Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Hana to Yume
2000 vol. 11, episode no. 79
Translation by Yuki-chan
Images by Venkarel

Episode title page is in colour. It depicts a young looking girl with looooong blue wavy hair and blue eyes. A patch on the sleeve of the pink dress labels the girl as Tsukasa... Tsukasa seems to be in a cage of some sort.

Text: Aah, my prince, hurry and save me from here~~~ ©

Horizontal Chain

Bedroom scene...

Kamo-san's eyes open. They're round and huge.

Text: Good morning Kamocchi.

Kamo-san: "......" {...Oh no... It looks like I fell asleep...!} He starts. {Oh no......!} He whips the covers back in a flurry.

The ashtray crafted by Ryuji is still sitting there.

Kamo-san: {...Sandaime...... He didn't throw it away------... Maybe he didn't notice it...... Thank goodness...} He sighs with relief.

Horizontal Chain

Kamo-san strolls down the hallway, massaging his shoulder as he walks. He has a small strand of hair that's curled and very out of place on the right side of his head.

Text pointing to that strand of hair: Neguse. [neguse is a term that describes your hair when you wake up in the morning and it's stuck in a strange position from sleeping on it...]

Kamo-san: {...But for me to fall asleep during an important event like this... I must be getting old... Darn...} "...N?" In front of him, kumiin dressed in either suits or camouflage wear are running around shouting and obeying orders.


"The clan team is here!"

"Tell them just as we planned."

Kamo-san: "...He...? ...What...?"{What's this?}

Voice: "A! Kamojima-san!"

Kamo-san: "Huh?"

Taku, Toshi, and Sho run up to him.

Kamo-san: "What's wrong? You seem to be in a hurry..."

Sho [probably]: "That's what..."

Toshi: "We wanted to ask!"

Taku: "It seems to be a Kuryugumi related event Kamojima-san but don't you know?" {I'm also worried that I haven't seen Tsukasa for awhile...!}

Kamo-san: "...Well... To be honest..." {Not at all...}

A kumiin walks by. He must be an executive of some kind since he's in a suit and jacket [i.e. not camouflage wear].

Man: "Huh? Isn't that you there Kamojima?"

Kamo-san: "A? Oh. Fujioka's oyabun." [oyabun = head/leader, used in both casual and formal manners. BTW, Fujioka is a last name.]

Fujioka: "You're still wandering around here? What are you doing?" {Weren't you with Sandaime?}

Kamo-san: "......E?"

Fujioka: "Sandaime left to battle Garyukai a long time ago."

Text: ...HUH...!?

Kamo-san and Tsukasa's brothers all stare in shock.

Kamo-san: {B... Battle Garyukai...!? While a person sleeps for a little while.... How could this be------...!!?}

Horizontal Chain

In another part of Kuryugumi.

Shiki is behind bars again... Those laser beam-like bars. He's sitting on the floor like a sullen child.

Azuma, still wearing his bloodstained and torn shirt stands on the other side of the beams. [Where did Tsubaki go...?]

Shiki: "...And so...? You're asking me to betray Garyukai......?"

Azuma: "...Hai. ...Since Kuryugumi has moved into position to right against Garyukai... at this rate, you, as a Garyukai member may be in danger. ...I want to protect you......"

Shiki: "......"

Azuma: "Please...... Before things get out of hand..."

Shiki: "...Su~re." He lets out a sigh. "It's not like I was at Garyukai because I wanted to... If I could cut my ties with that guy then I would do so gladly." [Okay, that sounds tacky but I can't think of a better phrase.]

Azuma, looking excited: "Really!?"

Shiki: "...It's easy to say 'betray', but do you think that Kuryugumi would believe that?"

Azuma: "...No... That's the problem..."

Both of them are in deep thought.

Shiki suddenly puts his fist to his palm. "...Fine! Then to prove I'm an ally, I'll sell info about Garyukai's secret!"

Azuma: "!! Garyukai's secret...!? Is it about Soryou Misumi?"

Shiki SD

Shiki startles, his hair popping out in different directions.

Text: Mister, WHY!!?

Azuma: "...I was wondering about it as well... Garyukai was not run by heredity if I recall... and I don't remember the former head having a son to leave the kumi to... ...Then that young man who called himself Soryou, how could he at that young age rule Garyukai......"

Shiki: "------..." His eyes narrow.

