Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Hana to Yume
1997 vol. 16; episode no. 24
Translation by Yuki-chan

Kuryugumi's main house.

A Japanese style mansion, but in reality, it's a trick house. There's rumours that there are several secret doors which only the leaders could open. For example...

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Man 1: "Hey, have you heard?"

Man 2: "Yeah, the conflict between the Gold and the Silver Dragon Clans."

Man 3: "And that the Gold Dragon Clan broke our taboo."

Man 1: "The Inverted Cross." [Apparently, only the higher ranked people knew about the existence of these guns until recently.]

Man 1: "I hear that Kuryugumi's at the top of the gokudo in Kanto because of this.'

Man 2: "I've heard it too, but I don't know if it's true or not."

Man 3: "Something about you can rule the world if you had them."

Someone is cutting roses.

Man 1: "...About that kid. I hear he was shot by the Inverted Cross and because of the bad after effects, he's in and out of the hospital."

Man 2: "And since it has to do with an illegal gun, he's in Kuryugumi's private hospital."

Man 3: "What!? He's being treated like one of the upper ranked?"

Man 2: "It's so unfair!"

Man 1: "I don't know what kind of after effects but..."

The bouquet of roses starts moving down the hall.

Man 2: "Oh, I know. For the past 2-3 days, the bleeding wouldn't stop and he almost died from lack of blood."

Man 3: "What? That's different from what I heard. It's the same about the heavy bleeding but then he went on some blood thirsty rampage and bit Sandaime and his close associates... And that he was like some wild beast until they hit him with a tranquilizer."

Men: "....." They're wondering which story is true.

Tsukasa enters, using female language: "...Good morning everybody." She smiles and bows to them politely. "Have a good day." She walks away lady like.

The men freeze into stone statues.

Two other men come by.

Man 4: "Aaah! There are more frozen people here!" Over there, Muko and Shigaraki were hunched over and crying in fear.

Man 5: "What's wrong? What did you guys see?"

[Note on language. Men speak differently from women. For a woman to speak like a man is to be anywhere from tomboyish to vulgar. When a man uses female language, he's usually considered gay. When you go into formal polite mode though, they're practically the same.]

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Tsukasa steps up to a painting illuminated by floor lights. Flipping a switch of some kind on the painting, she seems to disappear...

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Somewhere in the mansion at Kuryugumi's hidden hospital.

As you are aware Sandaime, the bullet used in the Inverted Cross is made from Paramelt which melts in about 1 hour and leaves no trace as long as there's a solvent and heat. The heat from the firing the bullet and human blood is adequate to meet those conditions, but thanks to Kamojima-san's first aid, it prevented the bullet from completely melting. [Recall, Kamo-san had applied an ice bandage over the wound when he first bound her shoulder.]

A woman steps into view, holding a clipboard.

Woman: "...But even in small concentrations, Paramelt is harmful. Since there was a chance it caused damage to internal organs, I gave her a counteragent." She hands the clipboard over to Ryuji. "The Paramelt which was in her system is now harmless. Don't worry. She won't bite trying to suck blood due to blood loss and be violent like a dinosaur on a rampage, and she won't act like a wild beast that needs to be tranquilized to catch." She laughs.

Ryuji has bite marks on his left forearm, left shoulder and right side of the neck.

Kamo-san and Bun-san: "....." They too were bitten.

Woman: "I've heard about your devoted bodyguard but I didn't think she was female." {Are you really keeping her at your side only as a bodyguard?}

Ryuji: "I want to say thanks... but can't you do anything about that?"

Woman: "...That?"

The door opens.

Tsukasa: "Meiko-sensei~~~ © Good morning!" Roses are flying through the air, bouncing off Ryuji and Meiko.

[Note, Meiko is a first name, and sensei = teacher/doctor]

Ryuji: "That."

Tsukasa: "Meiko-sensei, you love roses right~~~? I got these from the greenhouse for you." [There are heart marks after each sentence.]

Meiko looks totally freaked out. In her mind, she still sees Tsukasa as a blood thirsty wild animal. There's a flashback where Meiko is cowering in the back as Kamo-san tries to hold back a thrashing Tsukasa. Kamo-san and Bun-san are bitten, and Ryuji's holding a tranq gun.

