Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Hana to Yume
1998 vol. 11, episode no. 40
Translation by Yuki-chan
Images provided by Venkarel

Tsukasa protecting Asago
Cover of Episode No. 40

The 4 girls introduce themselves.

"I'm the Purple Dragon Clan's Kyuragi Hitomi."

"I'm the White Dragon Clan's Usui Mamiko."

"I'm the Red Dragon Clan's Kawazoe Kumi."

"I'm the Green Dragon Clan's Mooka Mirei."

Hitomi: "It's been awhile. Do you remember us Sandaime?" They all smile at Ryuji. He's wearing a hakama and a haori, the male equivalent of a kimono. [It's the most formal wear for men in Japan.]

Ryuji: "...Aah..." He turns to glare at Kyuragi, Usui, Kawazoe and Mooka, the heads of Purple, White, Red and Green Dragon Clans respectively. "...... ...I don't remember hearing that your daughters would be present as well."

Kyuragi: "...We~ll..."

Hitomi: "Sandaime, we didn't mean that. ...We just came to support Asago-san. Right---© Asago oneesama?"

Asago starts: "...Th... That's right...!" She looks nervous.

Tsukasa, in dog form catches Asago's stutter. "...Is that right~~~" {...Something's fishy... Really fishy!! Those girls!! Do you really think the girls of those men who are trying to use Asago to get their daughters to become Ryuji's kage no seisai would come here just to support Asago!? Today's oriai no gi is an important ceremony to promise good relations between Sakahogigumi and Kuryugumi. ...Those men.....} She recalls the words she overheard yesterday.

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"---Well. It will be after tomorrow's 'oriai no gi' when one of our daughters will be chosen as the most worthy of Sandaime......"

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Tsukasa: {I bet that they're going to bring up that matter if Asago screws up.}

Tsukasa, changing into Kyuragi, and holding her (his?) head in panic: "Aah!! How could you!! That you're so clumsy at such an important ceremony!!"

Tsukasa, impersonating Usui: "Sumon's kashira said that it would be okay so we were trusting you!!"

Tsukasa, impersonating Kawazoe: "At this rate can Asago-jyo protect Sandaime much less herself? We are worried!"

Tsukasa, impersonating Mooka, with a fist clenched: "Sandaime! Should you not put Asago-jyo under the protection of a bodyguard!!!?"

Tsukasa, shaking her head: {...Or something to that extent. ...Well... That's only if Asago screws up. But Asago should be okay. She's not the type to break under pressure anyways...} Tsukasa watches as the Kuryugumi members are led away to where the oriai no gi will take place.

Asago in a kimono. Asago, holding her left arm: "..."

Tsukasa catches this. {...E...? ---She's worried about... ---...Her left hand...? Why...? ...If she's worried about something wouldn't it be your right.........? ...Asago...!?}

She watches as Asago and Ryuji walk by. Tsukasa catches Hitomi smiling very slyly.

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As they are walking to the ceremony room.

Ryuji: "---Asago, what's wrong........."

Asago, startled: "...E!? What...!?"

Ryuji: "...You don't look well..."

Asago: "R... Really!? No way... I may be a bit nervous...!"

Ryuji: "... ...Did those guys do something..."

Asago: "Nothing!"

Ryuji: "......"

Asago: {...A...} "...R... Really, they just came to cheer me on." {And I got flowers too!} "Don't worry! It's okay......!" She holds her left arm. {---...It's okay...}

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In the ceremony room.

Sakahogi, bowing formally: "---We will now begin the oriai no gi between Sakahogigumi and Kuryugumi."

Ryuji and Asago are sitting facing Sakahogi. The kumiin from both kumis are sitting on the sides. [By the way, everyone is seated on the floor.]

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Somewhere else in the hotel. [Actually the first floor of the Berdan Hotel according to the sign.]

Yuuwa: "...A~~~ah. What's this. And I thought I would get to see the oriai no gi~~~~~~"

Sakahogi had said to Yuuwa and Minobu earlier that: "No kids are allowed!! It will end soon so wait on the first floor." {Since there's lots of places to play, okay?}

Yuuwa: "How boring."

Looks like Yuuwa and Minobu are wandering around the entrance to a restaurant. The waitresses are wearing really short skirts, sleeveless tops and high heel boots that go up to their thighs. They also have this circular thing on their backs and a hair band with antennae to make them look like... snails...

Minobu: "...Hey... Yuuwa..."

Yuuwa: "Huh?"

Minobu: "...Kozuki-san...... is here... right..."

Yuuwa: "...A~~~ Well he's Ryu aniki's bodyguard so most likely~~~~~~ ...! Minobu you!!" [He's referring to Tsukasa.]

Minobu: "E...!?"

Yuuwa: "It's the first time you've shown in interest in a guy other than me!?"

