Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Hana to Yume
1998 vol. 16, episode no. 44
Translation by Yuki-chan

Teacher: "Does everyone understand the rules~~~? If all members of the group do not place together, then even you place at the top it won't be acknowledged, so make sure you work as a team~~~ Once the course maps have been passed out we will begin at once."

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A little distance away among some trees.

Asago, pissed off: "...Oka~y!? You have to brainwash Ryuji and make him understand that your feelings towards him isn't love, but of friendship!! By the end of today!!"

Tsukasa: "By the end of today!?"

Asago: "What! Do you have a problem!?"

Tsukasa: "But! I! I've already explained it so many times!! But he won't take me seriously!!"

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A few minutes before.

Ryuji: "...H~m... ...Even though you don't mean suki as in love, to ask Asago to take it as a joke... I wonder what's that supposed to mean......" He was smiling slyly. [As explained before, the word suki can mean love or like. Tsukasa used this word when talking about Ryuji, but it's obvious that she meant "love". It's also used when you say you "love" a sibling/parent/friend... Very confusing at times. Asago thus wants Ryuji to think that suki in this case is "love for a friend".]

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Back in the present.

Asago: "That's because the way you speak isn't persuasive! Explain it more seriously!"

Tsukasa: "I am!! ...Since my brothers' lives depend on this...!"

Asago, looking very evil: "...Not just that... ...If from here on, this situation persists... I'll have you leave Ryuji's side!"

Sound of bushes rustling nearby.

Asago and Tsukasa whirl around.

Girl: "Sumon-san! I've finally found you---! You're always going your own way---! The orienteering's gonna start---!" A girl with long, wavy dark hair parts the bushes and heads straight for Asago.

Asago freaks: "Hey!! Let go of me! I can't take my eyes off those two!" {I have to watch with my own eyes!}

Tsukasa: {I see.. ...That's the rumoured girl who will be in critical condition who's dragging Asago around... She seems strong willed.}

Tsukasa tries to walk up casually towards Ryuji.

Ryuji, without turning to look at her: "...What were you talking about with Asago...?"

Tsukasa, looking like a thief: "...E!?"

Ryuji turns to look down at her.

Tsukasa: "...U... ...Umm... Just..."

Teacher: "Does everyone have a map~~~? Then let's begin the orienteering."

Tsukasa: "...A..."

Teacher: "Get ready, start---!"

The students start off at a run.

Tsukasa, freaking out: "It started!!" She turns to her group members. "Let's go! If we dawdle like this we'll lose!" {Is everyone here!?}

Asaba is walking off by himself.

Tsukasa: "A. Hey, hey Asaba-kun~~~!" Tsukasa turns into a police dog (with a whistle) and steps in front of Asaba. "You can't go off by yourself. Let's go together." {Okay?} "We're in the same group~~~"

Asaba starts at those words. He glares at Tsukasa.

Tsukasa: "...E?" {What...?}

Asaba: "...I... don't want to walk next to a yakuza...! Don't compare me to that yakuza!!" He whirls around and stomps off. "Hmph!"

Tsukasa, with her hand outstretched: "......" {...The first time I talk to him... and it's this... He must really hate the yakuza......} An arm is suddenly draped over her shoulder. "!"

Ryuji (the owner of the arm): "...Let the guy who wants to go ahead first, we'll take things slowly. I could take you on a trip overseas any day......"

Tsukasa, whipping Ryuji's arm away: "Don't make the school trip and a yakuza's recreation trip the same!!"

Ryuji: "...Recrea..."

Tsukasa: "You ~see~ you young one---!" She twirls around Ryuji. She suddenly transforms into one of those romantic French guys. [Sorry if this sounds racist or something, but I can't think of a better way of explaining it. We'll try to scan this one in.] "This school trip!! Is a certain amount of time spent by youngsters of the same age!! It has the value of making wonderful memories!!"

Ryuji: "..." Reaching out a hand to catch Tsukasa's shoulder.

Tsukasa, dramatically: "Why, why don't you understand that a trip with old yakuzas is not the same------!!" She falls to her knees in despair.

Ryuji: "......"