Ryuji: "...You think she's joking right?..." {Well, I thought so too.} "... But..." He gets up. "Ah!" Tsukasa turns in the direction he's looking. Within one frame, he manages to strip Tsukasa of her shirt and protector. {She's wearing a tank top underneath.} He puts a hand on her breasts. Tsukasa turns bright red and starts crying.

Tsukasa: "Waaah! I can't get married." She crouches, all in tears.

Kamo-san and Bun-san surround Meiko.

Kamo-san: "This is not normal. She hasn't given a screw punch."

Bun-san: "And the part about getting married is also abnormal."

Meiko: "...Co... Could it be that I administered too much of the counteragent..."

Ryuji, Bun-san, and Kamo-san stare in silence. Then Ryuji does his wicked glare.

Meiko: "Kyaa----! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! But it's the first time I've dealt with Paramelt. I promise! I promise I'll find a way to reverse the effects!" {Don't be so silently angry~~~!} She begs for forgiveness.

Kamo-san: "We're counting on you, for the sake of the people in this world."

Bun-san: "So that we won't have more jizosans in the mansion."

[Jizosan = a stone statue of a man, to which people give offering and prayers]

Back in the halls, the 3 guys are still as stone statues. Another guy comes by and says a prayer in front of them.

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Later that morning.

Kamo-san: "---I sure didn't expect those kinds of after affects."

Ryuji mumbles some kind of response.

Kamo-san: "...Well you can't help it. A foreign substance in her body probably altered the body's mechanism."

Ryuji, looking at a notebook: "For all these years, there's never been a problem. I have to start again from scratch." Ryuji had been keeping a sort of diary on Tsukasa.

Kamo-san: "...Sandaime... It's not like watching a plant grow..." [In grade school, students often have a summer project in keeping a log on the growth of a plant.]

Bun-san enters: "Sandaime, the car is ready."

Kamo-san: "...I wonder what Tsukasa-san is doing. She's usually here by now."

Ryuji: "....."

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In Tsukasa's room. She's standing in front of the mirror, looking at herself. She turns around.

Tsukasa: "Ummmmm.... I want to wear cuter clothes~~~" {Mom, Dad, I prefer sailor uniforms~~~}

Ryuji is almost dying from shock.

Kamo-san: "Sandaime! Are you all right!?" {Ahh, Tsukasa-san isn't Tsukasa-san.}

Tsukasa notices them in the mirror. "Iyaa! What are you doing there Ryuji-kun!? How low of you!" [Remember, this is all in female language.]

Ryuji's so freaked out that you can see his goose bumps through his school uniform. "...This isn't right..."

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At school.

Toshi and Sho: "Tsukasa---!!" They rush at her and move to tackle her as they usually do.

Tsukasa, bowing: "Good morning Toshiyuki-kun, Shohei-kun."

Toshi and Sho, shocked: "...Eh?"

Tsukasa: "Sorry for going out without coming home. I suppose Takuma onii-san must be angry at me." [Oniisan = a polite version of oniichan]

Toshi and Sho: "...Eh...?" {Who is this...?}

Tsukasa: "Will you please tell Takuma onii-san that I'm sorry for making him worry?"

Toshi and Sho: "...Well... sure... It's no problem..."

Tsukasa, brightening up: "Really!? Thanks a lot!! I love you!!" She kisses them both on the cheek.

Kamo-san: "SANDAIME!!!! Let's get out of here before they come to---!!!" Toshi and Sho are in shock and are talking to themselves. Kamo-san, Bun-san and Ryuji start running.

Ryuji: {...This is NOT Tsukasa.} But he picks her up anyway, carrying her over his shoulder. You can see his goose bumps again.

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In class.

Asago: "You're finally here. I heard that your condition wasn't so great so I was thinking of putting flowers on your desk. Too bad I didn't get the opportunity." [A vase of flowers on a student s desk signifies that the student passed away]

Tsukasa: "..... How cruel..." She starts crying, and her classmates look at her as if she's insane. "I've been wondering... but Asago-san..."

Asago: "!!?" { Asago-san!? }

Tsukasa: "Do you... hate me?"

Asago is pictured with tons of caterpillars crawling all over her. "OFF COURSE I HATE YOU!!!" {Stop joking around! It's sick!!!} She slaps Tsukasa across the face.