Minobu: "E!?"

Yuuwa: "Is that right!! Is that righ~~~t!! You're finally separating from me~~~!" He seems pleased.

Minobu, panicking: "N! No! No! Minobu didn't mean that...!" {Minobu's going to become your bride!}

Yuuwa, all smiles: "Yeah yeah~~~" He suddenly points. "A! Kozuki Tsukasa!!"

Minobu, blushing: "E!?"

A waitress starts all of the sudden and a plate clatters to the ground.

Yuuwa is pointing just past the waitress. "...E?"

Minobu looks perplexed.

A voice is heard from a tiny transmitter in the shape of a snail, on the uniform of the waitress. "Hey---! Our order's not here yet-! What are you doing---!!"

The waitress, who is actually Tsukasa: "Y! Yes right away---!!" She picks up the huge plate [which was a pizza that fell face down on the floor] and starts running. She's wearing one of the waitress outfits I described earlier and is wearing a long, dark wavy haired wig. [She must be wearing make up as well 'cause she looks older.]

Minobu, pointing: "...Yuuwa... That person just picked up the pizza that fell on the floor..."

Yuuwa: "Minobu? The waitresses here are all androids so they aren't 'people'."

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Somewhere else in the restaurant.

One of the girls: "---Still. Will Sumon Asago-san fail properly?"

One of the girls: "Wouldn't she?"

Hitomi, with food by her mouth: "...She will!!"

Mamiko: "A! Hitomi-san, there's natto by your lips...!!" [Natto = fermented soy beans... I know it sounds sick, but it's a Japanese food. It's really sticky and it's supposed to be good for you, though I know a lot of people don't like it...]

Hitomi: "Oh my! I almost missed eating the best part!!"

Mirei: "You must be more careful~~~"

Tsukasa, is clutching her stomach and holding her other hand over her mouth. Her antennae are even drooping.

Text: It's a natto pizza, and on top of that, it fell on the floor.

Tsukasa, leaning on a wall: {I wish they'd hurry up and say what you're planning behind those smiles.}

Hitomi: "...Asago oneesama better fail because this is the last chance for me who's loved Sandaime to make Sandaime my man!!" {I knew Asago oneesama's abilities before and I backed off!! But...! But now...!!}She has her hands clasped and her eyes are really huge... Tsukasa's antennae lean closer to the foursome sitting there to "hear" better.

Tsukasa: {...What...? My man...?}

Text: That phrase seemed to catch her attention.

Hitomi: "...Aa... I'll always remember the moment when I became Sandaime's prisoner, the way his sleeping face looked so cute though he's always expressionless...!"

Tsukasa: "Whaaat!?" She suddenly barges in. The antennae are pointing straight up.

The four girls looks at her strangely: "...... ......"

Tsukasa: "...A. Sorry, I...!!" She looks really cute all of the sudden and the antennae are drooping again. {Sleeping face...? Sleeping face you say!? ...Ryuji...! He let a person other than me see his unguarded sleeping face.........!? That girl saw his sleeping face too...!? ...What's that supposed to mean...!!} Tsukasa feels anger welling up in her. {Wasn't I the only one who's seen Ryuji's sleeping face!!?}

One of the girls: "Look! The reisui has been passed from Sakahogi kumicho to Sandaime!" [Reisui = literally means "water of thanks"]

One of the girls: "Aa! Sandaime!" The girls have a pocket monitor and are watching the ceremony [though I don't have a clue of how they got a video camera in there...]. Ryuji just took a sip of the water.

Hitomi: "How wonderful.......!!"

Mamiko: "It's finally Asago oneesama's turn!"

Kumi: "Will she fail properly!!?"

Tsukasa, watching them with evil eyes: "..."

Hitomi: "...Not to worry... ...That anesthetic... works immediately so... Right now, Asago oneesama's left side probably feels as heavy as lead---"

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In the ceremony room.

Ryuji glances at Asago and whispers: "...Asago...? What's wrong......!?"

Asago: "...... A... A ha... M... My leg seems to have fallen asleep........."

Sumon, pointing at the sambo: "Asago!! What are you doing!! Hurry and pass the sakazuki back to Sakahogi's kumicho!!" [Sambo is a tray on a hollow wooden box. It's used to present food etc. on very special occasions. Sakazuki = literally means "wine/victory cup". In this case, the cup is very shallow, almost like a shallow bowl. You see them used in weddings. By the way, they're not drinking wine but water.]

Asago, glancing back at her father: {...I know...!!}

All of the kumiin are watching as Asago lifts the sambo to return it to Sakahogi.

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Back in the restaurant.

Hitomi: "---As if it's not her body. ---She shouldn't be able to move it very well---"

Tsukasa: {---...Th...! These guys......!!}

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The people in the ceremony room look on in shock as the sambo crashes to the floor and the water is spilled.

