Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Hana to Yume
1997 vol. 18, episode no. 26
Translation by Yuki-chan

Echo of Tsukasa's voice in Akira's mind: "It's all right!! You do remember the faces of those you've only seen once!! No matter how a person dresses up, you can see through a disguise!! Believe in yourself!! ...Please... Save everyone..."

Akira: {Eh?} "" {...It must be a joke right...? ...Weren't you a boy... And on top of that... and on top of that... this is too good to be true~~~~~~!!!} He starts panicking and screaming silently [he kind of looks like the kid in Home Alone]. {That Tsukasa's actually a girl-----!!!!!}

He grabs her by the shoulders. "Tsukasa...!? Are you really Tsukasa!?"

Tsukasa, blushing a bit: "Akira-san!!" She slaps both of his cheeks simultaneously. He stops panicking. "Now's not a time to be surprised about my gender isn't it!?"

Another explosion is heard nearby.

Tsukasa: "...Another one went off!!"

Lady cop: "They're going off every 5 minutes!" She holds up the bomb. "Ten more will go off soon!! Go Akira!! You're the only one who knows the terrorist's face!! You're holding the lives of all the people in this dome in your hands!!"

Akira: "..B...But this dome is monstrous! Where do you expect me to find him!?"

Lady cop: "All the people in this dome are gathering in one place! Listen!!"

The P.A. system is blaring, instructing guests to go to the south gate.

Lady cop: "If the terrorist is somewhere in this dome, then he's probably going there!!"

Akira is still doubtful.

A hand comes flying out of nowhere and smacks Akira on the back of the head. [His hair spikes out like a sea urchin.]

Akira turns to see Tsukasa pointing at him.

Tsukasa: "You can do it...!! You can do it. You can do it."

Lady cop: "...What?"


Akira doesn't move.

Tsukasa: {Did it work? The mind control technique from Dad...}

Akira, pictured with flames burning in his eyes: "There's nothing I can't do!!" He has an aura of flames.

Tsukasa, throwing her hands in the air in joy: {Yesss!!!}

Horizontal Chain

Somewhere else in Tokio New Heaven.

P.A.: "All guests, please move towards the main floor south gate. We have boats waiting there."

Kamo-san, nonchalantly: "My, it sounds like they're going to use the emergency boats."

Bun-san, in a bored tone: "...Does that mean that this is a crisis...!?"

Asago: "Two unexplained explosions just happened!! Of course this is a crisis!!"

Kamo-san, Bun-san, Ryuji and Asago are strolling towards the exit as if nothing serious was happening while everyone else is running in panic.

Kamo-san, smiling: "Unexplained... Maybe it's the random acts of terrorism that have been occurring lately?" He laughs.

Asago, angrily: "Don't laugh when you say things like that!!"

Bun-san, sighing: "It's possible. It seems like they're after places where stupid people are drowning in happiness."

Asago, angrily: "Hey! Don't put Ryuji and I on the same level as those people!!"

Ryuji: "...Going to the other world on the island closest to heaven... How hilarious..."

Asago: "Ryuji, it's not a time to be laughing." {Not that you actually are laughing...}

Ryuji: "...Asago."

Asago: "What?"

Ryuji: "Go with Kamojima to safety."

Kamojima: "Sandaime...?"

Asago: "!? Then what about you Ryuji!?"

Ryuji simply turns to leave. "I'm counting on you Kamojima."

Asago suddenly grabs Ryuji by the arm.

Ryuji: "...What's wrong...?"

Asago: "...What's more important? Me or just a bodyguard...!?"

Ryuji stares at her.

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Tsukasa: "...Shi~~~t! We can't have the guy leave by boat! Akira-san! It's full speed through here!!" She had put her wig back on [I'm not sure why though], and transformed into a rabbit Tsukasa's face [with dog's ears?]. She starts whipping through the crowd on all fours.

Akira: "You can't expect me to be able to run full speed through this crowd do you!?" {Especially with my size.}"I can't run between people like an insect!!" He's trying to follow Tsukasa but keeps hitting people.

He pauses while running to think: "Insect...? Is this what they mean when they say someone has the speed of a fly...? I get it now..." He thinks of a fly that seems to taunt him, just out of his reach.

Lady cop: "What about a fly?"

Akira, turns to see her in surprise. "Huh!? What about disabling the bomb!?"

Lady cop: "I'm finished, although the tab didn't come off easily." [The bomb is like a cylindrical container with a tab to cover the ends. There's a display on the outside indicating the number of remaining bombs that will go off before this one explodes.]

Tsukasa is running through the crowd when she hears the sound of crying. {A kid!!}She's pictured with the kid in her teeth like how an animal carries its young.

Tsukasa: {The kid's been stepped on!! You bastard!! To leave a child like this and escape for yourself!! (although I don't know who the hell you are)}

Tsukasa sets the kid down away from the panic driven crowd. "Hey kid, are you okay? Even if you're not okay, just bear with it for now okay? What? Your arms and legs hurt and you can't move? Just bear with it." {You're a boy aren't you?}

Voice: "...Even as a boy, when you feel pain it hurts... He is small..."

Tsukasa looks up behind her to see Akira.

Akira: "He probably lost his parents. We're going in the same direction anyway, let's take him too."

Tsukasa, a bit surprised: "...You mean... it's okay...?"

Akira: "...Of course..."

Tsukasa: {---I thought that because it's a time like this... that he'd say to leave the kid behind.....} She turns to the kid. "Okay, here, I'll carry you." But Akira picks the kid up and puts him on his own shoulders. "Akira-san! But you have a job to do!"

