!!" He stares with a look of dread in his eyes.

A man and a woman approach the gates.

Woman: "What's this commotion!?" {The alarm's gone off!!}

Man: "! Yoko! It's Isahaya!"

The woman spies Isahaya.

Isahaya tries to dash away, but the woman grabs him by the back of the collar. "AA!"

Yoko (the woman): "I've finally got you!" {Ho ho ho!} "Can't you at least say I've missed you aunt!?" {I swear you're such a cheeky kid!!}

Isahaya: "Iyaa!!! Grandpa---!!"

A loud, strong voice: "Let go of Isahaya this instant!!"

Yoko: "!"

Isahaya: "! Gr...... Grandpa---!"

An old man in a wheelchair approaches them. [Tenko's a crotchety old man...]

Tsukasa recoils in horror. "Ugeha---! He looks really grumpy and stubborn~~~"

Kaya: "Tsukasa-kun... You shouldn't judge people by their faces like that..."

Sho: "That's right Tsukasa. Those types of people are pretty broad-minded and generous." {And rich.}

Toshi: "Sho! Don't talk about work in public like this."

Iruma: "?"

Taku: "......."

Yoko: "It's been awhile, father (-in-law)."

In the background, the Kozukis, Kaya and Iruma are carrying on.

Tsukasa: "But that's because I haven't had a good image of a rich person so~~~"

Kaya: "But,"

Sho: "Hey, do you think it's bad that we've missed work today?"

Toshi, turning to his younger brother: "Since it is the most profitable time. Get ready for a 100% pay cut."

Sho: "E~~~~~~"

Taku, looking wary: "Don't talk about work."

Iruma, looking confused: "?"

Yoko whirls on them suddenly. "Hey! Can't you keep quiet there!?"

Tsukasa: "Shut up!" {What a mean lady!}

Kaya: "Sorry!"

Yoko: "Have you thought about it?"

Isahaya is now in the arms of his uncle and is struggling to get away. "Grandpa---!"

Tenko: "I told you I have no intention of giving Isahaya to you!"

Kaya and Tsukasa: "..." The Kozukis, Iruma and Kaya act as silent observers of the soap opera unfolding in front of them.

Yoko: "But can you look after him properly in the future with your failing health!?"

Sho, Toshi, Taku & Iruma: "... ..."

Isahaya's uncle suddenly cuts it. "Father, leave this child to us. He's my only brother Aira's son! I'll take good care of him!"

Tenko: "Don't lie! What you want isn't Isahaya! It's the money Isahaya will inherit when I die!! I know that you were happy after Aira's death since you could have all of my money yourself!!"

Yoko and her husband: "!!" Apparently, Tenko was right with his suspicions.

Man: "Still, we're taking Isahaya with us." They turn to leave.

Tenko: "!"

Isahaya: "AA! Ya---!"

Go go Kozuki brothers

Taku intercepts them and takes Isahaya. "Ha---i"

Man: "!"

Tsukasa: "I'm arresting you kidnapping." She throws her chain around them, tangling them up.

Man: "!!"

Yoko: "Kya!!"

Taku, in the background: "Let's go back to your grandfather okay?"

Sho: "Oh my, this car has a flat tire." He bends down to look at the flat rear tire.

Toshi: "Oh my."

Yoko and her husband: "!!"

Toshi: "Let's have a tow truck pick it up." He takes a cell phone out of somewhere.

The man: "Hey! That's my cell phone I left in the car!"

Text: And the engine was left running.

Sho: "Agreed---!"

Taku delivers Isahaya back to his grandfather.

Isahaya: "Grandpa!"

Tenko: "Isahaya!"

Kaya: "...Sir, it's rather cold outside......." She leans over and smiles sweetly.

Taku, also smiling: "Let's go inside. ...If that's all right with you..?"

Tenko: "...Aa..."

The younger Kozuki brothers cheer as Yoko and her husband are left tied up beside their car.

Tsukasa: "Let's go Iruma-san."

Iruma: "A... Hai...!"

Man: "Hey! Wait!"

Horizontal Chain

Back at the condo.

Masa: "---Are you guys yakuza? Those guys just took off when they heard your name." {And that was after I was prepared to fight.}

Ryuji and Kamo-san: "....."

Masa: "...By any chance Tsukasa too..?"

Ryuji: "No. ...He's different..."