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In some other room.

A fist slams down on the table.

Kyuragi: "What is this!! That she could be so clumsy during an important ceremony like today's!!"

Usui: "Sumon's kashira said that everything was all right so I thought I could relax and leave matters in your hands!!"

Sumon: "Normally Asago wouldn't blunder in a situation like that!!"

Usui: "But she did!!"

Sumon: "Th...! That's because your daughters......!" He starts as he recalls his daughter's words.

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Asago: "Please father...! Don't tell Ryuji about this......!!"

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Sumon: "......!"

Ryuji: "..."

The clan heads start voicing their opinions loudly: "Can Asago-jyo protect herself much less Sandaime?"

"We are worried!"

"Sandaime! If you refuse to change the seisai candidate, then should you not at least assign Asago-jyo a bodyguard!!?"

Sumon: "!!" He turns his head to face Ryuji.

Ryuji: "...This isn't the place to decide such a thing right now!"

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In the hotel lobby.

Asago is sitting on a bench, and is clenching and relaxing her left fist. "---..."

Tsukasa, who is still in the waitress uniform, but minus the hair band: "...I heard that since it was fast-acting the fact that it doesn't last long is its bad point."

Asago: "!!" She whirls at the sound of the voice.

Tsukasa, with her hands on her hips: "...Yo. Looks like it was a disaster......"

Asago doesn't look impressed: "...That voice... ...It's baka-zuki right..." [By the way, Asago calls Tsukasa by her last name, Kozuki.]

Tsukasa: "...Huh...? Y... yeah."

Asago beckons her over to where she's sitting: "Come here a second..."

Tsukasa: "..." {...Could it be... that if I go now she might smack me... Uw~a that's possible, the way she's looking now. Oh... well... I'm used to it already...... She's probably really pissed now too.}

Asago: "...Baka-zuki."

Tsukasa: "Hai." Tsukasa pulls her hair [well from the wig] away from her face.

Text, with the arrow pointing: Preparing for the blow.

Asago: "...Hit me."

Tsukasa has dots for eyes: "...Huh...?"

Asago: "I'm saying hit me!"

Tsukasa: "Why...?"

Asago: "Because!! I screwed up today in the middle of an important ceremony!! Sakahogi's side said that there was nothing to worry about but in reality, this would have started caused an even wider split between Kuryugumi and Sakahogi!! An though I've made such a miss, Ryuji didn't get angry with me!!"

Tsukasa: "...Well isn't that because he knows about what those clans' daughters..."

Asago: "He doesn't! I haven't told him!!"

Tsukasa, suddenly getting hot: "W. Why didn't you say something? That's cheating!! No cheating is too mild, that's low for a person!!" {That's dirty! That's too dirty!} "I hate those types of people who seem to have 2 side the most!!"

Asago, looking suspicious: "...You... are pretty hot about this... Are there some personal feelings in that statement......?"

Tsukasa, starting: "...E...?" {No... I didn't...} "Forget that, shouldn't you tell Ryuji about this!!?"

Asago: "Never!!"

Tsukasa: "Why!?"

Asago: "...Because, I knew...! As soon as they came by the dressing room, I knew they were planning something. But......!"

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Flashback of what happened back in the change room.

Hitomi: "I'm the Purple Dragon Clan's Kyuragi Hitomi. Nice to meet you."

Mamiko: "I'm the White Dragon Clan's Usui Mamiko."

Kumi: "I'm the Red Dragon Clan's Kawazoe Kumi."

Mirei: "I'm the Green Dragon Clan's Mooka Mirei."

Asago: {...White, Red, Purple, Green!! I've heard a lot from father about them, that there were others who like me were raised to be Ryuji's seisai...! These guys......!!} "..."

Hitomi: "My! You're cautious Asago oneesama. That's right... a gokudo woman must be that way......! Because you don't know where someone's setting a trap right!! For example, A! Asago oneesama, can you hold the flowers for a minute?"

Asago: "E...!?" She puts her arms out as the flowers are pressed into them. She feels something pricking her left arm. "...Wh... What...!!" Asago whips her arm away, sending the flowers flying.

Hitomi: "...A ---It's all right. Don't worry. It's just a local anesthetic. For a few minutes your left side will be paralyzed ©" She's holding up her right hand, in which she has a palm sized contraption that both held and delivered the anesthetic.

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Tsukasa: "...... ...And while they were saying it........." {How embarrassing...}

Asago, red in the face: "That's why I'm saying that I can't tell Ryuji---!!! ...And on top of that...!"

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Mirei: "Still, that she'd let herself be shot like this so easily."

One of the girls: "If this wasn't an anesthetic but poison, what would she have done?"