Lady cop: "That's right Akira!"

Akira: "I'm not weak enough to not be able to do my work carrying a small child like this. Let's go."

Tsukasa smiles. "Hey kid, I'll hold that for you." The kid is carrying a bag too big for himself.

The kid shakes his head though. "...Mom said she wanted this... So I'm going to give it her..."

Tsukasa, looking confused: "... Hmmmmm....."

Horizontal Chain

At the other end of the sea road (on mainland).

Cop 1: "What wrong?"

Cop 2: "It looks like the first explosion ripped the bridge apart."

Cop 3: "...To go or leave from New Heaven, there's only the one bridge. We can't get there from land." Another bomb goes off.

Bystanders on the bridge: "Another explosion!"

Cop ?: "It looks like the bombs are going off every 5 minutes!"

Cop 2: "...Destroy the route out first and slowly kill the people inside. It's like the terrorist bombing that happened in Tokyo II." [I think Tokyo II is one of the resorts that have been bombed recently.]

Cop 1: "...It's not similar. It's identical... Last time there were bombs that didn't go off and people could escape but this time it's different. That's now an isolated island floating on the sea. If we can't do anything about it soon, then the casualties in the Tokyo II event won't even compare to this one....."

Horizontal Chain

Back at Tokio New Heaven. The emergency doors suddenly shut.

"Iyaaaaa! Why do you shut it-------!!"
"Isn't it supposed to shut when people stop going through it!?"
"Open up!!!"

People are screaming in panic, pounding on the door. The sprinkler system is now on, making things worse.

Akira: "...The control room must have been hit with the 3rd explosion!"

Lady cop: "And just ahead of this is a shelter station!!!"

Akira: "...If the control room's down, ... doesn't that mean that the bombs are coming this way...?"

Lady cop: "Now that you mention it!!!" The bombs have been going off in a line, leading them to the south exit (where they are now).

Lady cop, blanching: "...Does that mean... that we're stuck in here where the next bomb will go off...?"

There's the sound of someone punching something and a loud scream that freaks everyone out.

Tsukasa, here voice shaking: "Ah... I'm sorry. I thought that if I broke it that we could get out..." She had punched at a glass window, [though I don't know what's on the other side... By the way, it seems like Tsukasa is left handed.]

Lady cop, angrily: "Of course it wouldn't break!!!"

Tsukasa wilts to the floor in dismay.

Lady cop: "What's with that girl anyway! She's so unserious!"

Tsukasa: {But... it's my fault that everyone is trapped here... Because of my carelessness. If I can get everyone out of here safely then...}

Akira: "...This is undoubtedly what the terrorist planned in the first place... To blow up the people who no longer have a place to run."

Tsukasa glances around and notices a sign to the 2nd floor, labelled Water Heaven. She gets up.

Lady cop, talking to herself: "The terrorist can probably tell the order in which the bombs explode, which means that with the first bomb, he probably went straight for the emergency boats..."

Akira, also thinking aloud: "To blow up everyone, you'd have to set the bomb...You can't get into here [emergency routes] unless in an emergency!"

Lady cop: "Not here!? Then..."

Lady cop and Akira: {It must be right above us!!!}

Horizontal Chain

Upstairs. Tsukasa meets another door that opens with a security code. She starts panicking and yelling to herself.

Tsukasa: "Bakayaro!!! Open!! Don't be busted!! There's no time for that---!!!!" {That's right, there's no time!!} "Fine!!" She tries to punch out the display, but hurts herself instead. [Her arm is pictured as breaking like glass.] {If my left's shot, there's still my right!! I'll give up one or both of my arms if I can...}"OPEN!!!!!"

Akira catches her arm: "Baka! Don't be so reckless!!"

Tsukasa: "!! But!! Time!! Everyone...!!" She has tears in her eyes.

Akira: "I know!! I'll do it!!! Take the kid."

Tsukasa, sniffling, takes the kid's hand. She notices they're covered in something. {...Sand...?}

In one move, Akira manages to punch out the security lock and pries the doors open.

Tsukasa, blanching: {W...Wow... With one blow... A monster...!! But...} She remembers his smile. {...He's really sweet...}

Akira: "Tomioka, let's go!!" [I hope I'm reading it right, but I think Tomioka is the last name of the lady cop.]

Smoke pours out of the open door, and some girls stumble out.

Tsukasa: {People still inside!!? They couldn't get out in time!!} "Hurry, over here..." She grabs one of their hands, and notice they're covered in sand as well. She pauses, recalling the conversation she had with the kid.

Horizontal Chain

Kid: "...Mom said she wanted this..... So I'm going to give it to her."

Tsukasa: "...Hmmmm. And what are you going to give her?"

Kid: "...A clock... ...A very big clock... It came from under the sand."

Horizontal Chain

Realization strikes her. "Akira-sa-----n!!!"

Akira: "!? What's wrong!?"

Tsukasa: "This!!" She holds up the bomb that came out of the kid's bag.

Akira: "!!!"

Tomioka: ".....! Th...That's the one that's going to go off next!!"

?: "There's less than 10 seconds!!!"

Akira: "Pass it here!!"

Tomioka: "It's too late Akira!" 7 seconds left. "The tab doesn't come off that easily!!" 6 seconds left. "It'll blow up before you cut the cords!" 5 seconds left.

4 seconds. Akira grabs the bomb.

3 seconds. The people nearby are frozen in fear.

2. Tomioka holds her hands to her mouth in fear.


Tsukasa grabs the kid in attempt to shield him. {It's too late-----!!!}

Another explosion rips through Tokio New Heaven.