Tsukasa, getting up: "...So," She's back to normal. "To make our wonderful memories, let's go---!" She grabs Kudo and Shimada by the wrist and starts dragging them through the course.

Kudo and Shimada: "Uwa~~~!!"

Ryuji follows behind in silence.

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This seems to be a strange orienteering course. There seems to be several parts. One is a physical course that requires lots of jumping. Another is a test of trust, where everyone has to go through the course with blindfolds on. Another is a haiku writing contest (the poem has to have something to do with the seasons). Another is a apple peeling contest... (you have to peel an apple in one continuous strip)

[I guess you want me to explain the pix right? Sigh. Okay, here goes. In the blindfolded one, Tsukasa is clinging to the side of a suspension bridge. She's telling Kudo to not worry and take her hand, but it's Ryuji who has her hand. Kudo is behind Ryuji and sounds confused. In the poem writing one, Tsukasa wrote a poem goes something like: "Yamanashi, the air's good and so's the food." Ryuji: "...That has nothing to do with the seasons..." Kudo and Shimada laugh. In the apple peeling section, Kudo and Shimada applause as Tsukasa is peeling her's. Ryuji is trying, but with no success.]

Tsukasa: {~...Aah~... ...Man~... ...I don't have time... be doing this~~~..."

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They get to a building that's labelled the "House of Trials".

Tsukasa: {...Ha~~~... ...I have to brainwash Ryuji somehow...} She recalls Asago's earlier words.

"---If from here on, this situation persists... I'll have you leave Ryuji's side---"

Tsukasa: "---..."

Shimada: "...A... It's Asaba-kun..."

Tsukasa: "...Huh...? ...A! Asaba-kun---!"

He glares.

Tsukasa: "You waited for..."

She notices his foot's caught in a trap.

Tsukasa: "...Maybe not..." {When I look closely, there's a lot of people caught in traps...}

Asaba: "..."

Kudo/Shimada: "...Kozuki-kun~"

Tsukasa: "N?"

Kudo: "...This..." They point to a sign.

Sign: Short course. This course is much shorter than the normal route but there are traps. Those caught in the traps are to look for the one-eyed watermelon which has the key to the shackles. Follow the arrows with this mark [Of a one-eyed watermelon].

Tsukasa [I think]: "...U~m......"

Asaba: "... ...I don't want to be associated with a guy that got caught in such a manuke trap."

Ryuji starts.

Asaba: "I bet that's what you're thinking---!"

Ryuji, with his hands in his pockets: "...A...?"

Asaba: "I bet you think that a person that can't get out of situations because of his own carelessness has no right to live------!! It's useless to try and hide it! I know exactly what you're thinking------!! Right now, you thinking 'Let's leave this troublesome guy behind'------!!"

Ryuji: "...Is he all right..." {He must be sick or something.}

Tsukasa: "..." {U~m...} "...Asaba-kun..."

Asaba: "..."

Tsukasa: "Um~. We'll go look for the key so... Can you hang in there a bit longer~~~..."

Asaba: "...... ...Even if you do something when I don't ask for it I won't return the favour...!"

Tsukasa has dots for eyes.

Ryuji: "See. ...He must be sick........."

Asaba: "What!?"

Tsukasa is crouched down and holding her head: "---..."

Kudo and Shimada look on in silence.

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In some hallway.

Tsukasa, Ryuji, Kudo and Shimada are following the signs that point in the direction of the one-eyed watermelon.

Tsukasa: "---...It seems...... that Asaba-kun has been brought up in a dissipated environment..."

Ryuji: "...Kin~da..."

Tsukasa: {And to be able to talk that way to Ryuji takes some guts......}

Ryuji: "...Hey... Isn't it there?" {It's the watermelon symbol.}

Shimada: "...A... ...It's a haunted house~~~..." The entrance to the haunted house actualy looks like a cave entrance. The sign above the entrance also says that it's the exit, and that it's part 1 of the haunted house.

Tsukasa totally blanches: "---.."

Ryuji: "...Ho~... So this is the haunted house I've heard about..." [Sounds like he's never seen one before.] "That this is both the entrance and exit means there's no other way out." {Like a trap.} He turns to Kudo and Shimada. "Hey, you two. Stay here and if the watermelon comes this way, catch him."