Kumi: "With so many openings you would be called a disqualification to become the seisai~~~~~~"

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Asago: "...That's what they said!! It's exactly like that---!!!" {How vexing---!} She's sitting on the floor [maybe on Tsukasa] and is pounding Tsukasa (who's also lying on the floor) with her right arm.

Tsukasa: "OWWWWWW" {Don't hit me with your right---!}

Asago: "So why the heck does that gaki have to be my bodyguard---!!"

Tsukasa, cautiously: "...Asago... You heard... that story......!"

Asago: "I did!!"

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Hitomi: "---No matter how unreliable or a how much of a disqualification they say you are, from today, I'll be your bodyguard so it's all right~~~"

The other girls cheer and applaud.

Asago: "!? Hey!! What are you saying!!"

Hitomi: "Oh, Asago oneesama, haven't you heard from your father?"

Asago: "...E...?"

Hitomi: "Oneesama, if you mishap during the ceremony, then I'm to become your bodyguard."

Asago: {...I... I was set up......!!}

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Asago, crying on her hands and knees: "I hate myself~~~!!! How disgraceful!!"

Tsukasa, sitting on the floor: {Um~~~} "...Asago...?"

Asago, suddenly raising her head: "That's why I'm saying hit me---!!"

Tsukasa: "...Is that all you heard...?"

Asago: "..." She looks up at Tsukasa.

Tsukasa: "..." {?}

Asago: "...You... seem to know a lot..."

Tsukasa: "...E...!?"

Asago: "...What...!?"

Tsukasa: "E?"

Asago: "What else is there...!? What are they planning while assigning me a bodyguard......!!" Passers-by look down at them.

Tsukasa is crawling away, and Asago is following her. "...E...!?" {A~~~...} "...... ......" Tsukasa recalls the words she overheard in the conversation between the clan heads. {...I can't say that... at a time like this... She's already sensitive about the 'legend of Hogou's seisai'...... It may be like asking to be killed......} Tsukasa is lying face down, and is thinking with her head in her arms. Asago is yelling at her sitting on the floor behind her.

Tsukasa: {---...But... That's right... Now that I think about it, like Asago says, if they're really going to assign a bodyguard, then instead of hiring that kind of gaki, they should hire an older more experienced one.} She starts, and gets up all of the sudden. {AAA!! That's it!!}

Asago: "!?"

Tsukasa: {It's dark at the foot of the candle!} [I've never heard that expression before but it was in the dictionary...] {There's one right close by, a person that's more mature and better than that gaki!!} "Asago." She grabs Asago's arm.

Asago: "E?"

Tsukasa: "Come!!"

Asago: "Wh! What---!"

Tsukasa starts running, pulling Asago by the arm.

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Ryuji and the clan heads leave the room [where ever they were], with Ryuji in the lead.

One of the clan heads: "Sandaime!"

Ryuji: "I'm saying that's enough about that. Even if Asago needs a bodyguard, why do I have to choose out of your daughters? They're still in middle school, or high school at the most!! They're too young!"

The White, Red, Green and Purple clan heads: "Sandaime you have a bodyguard the same age as you!!" {And on top of that, an honest person!!} [By the way, when they speak of Tsukasa being an honest person, I mean that she's a law abiding citizen.]

Ryuji stops dead in his tracks: "!!" {...No...!! I completely forgot about that!} He starts sweating. {Shit...! If they ask about that...!}

Ryuji pictures the clan heads with Tsukasa tied up in their arms, saying that "If you ignore our requests, then we'll have you say good bye to this gaki!!" They're all wearing shades and look evil.

Ryuji: {I can't do anything......!!}

Kyuragi [I think]: "...So Sandaime, seeing is believing. How about assigning one of our daughters to Asago-jyo for awhile...?"

Ryuji pictures Tsukasa, in dog form being held by the scruff of the neck by Kyuragi. The dog is whining...

Ryuji: {...U...}

Voice: "...Wait a minute~~~ Can you not leave me out of important things like this---?"

Kyuragi, and the other clan heads: "? !?"

Ryuji: "!?"

Tsukasa, the owner of the voice: "...Don't kid me. I can't leave my cute Asago in the hands of those middle school or high school gakis." She has her hand around Asago's head, and is using 'female' language.

Asago: {...Cu...} "Hey! What are...!"

See description to the right Tsukasa turns Asago's head so that her face is in Tsukasa's shoulder (and she can't talk).

Asago: "!"

Kyuragi: "...... Who are you......!!"

Ryuji: "..." {...C...Could it be... ...Tsukasa...!?}

Tsukasa smiles: "...If Asago needs a bodyguard, then I will be starting today ©"

Asago looks totally shocked [though she can't talk], and her eyes are huge.

Ryuji looks shocked as well, with huge eyes.