Azuma looks thoughtful: "..." {...---That... for some reason seems like an important part of this mystery---...} [Poor translation but gets the point across... (T-T) ]

Horizontal Chain

At the Megafloat Airport.

The remains of the jet is seen smoking in the distance on the runway.

Ryuji: "---Undoubtedly, when then another passenger jet is readied they'll appear again. I'm sure the number they turned over to us isn't all of them either. Be ready to oppose them."

The kumiin are silent: "...... ......" Some of them look stoned...

Ryuji: "...That's all." He turns to leave.

Asago looks from Ryuji to the kumiin and turns to lash out her anger. "Hey you guys! The least you can do is answer!!"

The kumiin look totally depressed.

Kumiin 1: "...Please leave us alone..."

Kumiin 2: "We're heart broken..."

Asago, looking bewildered: "...HA!?" Her mouth is hanging open.

Kumiin: "...The first time surprised us too but we thought it was just a joke... But the second time seeing that kind of serious scene..." The kumiin start babbling.

Demoralized kumiin

"I admired him... Sandaime..."

"..He's moohoo......"

"The don is moohoo......"

"If this gets out in the open I can't proudly say that I'm Kuryugumi's kumiin......!"

Large text: I feel so betrayed......!!

The kumiin are on their hands and knees shaking with tears. One of them is clutching at a tuft of grass.

Text: A special set [as in movie set. Remember, they're on the other end of the runway].

Asago is red in the face and her hair looks like electricity is flowing through it. "HEY!! Don't be depressed over something you're making up!! Ryuji's not like that!! Because Baka-zuki is!!"

Ryuji breaks in: "Asago..."

Asago whirls to see Ryuji looking directly at her. {...Ryuji...!}

He shakes his head and walks off.

Asago: {Why...!? Because of Baka-zuki, you're misunderstood!! Why don't you just tell them!! That Baka-zuki is a girl!!}

Ryuji stares at the terminal.

Asago: {---...Ryuji------...} She starts, noticing something.

Bun-san: "...N? ...Is something wrong Asago-san?"

Asago, her face kinda red: "W... What!!?"

Bun-san: {Just that,}"Aren't you suddenly restless all of the sudden?"

Asago suddenly picks up a rifle and checks it, then starts pacing. "I'm not restless!!"

Police sirens sound in the distance.

Asago's hair frizzes out at the sound. Her back is turned to Bun-san.

Bun-san: "O? Ge! It's the police!" {Dammit!} He turns to Asago. "Asago-san, the police are here!!"

Asago, her back still turned to Bun-san: {...I know that!! I can tell...!!} [(^_^)]

Bun-san: "Man, this is going to be a pain in the ass---..."

Horizontal Chain

Somewhere in the terminal [or so I'm assuming].

A slippered foot quietly makes its way around a corner.

It's Tsukasa, dressed as a ninja, complete with sword... only she has a dog's muzzle and dog ears as well.

Tsukasa, ninja dog

Tsukasa: {..Fufun! Gonzaemon, did you really think that being told that I'd sit and wait quietly...?}

Misumi, earlier to her: "---Until another passenger jet is readied you can't leave here so sit and wait quietly."

Tsukasa makes her way down a hallway with several doors. {You baka!! If the civilians that Kuryugumi will not harm are on our side then there's no reason for me to grovel at your feet!!} She checks around the corner. {Okay, no one's here. And the fact that you didn't even post someone here to watch me is like saying that it's OK to escape © Then I must follow his expectations...!!} "Let's!! GO!!"

She approaches a door and presses the button on the wall that will open it.

The door slowly slides open.

Male bonding

An unbelievable scene erupts before her.

A large bonfire is in the room [assuming that it's a room]. Dark skinned men wearing animal skins and waving huge curved swords [cutlasses?] dance around the fire... [Barbarians?] One of the men blows fire.

Tsukasa has dots for eyes. She quickly presses the button to close the door. "........." She holds a hand to her head. She's back in camouflage wear BTW.

She spies another door and heads for it.

Opening it, she sees a couple dancing. The woman has long hair and a rose in between her teeth as her very hairy male partner swings her around.

Tsukasa freaks. "What the hell's with these doors~~~!!?" {Are you making a fool out of me---!?}

Misumi appears suddenly behind her, his arms folded. "...Didn't I tell you that you can't leave here?"