Shimada: "...A." {Hai.}

Ryuji, walking on into the haunted house: "Let's go Tsukasa."

Tsukasa: "E!?"

Shimada, and Kudo: "..."

Ryuji: "..."

Tsukasa: "...A... OOOOOO! I'm coming---!"

Shimada and Kudo: "...... ...... ...... ......" {...Maybe Kozuki-kun......}

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Inside the haunted house.

Actually it looks more like a cave with very grotesque looking dolls (mannequins?).

Ryuji: "...Could it be that...'re scared of this?" He bats away a doll that's hanging from the ceiling. The doll is crying...

Tsukasa freaks.

Ryuji: "I feel let down all of the sudden."

Tsukasa: "...I! I'm not scared of this!! Why would I be!!" She points to a doll that's pinned to a revolving panel behind her. [The doll looks normal here.]

Ryuji: "...That's true, why would anyone be scared of some boring manmade,"

There's a scream. The panel pivots, revealing a bloodied doll on the other side.

Tsukasa: "!!" She's scared to turn around. She starts. "......" She starts sweating like crazy. She slowly looks up... and sees Ryuji's sly smile. [Looks like he's enjoying himself.] "~~~~~~!!!"

Ryuji starts running at the speed of light.

Tsukasa: "GYAAAAAA!"

Ryuji suddenly seems to be outside. [There's a tree. Or maybe it's just another part of the haunted house] He then leans against a wall and trips backwards as the wall opens. "!! A."

The one-eyed watermelon, a man wearing a robe and a huge mask (helmet?) of a one-eyed watermelon: "A" The one-eyed watermelon was taking a break just when Ryuji came in.

Tsukasa, who's left behind: "Waaaan! Dammit---! That's dirty! Ryuji---!" {Where the hell did you go---! Come out------!} "Do you have something against me------!!" She's running, with tears in her eyes. She suddenly steps on a panel on the floor.

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A little distance away

Ryuji is swinging the key on his finger casually. The one-eyed watermelon man waves goodbye as Ryuji leaves.


Ryuji: "!!" He starts. "...Tsukasa...?"

There's 3 really disgusting looking dolls. [Actually, I think they look kinda cool, but hey, that's because I'm doing forensics...] They are to the right, left and above of Tsukasa, who's crouched on the ground like a frightened animal. She's curled up in fetal position, with her head down.

Ryuji, crouched down in front of her: "-... ---...Hey... Are you okay?" He reaches out a hand to touch her head.

Tsukasa slaps his hand away without looking up.

Ryuji, with his stinging hand: "... ---...Sorry... I didn't think you were scared of these kind of things."

Tsukasa: "...! I! I'm not scared-! It's, it's sick---!!" {I! I! I---!}

Ryuji: "A~~~ I understand, I understand. When you look closely, they are sick. Really sick. ...Stand up... I got the key, and I'm sure you want to get out of here as soon as possible."

Tsukasa glares up at him from her position on the floor: {If I could stand I would!!} She's shaking all over.

Ryuji: "......" He sighs. "...Man... What a pain in the ass..."

Tsukasa: "...! What!!? Who's fault do you think------!"

Ryuji: "A~~~! I know, I know. It's my fault. My fault." He helps her up. "Calm down a bit."

Tsukasa is breathing hard.

Ryuji notices that she's still shaking: "!" She still won't look up though.

Ryuji: "---..." He hugs her.

Tsukasa's eyes go wide: {---...E...}

Ryuji bends over and whispers something into her ear. [Man he has large hands!]

Tsukasa: {------...E---...}

Ryuji still has Tsukasa's face in his hands.Her eyes go wide.

She suddenly pushes Ryuji back.

Ryuji goes flipping head over heels. He breaks his spin [?] by placing his hand on the ground and then flipping back onto his feet. He starts walking back towards Tsukasa. "...What are you mad about?"

Tsukasa: "Don't come near me------!! I...! I'm saying that I only see you as a friend---!!"

