Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Hana to Yume
1998 vol. 1, episode no. 32
Translation by Yuki-chan

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Echo of the last episode.

Kamo-san: "---Sandaime has chosen you...... Next month there is the official announcement of the engagement......"

Tsukasa: {...Engagement...? ---Ryuji and Asago......?}

Asago: "......I don't like the fact that the one who's always by Ryuji's side is a girl!! I don't know when he's (she's) going to try to take my Ryuji!!"

Kamo-san looks at her funny.

Tsukasa: {...Hai...?}

Asago: "True, Ryuji has chosen me but... but...!" {---He didn't answer me then---}

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Flashback back at New Heaven.

Ryuji: "---Asago, ... you have something you want to say to me don't you..."

Asago: "...!"

Ryuji: "...Say it......"

Asago: "...Ryuji... Why did you go back to save him (her)......? Why did you make me escape first......!?"

Ryuji: "...I didn't want you to get into a dangerous situation."

Asago: "WHY!? I'm the girl to become your wife! It's my job to protect my husband, and to have myself taken to safely doesn't make me happy!! Instead of being left alone in a life or death situation, I'd rather be told to die with you!!" Kamo-san and Ryuji look on silently. "...Sometimes... I don't understand... When I see you like how you are today... it makes me uneasy... It's like......! It's like you like him (her) better than me!!"

Ryuji, looking surprised: "!! ...What are you talking..."

Asago: "You're saying it's not true!? Then show me!! Show me that I'm more special to you than him (her)!!"

Ryuji: "---..." He pats her on the head and pulls her into a hug. "...I didn't think you were thinking like that... ...I'm sorry......"

Asago: "...Do you me......?"

Ryuji: "...Aah..." [He's not avoiding the question, but actually moaning in agreement.]

Asago: "...More than him (her)......?"

Ryuji doesn't answer right away.

Kamo-san: "......"

Ryuji: "---Asago...... you're the one I need---..."

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Back in the classroom.

Asago: {---That time, Ryuji didn't answer my question directly. ...That's why I'm even more worried... to leave him (her) by Ryuji's side...} She pouts.

Kamo-san: "A--- Asago-san...? I understand your feelings well, but could you at least let them talk as friends? That way, you would see it more like 'conversing with a bodyguard', like how Shibuya and I speak with Sandaime..."

Tsukasa has her ear on the door by now. {...Hmm. I thought that Ryuji was being girly or something but it was Asago pulling his strings huh? I~~~ get it now.} Picture of Ryuji being controlled by marionette strings controlled by Asago.

Asago: "...Fine... I can allow just that."

Kamo-san lets out a sigh of relief.

Asago, with her arms crossed: "But only if I don't see any feelings of love between him (her) and Ryuji!! But if he (she) ever sees Ryuji through a girl's eyes, then when that happens even if the whole Kuryugumi has repulsion against me, I'll have her him (her) quit being Ryuji's bodyguard!!"

Tsukasa: "!! Wait a minute!!!" She suddenly enters the room, surprising Asago and Kamo-san, and points accusingly at Asago. "What the hell! I listen quietly and all I hear is you talking about this nonsense!! And on top of that something idea about having me quit being Ryuji's bodyguard!! I'm friends with Ryuji!! You think I'd ever become like what you were saying before Asago-----!!"

Asago snickers: "...People's feelings change."

Tsukasa: "No they won't! No matter what, Ryuji and I are just friends!! Nothing more, and nothing less than that!!"

Asago: "...Can you promise that!?"

Tsukasa: "I can."

Asago, hands on her hips: "If you break that oath, I'll have you gone from Ryuji's sight without mercy."

Tsukasa: "Sure, sure. I'll disappear, I'll disappear. I'll disappear far enough that Ryuji's eyes can't see."

Asago: "You said it. Then here, write up your oath!" Asago slams her hand on a desk for emphasis.

Tsukasa: "Sure. I'll write it in big enough letters that you can see it clearly from 100 m away!" Seems like she wrote it in marker.

Kamo-san: {A...Aaaaaaa--}

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Somewhere else in the school. Ryuji's sitting on a bench (alone of course). Tsukasa's words echo in his mind. '---I'm no longer friends or anything with you. I'll cut this tie just as you wish!!'

Ryuji pulls out another cigarette. Bun-san leans over with the lighter.

Bun-san: "---What a problem with Asago ojyousan...... to be so selfish like that towards you...... I wonder if she's fit for the position of seisai if she continues to be like that......"

Ryuji: "...She had better fit the role, because Kuryugumi wants her to be the seisai."

Bun-san: "...True......" {---That Asago-san becomes the seisai is approved by everyone. Because of Asago-san, there's no feud among the clans over this seisai business. ---To Kuryugumi, Sandaime's personal feelings mean next to nothing---}

Asago: "Ryu~ji. Sorry to keep you waiting." She comes and leans over, kissing him on the cheek. Ryuji then pulls her forward, then kisses her on the lips. [???]

Ryuji: "...What were you talking about with Kamojima?"

Asago: "E?" She snickers. "...Nothing... It was nothing." She laughs to herself, and slips her arm under Ryuji's.

Kamo-san, sighs: {---...}

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At the Kozuki residence.

Konyaku: (noun or verb) To formally promise of marriage. Such a promise.

Tsukasa is sitting at the table, staring at the screen of her laptop silently.