Tsukasa freaks again and jumps: {HI!! Gonzaemon!! Since when!!?}

Misumi: "These room are ultra VIP. These doors are all rooms that allow one to experience different places."

The text explains the layout of the rooms. Think of a hallway shaped like an octagon, but the bottom side is bounded by 2 doors which lead to a huge room. Tsukasa apparently left from one door and Misumi escorts her back through the other one.

Tsukasa: "AA!! This is the room where I was before!!" Looks like a huge suite, with large lounging chairs & sofas.

Misumi: "That's right... You're like a rat trapped in a sack, a bird trapped in a cage......"

Tsukasa hardens at that mention. "There's a door to get in and out of here right!!?"

Text: When Tsukasa was brought here, she was blindfolded.

Tsukasa: "You even left here earlier!!"

Misumi: "...Do you think that I'd tell you...? ...When I finally got my hands on you, I can't have you escape------..."

Tsukasa sports a popped vein.

Misumi: "---Well, until a new passenger jet is readied, how about some tea---...?" He holds out a cup of tea [English, i.e. a tea cup with a saucer] to her. "...Here..."

Tsukasa: "......" She glares back defiantly. "Now's your only chance to leisurely have tea. Even if a new passenger jet is readied, you can't leave Japan. ...No... ...I... won't let you leave this room..."

Misumi: "...... ...Fine... Then let's be the new Adam and Eve in this small, enclosed space." He loosens his tie. "---And let's commit a sin---..." He catches hold of her hands. He also undid the first button on his shirt. [EEEW!!!]

Tsukasa panics: "IYAAAAAAA!!! Let me out---! Let me out---! Someone let me out of here---!! I don't like Adam!!! I don't like Eve either!!! I like committing a sin even less!!!" She starts running around the room, here eyes big and full of tears.

Misumi is on his hands and knees, shaking from laughter he's trying to contain.

Tsukasa blows up at him: "Y... You bastard---!! You're mocking me---!! What a meanie you are---!!"

Misumi: "...No... I'm glad. Seeing that I can tell you've only went as far as kissing with Kuryugumi's Sandaime."

Tsukasa: "!!?" {...A...!! ...I I remember---!!} The kiss scene goes through her mind. She turns bright red and tries to cover her face. {I'm embarrassed~~~! How could I, in front of so many like that just to convince him! Don't look at me. Don't anyone look at me~~~~! And, on top of that, I did that thing which I thought was retarded and manuke------!!!"

Text: Referring to the one doing the kissing closing his/her eyes first.

Tsukasa shock

Dramatically, she's on her knees, her arms in the air as if asking the heavens a question.

Bold text around Tsukasa: {They were closed! I closed them first!! OOO... Tell me! How am I supposed to face Ryuji from now on---?}

Misumi is sitting on a couch, watching her tirade. {...... ...Seems like they haven't really been kissing either... Really, her actions are so interesting each time...} He speaks up. "---That's just a waste of time for you to be worrying about that...... I have no intention of returning you to him---..."

Tsukasa stands and faces him squarely."...... ...Ryuji...... won't allow that to happen......"

Misumi: "---I wonder about that... He's a guy that easily traded you for drugged civilians when you're supposed to be special to him. If you're always sticking up for a guy like him then you'll someday learn just how important you are to him --- and feel hopeless------..."

Horizontal Chain

The scene shifts back to Megafloat Airport.

Akira: "W What!? You traded Tsukasa to Garyukai in return for these civilians---!!?"

In the background, a number of cops (GRAVE division) are herding the drugged guys away.

Akira, clearly angry: "You...! And you just let them take her away without doing anything!!?" He's wearing those tight black pants again.

Ryuji has his back to Akira. Beside Akira is Munakata, smoking away. Asago is glaring at Akira with hate in her eyes. She's standing awfully close to Munakata... [?].

Ryuji doesn't say a word.

Akira: "...You scum... ...Tsukasa was always there for you, even risking her life for you... And here you are, not even looking the slightest bit worried...! This is what happens when the yakuza try to take control." [bad translation... but I can't think of anything else]

Asago hardens and is about to give a tongue lashing when she notices that Akira is suddenly quiet.

Akira: "..." He's looking over Asago.

Asago notices and turns around to see Ryuji, with a dark shadow over his face.

Ryuji: "...I don't need you to tell me to know that ---..." He eyes Akira.

Asago: "...!"