Masa, looking suspicious: "...... Hmm..." {The fact that he isn't means you guys are yakuza. Niichan had a gun too and Kamojima was different... ---I hate the yakuza but...} He smiles. "---..."


Bun-san: "N?" He turns to see a chunk of a brick wall missing at the base and... "...It's a bear..." (-_-;)

Masa: "...Huh...? That bear..."

Kamo-san: "You know it?"

Maa-kun (the bear), dancing on it's back feet: "Maa-kun, Maa-kun. Maa-kun, I like/love you a lot." Smoke is coming from the its mouth [probably a battery overload].

Masa turns bright red. "!!!"

Ryuji: "....."

Kamo-san: "Toys nowadays can talk and dance?" {The twisting at the waist is well done.}

Bun-san: "And on top of that to have that much power." {What a waste to keep it as a toy.}

Maa-kun (the bear): "Maa-kun, I like you a lot. Maa-kun, I like you a lot."

Masa: ".....That voice..."

Kamo-san: "You do know it?"

Masa, turning even redder: "......! ----It's Isahaya...."

Horizontal Chain

Tenko: "My sons were always like that. They only had interest in my wealth and status."

Taku: "Your sons?"

Kaya glances at the younger Kozukis who were playing on the indoor merry-go-round and slides and smiles.

Tenko: "The man you saw earlier, my younger son Koori, and Isahaya's father Aira. They were exactly alike. Though I spoke to Koori like that, my older son and his wife weren't much different. Even when I became ill, they pretended to be worried about me but they only wished that I'd expire soon..."

Iruma: "---..."

Kaya: "But that's..."

Tenko: "---That's why I started loaning money. It started with me thinking that I didn't want such transparent sons inheriting anything but......... then I learned the happiness I felt when helping those who really needed money. People I didn't know, instead of distant relatives..." A woman comes in with tea and snacks. "Izumi-san here comes everyday to clean."

Izumi: "But it's the least I could do sir." {At least allow me to do this.} "Since you said I didn't have to pay back the money I borrowed."

The younger Kozuki brothers are now at the table where the snacks are. They start. "......"

Iruma is in the background with tears in the corner of his eyes. "......"

Tsukasa, forcing a smile: "...Sir...?"

Tenko: "What?"

Tsukasa, yelling: "WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN ONLY TO IRUMA-SAN?" {Even going as far to hire yakuza---!}

Sho, Toshi and Tsukasa start booing.

Taku: "Hey! Stop it you guys!"

Isahaya: "STOP IT------!!!"

Tsukasa, who freaked out: "Oh!"

Isahaya: "Grandpa's not bad---! I'm the bad one 'cause I made Grandpa feel lonely---! Grandpa was always alone...! But I forgot to come home---!!" He starts crying.

Iruma: "...Now that I think about it..." {There was such a thing...}

Horizontal Chain

In the past.

A younger Masa: "Dad! This is Isahaya! He's my friend!" {He was playing by himself in the park and I hit on him!}

Even in the past, Isahaya had the stuffed bear.

Iruma: "Where do you live?" He crouches down to Isahaya's level.

Isahaya: "A castle!"

Iruma looks confused.

Narration by Iruma: And then the 2 of them played for hours then fell asleep------...

Iruma, on the phone: "...A... Hello, is this Tenko-san? Um... This is Iruma and......"

Narration by Iruma: ---And soon after, Tenko-san came to pick up Isahaya-kun. Compared to the first time I met him, he looked panicky and dishevelled. ---He must have been desperately looking for Isahaya... ...To Tenko-san, Isahaya-kun meant..........

Horizontal Chain

Iruma starts. "......." {---It was since then... that Tenko-san became harsher with the payments, demanding that his money be returned------...} He looks down. {---...I see...}

Isahaya, sitting in Tenko's lap: "...Sorry Grandpa... I won't go outside without your permission anymore. I won't use Maa-kun to sneak out anymore to see Maa-kun."

A pic shows Isahaya, age 4, squeezing himself through the bars of the gate. Another pic shows Isahaya at age five using the stuffed bear to pry a larger opening between two bars so that he could sneak though.

Isahaya, who's now sitting in his grandfather's lap: "...I won't leave you alone anymore Grandpa......... I'll stay with you until I become an old man too..... So... don't be mean to Maa-kun........... please..." Tears slip from his eyes.

Tenko: {...This child loves me for who I am... The one person who I feel is part of my true family (blood line)---...} "...Then... will you give up the new house you wanted?"