Toshi, from the next room, combing his hair: "Tsukasa, did you look up the meaning of 'konmou'!?"

Tsukasa, slapping her own head: "Konmou, konmou, konmou!! 'An earnest request'!!" The two words are on the same screen. Toshi repeats those words, in attempt to remember it.

Taku: "Toshi, we're leaving soon."

Toshi: "O... Okay."

Taku: "......Tsukasa."

Tsukasa: "N?"

Taku comes closer to where she is: "...Is Kise-san coming today?" [Kise-san is Akira, in case you've forgotten his last name.]

Tsukasa: "...Umm... I think he has something to do today..."

Taku: "... H~~~m."

Tsukasa: "What about it?"

Taku, smiling: "Is he coming tomorrow?"

Tsukasa: "I wouldn't know that!" {I haven't asked him.}

Taku walks away grumbling, as Toshi calls out telling him to hurry.

Tsukasa: {...What was that all about...} She glances back at the laptop screen. "---..." {Maybe it's really a shock to me---... That's strange... I knew about them being engaged. Even in the beginning the seisai candidate in my mind thought of Asago as being 'the one to become Ryuji's bride'...... I thought I knew that...... ...But then why does the word 'engagement' seem to grow bigger in my head...... ---This is almost like... as if I'm against Ryuji and Asago being engaged......} She starts and gets up all of the sudden, yelling to no one in particular. "NO!! I'm not thinking that at all---!!! This is probably because I'm home alone that I think such strange things!! This is annoying!! I'm going to study at Masa's place!!"

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Somewhere in the darkness.

Footsteps approach.

An automatic sliding door opens, letting light into the room. A person with short hair is silhouetted against the light.

Ryuji is sitting on the floor in the dark room, looking down.

The figure, is a very luminescent Tsukasa.

Tsukasa: "...What are you doing...? In such a dark place."

Ryuji looks up at her.

Tsukasa: "...Come, let's go." The figure of Tsukasa stretches out a hand towards him.

Ryuji: "---..." His hand twitches, but he clenches his fist and he pulls it back.

Tsukasa: "...H~~~~m... Then fine, see if I care......." She turns to leave.

Ryuji: "!! ...! Wait!" He gets up and grabs her shoulder.

Tsukasa: "---Don't touch me. Don't touch me as if we're friends." She turns to glare at him.

Ryuji's eyes open wide in surprise. Tsukasa then shoves him back [again].

Ryuji starts, and snaps out of his dream. His eyes are wide in surprise. He's sitting on a couch, and kicks at the table in front of him. "---..."

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The next day at school.

Asago appears in front of Tsukasa with her arms crossed.

Tsukasa, looking at her strangely: "...... I know I kno~~~w. I remember. Do you think I'd forget something that happened yesterday!?" {God, you're so persistent!}

Asago, looking at her with piercing eyes: "...I'll really do it. If you break your oath, I'll kill your brothers first...!" [And to think this is coming out of the mouth of a 14 year old...]

Tsukasa turns serious, and glares at Asago: "...I won't break it. For sure." {Of course I won't. I'm Ryuji's friend!! That's right. So I'm going to congratulate him on their engagement, after I apologize... since I'm avoided by everyone in the class...} She notices Ryuji sitting on a nearby bench and smiles brightly.

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Ryuji takes out another cigarette.

Kamo-san: "Sandaime, again..."

Ryuji: "Shut up!"

Bun-san leans over with the lighter, lighting the cigarette.

Kamo-san: {...Aah... How much longer is this going to continue? It looks like he's going through days without decent rest. At this rate Sandaime will become sick.} He starts getting restless. {...Tsukasa-san... what are you doing? After making a foolish vow with Asago-san... Hurry up and do or say something baka to cheer up Sandaime~~~}

Tsukasa pops out of nowhere, smiling: "Ryuji-kun." She's lying on the floor under the bench and comes up under Ryuji, waving. This is labelled as 'a baka action'. The cigarette falls out of Ryuji's mouth.

Bun-san, shocked: "Ah!"

Kamo-san: {Oohhhh!! Tsukasa-san!!!} He smiles broadly.

Ryuji looks shocked. [Yes, actually deformed.]

Tsukasa: "Sorry to intrude here, but please understand..." This is labelled as 'baka words'. "It is in my heart to hope that we can be friends again so that I can be forgiven for greeting you like this with such poor manners." She drags herself out from underneath the bench.

Ryuji: {---...E...?}

Tsukasa: "...I'm sure you had your reasons... And yet I still didn't think and got all mad like that... It was bad of me, ...I'm sorry." She gets up and wipes the dust on her hands on the back of her pants. She then extends her hand out toward Ryuji, somewhat shyly. "I take back what I said before."

Ryuji looks at her in surprise, but recalls the dream he had. He slowly takes her hand... and SMILES!!! [Yes, this is the first time Ryuji actually smiled. It shocked me quite a bit.]

Ryuji smiling!!!

Tsukasa: {---E...} Her heart beats louder. {---E...---E...? Huh...?} Ryuji squeezes her hand. {What...!? What is this!!?} She suddenly whips her hand out of the handshake, and blushes a bit.

Asago, who's watching nearby with her arms crossed: "?"

Tsukasa: {---What's this...! What's gotten into me---!!!}

Ryuji: "?"