Akira stares back: "..."

Ryuji turns to leave. Asago follows.

Asago: "...Ryuji..."

Munakata, matter-of-factly: "...You said too much Kise~~~" {The reason that the civilians aren't hurt is because of them (Kuryugumi). Of course Sandaime would be angry with that.}

Akira: "...! ...! I know..." {...But... I got angry with his indifferent manner... ...But now, I can tell that it was just a mask... I hate that gaki...}

Horizontal Chain

A little distance away, Asago and Ryuji are alone.

Asago: "---...Ryuji... ...Are you... regretting what you did------...?"

Ryuji's back is to her. He's standing in front of one of those huge transport vehicles.

Asago: {I've... never seen Ryuji look so scary...} "Don't take what that police said seriously...... You're not wrong...!"

Ryuji doesn't respond.

Asago: "......" She has dots for eyes as she tries to think of how she could cheer him up. "...Even if... you think that Baka-zuki sacrificed herself for your beliefs, she probably doesn't see it that way...... That's right, in Baka-zuki's case, it's probably more like this!!" She puts her hand out to imitate Tsukasa.

Ryuji reluctantly turns around to look: "......"

Horizontal Chain

Tsukasa, back in the suite. "---You're saying that if he put me and nameless civilians on a balance that 100 times out of 100 he's a cold-hearted guy that would chose the civilians over me...? ...Well. Do you think that I would fall in love with a little guy who would bend his beliefs in a situation like that!!?" She points to herself, her other hand on her hip.

Horizontal Chain

Asago is in the same position as Tsukasa is, but only bright red.

Asago: {...B... Baka-zuki, I'm going to kill you...!! Making me do this embarrassing pose in front of Ryuji like this...!! The next time I see you I'll kill you for sure...!!}

Ryuji stares in surprise. "..."

Asago: "...I'm think that it's you with your gokudo pride that Baka-zuki ---...loves."

Words said earlier by Ryuji: "My pride won't allow it. To the gokudo, winning against an opponent who you don't know if you can beat has worth/value---..."

[In case you've forgotten, he had said this in the school infirmary where he was recovering after being smacked by Kawamata's shinai in ep. 67.]

After those words, Tsukasa had ruffled his hair.

Ryuji: "...... ...What?"

Tsukasa: {E?} "Nothing in particular. ...I just felt like praising you." She smiled.

Ryuji smiles at the memory.

Asago: {...A.} She is shocked to see him smile.

Horizontal Chain

Back in the suite.

Misumi: "...I see...... ...You two are deeper in love than I thought..."

Tsukasa starts to panic in embarrassment again. "Well...! Well yeah, he said that he loved me but that was awhile ago, and that kiss was as a promise." She babbles.

Misumi: "...That's great... ...It makes me want to...... destroy it even more..."

Misumi is suddenly in Tsukasa's personal space.

Tsukasa: {...W...}

Misumi grabs her arms from behind.

Tsukasa: {...What...!!?} "What...!?" {This guy! In one instant he closed in...! Damn the guy--! He's usually more elegant in manner......!!}

Text pointing to that comment: Why compliment him?

Tsukasa starts: "...!?" {...My arms...} She can't get them loose.

Misumi leans over and whispers in her ear: "...They won't come loose right...?"

Tsukasa starts again.

Misumi: "...You made a pointless vow with Kuryugumi's Sandaime... "

The words echo in Tsukasa's mind.

"---Promise me that you won't do something like this with a guy other than me---"

"Here's the proof of my vow."

Misumi: "---Even if you break that vow I wonder if he would forgive you---...?" His lips are trying to close in on the back of her neck.

Tsukasa is straining to get away. "......! ...Don't kid around...... ...Who's gonna... with you!!!" She suddenly kicks upwards behind her, aiming for Misumi's head.

Misumi manages to snag her left between his arm and his body before she makes contact though.

Tsukasa: {He guarded!!}

Misumi: "---...Of course... I'm not that simple-minded to be happy over a childish thing like that..."

Tsukasa: "!!!"

Misumi had swept her standing leg from underneath her. He then slams her onto the floor.

Tsukasa: "......!"

Misumi laughs as he closes in on her. He still has his hands on her wrists. "...I'll... teach you what an even deeper sin tastes like---..." [GET OFF HER YOU CREEP!!!]

Tsukasa's eyes go wide in shock/fear.


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