One of the Kozuki brothers: "New house?"

Iruma: "Apparently, he wanted a new house built where our condo is. Said that if we didn't pay the money to give up the land."

Isahaya: "...I overheard from aunt Izumi that Maa-kun had money problems... that he was being bothered by scary men."

Izumi is by the entrance to the room when she notices a presence beside her. It's Masa.

Isahaya: "So... So I wanted to give my house to Maa-kun... That way Grandpa wouldn't need money and Maa-kun wouldn't be bothered by the scary men right......?"

Tenko: {I... I was scared that this child would be taken by Masashi-kun....}

Izumi: "It's hard to go into the room now isn't it~~~?"

Masa looks down and runs his sleeve across his face. "......!" {...Bakayaro------...} "Don't be showing your friendship in such a complicated way." He enters the room, holding the bear by one hand. Behind him, Izumi smiles and Ryuji is standing nearby with his hands in his pockets, looking away from everybody.

Everyone at the table starts. "A!"

Isahaya: "......!"

Tsukasa: "...Ryuji..."

Isahaya hesitates. "......"

Tenko: "---...Isahaya... It's all right. Go on..." He sets his grandchild on the floor.

Isahaya, shaking his head: "...But... My promise..."

Tenko: "He's your first friend right?" The kid nods. {I have this child. But when I die, there will be nobody for him---...} "...As long as you love me forever then it's okay..." {I don't want this child to suffer what I've been through...} He nudges Isahaya away from him. The kids smile.

Horizontal Chain

A few hours later.

Taku: "...E? You rejected the offer of not having to pay back the loan?" Behind him, Toshi and Sho are moving huge Christmas decorations.

Iruma: "...If not then there would have been no reason to defend the place. It's the only dream I have realized... So I want to do something with my own strength."

Taku, Toshi and Sho: {You mean we can stay there? The escalator will just be like stairs and the automatic door will just be like a heavy sliding door?}

"Enough already mister---!"

Taku: "N?"

Seems that Yoko and Koori are back, trying to kidnap Isahaya and Tsukasa is dealing with them.

Koori: "Isahaya! Come with your uncle! I'll buy anything you want!"

But Isahaya had already make his escape and takes refuge in his grandfather's lap.

Tenko: "...What, they're still here.........?"

Taku: "Aren't they persistent~~~"

Tenko: "It's because of them that I don't want to let Isahaya out alone." {I don't know what they'll do otherwise.}

Taku: "Really---..."

Tenko: "Maybe I should hire some yakuza......"

Masa, with thorns in his voice: "If you just want to aggravate them then you shouldn't. Unless you want them to endure kicks that would make you puke and break a rib or two and be imbedded in a pillar on a man made city on the ocean... If you want them killed, then hire some yakuza. Like the rea~~~lly low ones that came to our place."

Tenko blanches: "...... ...You mean... they went that far......"

Masa stares back defiantly. "...... But I'm sure they won't come back again." {Because of the vicious guard dog.}

Text pointing to a small pic of Ryuji: Vicious guard dog.

Tenko, turning to Iruma: "Iruma-san, Iruma-san. Weren't you just being harassed? They used violence?"

Iruma: "Well... Um... a bit..."

Masa: {O~h so it wasn't the old man who ordered the violence~~~} He turns to Isahaya. "Hey, Isahaya."

Isahaya: "What is it, Maa-kun?"

Masa: "From now on, you better become strong enough to protect your grandfather." He takes a piece of gum and puts it in his mouth. "Watch."

Tsukasa is meanwhile trying to herd Yoko and Koori out.

Masa: "Move it! Tsukasa!"

Tsukasa: "E?"

Masa comes skidding to a halt and spits the gum into Koori's face.

Koori: "Guwa!"

Yoko: "Kya! That's dirty!"

Masa then flies into him head first, knocking him out. "Get the heck out of here------!!"

Text pointing to Masa: Bullet boy.

Yoko: "Kya---! Dear---!"

Everyone watches surprised and Isahaya cheers his friend on.

Isahaya: "Wa---! Maa-kun, kakkoii---! I want to do that too---!"

Tsukasa, walking away: "---I swear!! Where did he learn to fight like that!!? Who's he pretending to be!?"

Kamo-san: "I wonder who it is......" {Fu fu fu...} Both he and Bun-san have their eyes on Ryuji.

Ryuji: "......"