Tsukasa seems to change. She glares at Asago.

Asago: "W... What? You want to make a deal out of it?"

Tsukasa starts talking in a rough but still feminine manner.

Bun-san: "Ah, (she's) back to normal."

Kamo-san: "No, wait, she still seems a bit strange."

Tsukasa: "I haven't said this up until now but today, I'll say it. I hate you." [This part sounds better in Japanese.]

Veins pop all over Asago. "I'm telling you that I hate you too!!!"

Kamo-san: "...It looks like she has a number of personalities now... What should we do Sandaime..."

Ryuji: "...." {What can we do?}

Tsukasa: "I bet you don't understand why you still have your position as fiancee."

Asago: "What's that supposed to mean!?"

Tsukasa: "...Me... If I tried, I could take whatever I want." She stands in front of Ryuji, and kind of snakes an arm around his head.

Asago is royally pissed now, Ryuji says nothing and looks at Tsukasa in shock.

Asago slaps her again: "So is that what you're really like!? Claiming that you were forced to become a bodyguard but in reality..."

Tsukasa, in tears again: "...H... How cruel of you Asago-san...."

Kamo-san: "...Ah... She's back to sweet Tsukasa-san."

Ryuji: {Darn... again}

Asago: "W... What's with him... Ryuji....?" (-_-;)

Ryuji kind of looks up at the ceiling.

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While at school, Tsukasa overhears news about a new leisure park. New Heaven Tokio - an island with artificial blue sky, artificial beautiful beaches and sunlight without the UV rays. It's advertised as the closest thing to heaven.

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Later at home, Tsukasa is in Ryuji's room trying to convince him to go with her to New Heaven Tokio.

Ryuji: "Why do you want to go there for? You can't even swim."

Tsukasa: "I don't want to swim! I want to wear a cute swim suit and walk along the sandy beaches~~~!!" She had gotten a pair of tickets from someone.

Ryuji, turning on the TV: "...No thanks."

Tsukasa starts whining.

Kamo-san leans over and starts whispering into Ryuji's ear: "...Sandaime... This is probably the only time that Tsukasa-san herself says that she wants to wear a swim suit."

Ryuji, suddenly interested: "...Well, fine if you really want to."

Tsukasa: "Really?"

Ryuji: "... Only..." He takes out a huge mallet out of nowhere and hits her on the head. Tsukasa changes to her other personality. "...If you're my date..." He touches her cheek.

Kamo-san: {...Sandaime... You prefer bitter to sweet?}

Tsukasa: "...Ryuji... Can I stay here and sleep?" Ryuji is surprised at first but not for long.

Ryuji: "...Sure."

Tsukasa: "Really? Then here's a good night ki---ss." Tsukasa puts her arms around Ryuji and moves to kiss him on the lips.

Kamo-san turns red and hold his head in shock. {What-----!?}

Suddenly, Asago comes out of nowhere in a tennis uniform and a racket in her hand. She strikes Tsukasa with it, causing her to change back to her sweet personality.

Kamo-san: {A---ah! It's probably the first and the only time that he would get a kiss from Tsukasa-san... Poor Sandaime.}

Ryuji is crouched on the floor smoking a cigarette and complaining to himself as Asago and Tsukasa are arguing in the background.

The TV is still on and Kamo-san's attention is caught by the current news flash. There's been bombings at several leisure resorts lately, the latest killing 50 and injuring 120. It was believed that it was due to random acts of terrorism.

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Announcer: "Welcome everyone to NEW HEAVEN TOKIO. Five minutes south once you're on the Sea Road, a southern resort you can visit in just one day. The island closest to heaven... You're at New Heaven Tokio."

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Woman, waving her arm wildly: "Hurry, hurry! Why are you walking so slow!? Come on, I got these tickets free!! Why don't you look a bit more excited!?" She's wearing a bikini and has light coloured hair up in a pony tail.

Akira: "...Aah? ...Oh..." He looks a bit spaced out.

Woman: "Come on! It's not often that us lower ranked cops get a day off. We got a break so let's enjoy it!!" She drags him off to the water's edge.

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Kamo-san: "...Sandaime, you've been in the same class as Tsukasa-san since elementary school but you've never seen her in a bathing suit right? So what do you think..."