Ryuji: "You're lying. You said you loved me." {I heard it clearly with these ears.} He points to his ears.

Tsukasa: "I'm saying that you're misunderstanding that------!! Believe me---!!"

Ryuji: "...H~m. Then where's the proof?"

Tsukasa: "!! ...Pr...!" {Proof!? What's this guy saying!!?}

Ryuji: "...I don't get it."

Tsukasa: {Don't get it...!?}

Ryuji: "For a misunderstanding, usually you'd make a joke about it. But for you to have a serious face and to tell me in the face that it's a misunderstanding, don't you think it's not like you?"

Tsukasa: "...That's...!" {Bakayaro...! When I say it's a misunderstanding doesn't that make it an understanding!!?}

Ryuji places his foot on the edge of a well full of dead 'bodies' [dolls] to tie his shoe. "...When I see your attitude, it seems like either it's a problem if I know that you love me or that you're hiding something that you can't pass off with a joke---"

Tsukasa: {If you don't believe me, my brothers......! ---Even I...! won't be able to stay by your side------!}

Ryuji: "...Up until now, I was jokingly flirting with you but that's because I thought you only saw me as a friend."

Tsukasa: {---Why...}

Ryuji: "But if your feelings change then the story's..." He turns to look at her.

Tsukasa: {---...Why...... don't you understand------!!} Tsukasa is in tears.

Ryuji freaks. He looks very troubled. "...H... ...Hey..." {!? !? What...!? What's with that face...? What...? Since when......!}

Tsukasa: "...Ryuji... ...I...! ...want to go with you on the school trip!"

Ryuji bends over at the weight of her words. "...?"

Tsukasa, still crying: "I want to have good times with you!!"

Ryuji, who's bent over even more: "...!? ...Hey..." He lifts his head. "What exactly do..."

Tsukasa: "...I want to... stay friends... with you...!" {...I ------want to stay by your side forever------...}

Ryuji: "......" He looks stunned.

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A little while later.

The results of the destination orienteering contest are posted up on a bulletin board.

Asago and her group had placed 67th, while Tsukasa's group placed 70th. They're headed for Osaka, Nara and Kyoto.

Asago: "---Pretty good Baka-zuki. I thought that your group would have been in the upper levels, but since your group took so much time at the House of Trials I get to go with Ryuji on the school trip." {Well, the fact that it's in this country makes it unromantic, but. Man! In my group aside from me and this one other girl, the rest of the group were a bunch of non-athletic people. It scared me for a moment.}

Tsukasa: "---..."

Asago, turning to Tsukasa: "---...By the way. ...Have you solved the problem?"

Tsukasa starts, and avoids her eyes.

Asago: "Hey!?"

Tsukasa: "......" {---...I don't know---... ...After that... Ryuji didn't say a word, and didn't answer me------...} "---..."

Teacher: "Well done everyone---This is the end of the orienteering. We'll be heading for the buses--- Make sure everyone in your group is present."

Asago is pestering Tsukasa.

The girl who will be critical condition [according to Tsukasa] pops up out of nowhere: "...Sumon-san~~~"

Asago: "Ge!!" [I guess this is an equivalent of "yuck" or an exclamation of surprise]

Girl, laughing: "This time I'll have you sit next to me on the bus~~~" She starts dragging off Asago.

Asago, her voice getting distant: "Hey!! Let go of me! I'm going on the other bus! I'm sitting next to Ryuji!" {Why do you keep bugging me!? Leave me alone!}

Tsukasa: "......" She sighs. "......"

Voice: "...Hey. We're missing one."

Tsukasa turns around to see Ryuji.

Ryuji, pulling her by the scruff of the neck: "Hurry up and come! If everyone isn't present we can't get on the bus---!"

He sets her on her feet.

Tsukasa: "..."

Teacher: "Is everyone present---? Are your friends with you---!?"

A student: "A---! We're not elementary students so don't say it like that---!" {How embarrassing!}

The teacher laughs.

Tsukasa: "...!" She looks up at Ryuji.

Ryuji catches her eye then looks away. He's pouting big time. "---..."

Teacher: "Then head for the buses---!"

Tsukasa smiles.