Tsukasa: "...A~~a... Too bad eh Ryuji? Since we skipped today, we probably won't get any pay."

Ryuji: "...Oh well......"

Tsukasa: "...... Tr...True. Instead I can enjoy this huge party with my family." She laughs.

Text: Tenko-san's first ever Christmas party where he invited all the neighbours.

Ryuji: "------..." He's expressionless.

Tsukasa: "---... You~~~ Can't you look more happy or something~~~?" {It is that sort of day you know. I feel stupid being the only one who looks happy here!}

Bun-san: {Well what do you expect?}

Tsukasa suddenly thinks of something. "That's it! Maybe you'll be happy after you have a drink! Wait just a sec!" She runs off to get some.

Ryuji: "......"

Bun-san: {Alcohol? The king of discipline is promoting drinking to a minor?} He turns to Kamo-san. "Kamojima-san, she must be really high to not be able to tell good from bad."

Kamo-san: "Ummmm..."

Tsukasa, returned with 2 champagne glasses and they settle down on the floor. "I'll accompany you. Don't tell Kaya-san. It's my first time. On three okay? One, two..." She takes a sip.

Ryuji: "Sorry."

Tsukasa: "......?" She swallows.

Ryuji: "Last night... Sorry for hitting you."

Tsukasa searches back in her memory and recalls being slapped. {Oh, that.} She holds her hands out and shakes her head. "Ryuji-kun, that doesn't count as hitting. Not at all~~~ We engaged in a battle remember? Hitting is like this." She gets up and demonstrates.

Ryuji: "...I can't do that anymore..."

Tsukasa: "E?"

Ryuji: "...I can't... hit you like that anymore............."

Tsukasa: "....... ...Why......?" {...Huh...? ...That's strange... I feel dizzy. Am I standing......? ... I feel like I'm losing strength....} She kind of falls towards Ryuji.

Ryuji: "!!" He catches her as she falls into him. "Hey. Are you drunk!?" {You only had one sip!}

Tsukasa, her words slurred: "Dunno~~~~ Mu~~~~" The way she landed is like she's hugging him.

Ryuji wraps his arms around her: "------... ...Do you... hate me---...?"

Tsukasa: "...Wha~~t...?"

Ryuji: "Do you hate me?"

Tsukasa: "Ha~~? ...Don't I~~ al~~ways show it through my attitude if I hate somebody~~~"

Ryuji: "---... ...Aa..." {...That's true...}

Tsukasa: "...Bu~~~t people I really hate.... I don't stay near them... for even a second~~~~..." She falls asleep in his arms and his eyes go wide open.

Boku wakannai...

Text: He is really confused.

Ryuji: "......" He's holding the sleeping Tsukasa.

Text: He's wondering if he can assume that she doesn't hate him since she's here now.

Tsukasa: "...... ......" He nods to himself.

Text: He assumes it's okay.

Ryuji: "...... ......" He looks down at Tsukasa. "......." Still holding her, he leans over to kiss her.....

Taku: "TSUKASAAAA!!" He comes out of nowhere, smacking her out of Ryuji's embrace, sending her spinning.

Ryuji, for the first time looks VERY surprised.

Kamo-san and Bun-san from around a corner: {Aahh!! Right at a good part!!}

Tsukasa, shaking her head: "W... What? What!?" {Where is this!? What was I doing!?}

Text: No longer drunk.

Taku: "Tsukasa! The Christmas party is going to begin!"

Tsukasa: "E!? Really!? Yeah!" {I've been waiting for this---!} "Let's go Ryuji, let's go!" {Since it's your first time celebrating Christmas!}

Tsukasa's steps falter as she leaves the room.

Taku: "Why are you staggering? You didn't drink did you?"

Tsukasa: "A! J...Just one sip."

Taku, following her: "What?"

Tsukasa: "Why not? Taku-nii, at work I'm sure you,"

Taku: "Don't talk about work!"

Ryuji is disappointed. "......" He glances at the clock. It's 7 pm.

Text: He's seriously thinking that if it were Christmas (December 25th), he wouldn't have been interrupted (since it's the day when you can get away with anything).

Ryuji: "Chi!" He gets up, disappointed.

Kamo-san: "Sandaime.......?"

Ryuji: {I'll save the fun for tomorrow.}

Text: But tonight it's still Christmas Eve. December 24th, 7 pm. So for now... it's Merry Christmas!!

Ryuji is then dragged by Kaya towards the fun.