Ryuji, looking unimpressed, sitting in a beach chair: "...Kamojima... Those clothes don't suit you at all."

Kamo-san: "Eh!?" He and Bun-san had bought clothes at the New Heaven since they would stand out too much in their suits. They're wearing Hawaiian shirts and shorts. Kamo-san does look a bit out of place, while Bun-san looks pretty decent.

A bunch of guys start talking wildly.
"Hey girl, are you alone?"
"You must be alone. No guy would let someone like you walk alone."
"How about some fun with us?"
Ryuji turns.
"We've been here for a few days now so we know every inch of this place."
"There are really cool attractions here. Come on, I'll take you there."

Tsukasa in a bikini, and she stops in front of Ryuji. She's in the 'bitter' Tsukasa mode.

Tsukasa: "Sorry to keep you waiting. How's this swim suit?"

Ryuji: "...Good."

He slips an arm around her waist and kisses her on the head.

Kamo-san and Bun-san are totally freaked.

Bun-san: "Ka... Kamojima-san... Who are those two..." {Is this an image you see just because you're on the island closest to heaven?}

Kamo-san: "Well if Sandaime's happy then we can bend reality a bit."

Ryuji now how has both arms around Tsukasa. He bends over to kiss her on the lips.

Bun-san: "Aahhhh!!! Ka... Kamo-san! That... That----!" He points a finger at Ryuji and Tsukasa.

Kamo-san: "Baka! Don't point! Are you a kid or what?"

But before the kiss happens, Asago comes out of nowhere with a blindfold swinging a huge mallet, sending Tsukasa flying out of sight.

Ryuji: "-----..."

Asago: "That's strange... Where did the watermelon go?"

Ryuji, looking a bit disappointed: "... Asago..."

Asago: "Oh Ryuji, you're here too!? What a coincidence!! There are many attractions here. Let's go around together."

Ryuji: "... Hey..."

Asago, looking a bit worried: "...Am I... in the way...?"

Ryuji: ".....No."

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Somewhere in New Heaven.

Tsukasa: "Ummmm. Where did I come from?" She's in the 'sweet' Tsukasa mode, and looks utterly lost.

The guys from before catch up with her.

"What what!? Where's your man?" {You lost him? Lucky!}

"Come. Let's go. I'll treat you to something."

Tsukasa swings her bag at both of them and takes off running.

Tsukasa: "...Thank god, it doesn't look like they're coming after me."

She suddenly bumps into a man. She apologizes. The guy she bumped into is wearing a hat that says death on it. He glares at her. Tsukasa apologizes again and takes off, grabbing the wrong bag.

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By one of the large pools.

Akira gets out and sits on the edge of the deck.

Akira getting out of the pool

He sighs.

"We got a break so let's enjoy it!" The woman cop's words echo in his mind.

Akira: {A break... Well she actually earned it... But me...}

Akira in skimpy clothing (swimsuit) running his fingers through his hair

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Akira's superior: "What!? You didn't find out anything about the origin of those guns with an inverted cross!?"

Akira: "Yes, it seems like someone purchased them over seas, and that Kasagi himself didn't know where they came from."

Cop: "...Oh. So in short, you didn't find anything about the illegal gun after all. All you got were 2 dead men who were killed by Kasagi's son to cover up any evidence. For all the work you do you sure don't get any results. ...I bet you're tired... How about you take a break for awhile?"

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Akira: {...This is what they mean when they say Here have a break before we fire you. Why don't you go look for a new job. ...} In the past, whenever he felt down, Kozuki Yutaka (Tsukasa's father) used to pat him on the back in encouragement. {...I'm no good anymore Kozuki-san...}

"Iyaaa!" A scream wakes Akira out of his half doze.

Tsukasa: "Stop!! Let go!" She's struggling with the man she bumped into earlier. [She hasn't realized that she took the wrong bag.] "Thief!"

Akira: {Hey... I've seen that girl somewhere... Where was it...} He suddenly recalls seeing her in on stage at Pandora's Box to be sold off as living art. "H... Hey!"

Seeing Akira coming, the man suddenly thrusts Tsukasa back and takes off. It just so happens that they were fighting over the bag at the deep end of a pool (10 m deep). Akira is about to go after the man when Tsukasa loses her balance and falls back into the water.
