Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Hana to Yume
2000 vol. 12, episode no. 80
Translation by Yuki-chan
Scans provided by Venkarel

The episode title page features a woman with looooong black hair. Her wrists are tied above her head with thorny vines and her legs are tangles in the vines as well. She's rather scantily clad and vaguely resembles Tsukasa.

Text pointing to female figure: Note, this isn't Tsukasa.

Small text on episode title page: ---If you could be loved while being hated, I should have chained you to me while you were still warm---...

This is not Tsukasa

In the VIP suite.

Sound of heavy breathing.

Misumi holds up his left arm which is covered in his blood. His left sleeve is also shredded.

Misumi: "...My my... ...Even my clothing is torn... You're like a wild animal.

Tsukasa is on her feet again, panting heavily. Blood is seen on her chin. "...Humph." She spits out the blood in her mouth. She points at him in accusation. "It's because you try to teach me something even though I didn't ask you to!!" {Ha ha!! So there!!} "Trying to get me to do what you want will be harder than taming a wild animal!!"

Misumi: "...You think...? ...Animals are easily caught with bait."

Tsukasa, shaking her head slowly: "You're stupider than you look. Only a starving brainless animal is attracted to any kind of bait. But there's nothing that you can use as bait on,"

Misumi takes out a piece of paper and a marker out of nowhere and is busy sketching away.

A dart slams into a picture of Ryuji. [Actually, maybe it's a throwing knife... Now that I think of it, it kinda looks like an ice pick...]

Text pointing to picture: Hand drawn by Misumi. It's pretty good.

Tsukasa jumps up at Misumi: "UWAAAAA! What are you doing Gonzaemon---!!"

A shadow passes over Tsukasa's face, now in dog form. She starts.

Text pointing to Tsukasa: Brainless.

Misumi catches her again. {---...Like a wild animal---...}

Tsukasa is lying face down on the floor in dog form, thrashing about. Misumi has his right hand on her back, holding her down.

Misumi: "...You're brave when something involves Shirogami Ryuji..."

An image appears in Misumi's mind. The image of a woman bound in vines with thorns. [Probably the same one on the episode title page.]

Misumi: {...Like mother and daughter... you... both rouse my desire to subdue/control..." {...I should... have tied her up......} "...Before you/she become another man's possession," [Okay, the translation sounds totally screwed, but the way he's speaking, he could be referring to Tsukasa, another woman (presumably Wakasa) or both of them... I'm assuming he's talking about Wakasa but... you never know...]

Tsukasa turns beet red and shakes her head wildly. {I haven't! I haven't!! I haven't!! Me and Ryuji aren't like that!!}

Misumi, continuing: "...I should have caught you/her ...and used that drug to make you/her unable to live away from my side---..."

Misumi is now straddling her, with both arms on her shoulders.

Tsukasa's eyes are dots. {...Wh...... What's this guy saying...!? W Wait a minute!!} "Hey! Gonzaemon!! For a woman that died 14 years ago that phrase is kinda warped!! No matter how you look at it, you're in your mid 20s. What's with those feelings you have for this 'Wakasa'!!? Or are you saying that you had those feelings since 14 years ago......?"

Misumi is silent, his hair cascading onto her back.

Tsukasa looks very disturbed [well I don't blame her...]. {...Is... is that right...?}

There's a picture of a small fish by Tsukasa.

Text: This is a niboshi.

[Yeah, yeah, explanation... Zubozhi is a term that vaguely means "that's right" and niboshi is a type of fish (dried sardines I think it was). As usual, Tsukasa doesn't really want to know the truth and she's trying to joke around in attempt to break the tension.]

Tsukasa: {...Th... This guy...!! He's real--------ly warped---!!! He's really dangerous!!} Her heart starts thumping wildly. "...I... I can't believe it." She tries to laugh. "Even if you're 25 or 26 now, 14 years ago that would have made you 11 or 12, in Grade 6 or so." She laughs again. {That's right,} "When you say Grade 6, that's when I was fighting over kyushoku desserts or playing soccer with a teacher's toupee on a rainy day,"

Misumi interrupts her: "...You're... trying to change the topic to a more pleasant one to escape this situation...?"

[BTW, kyushoku = school meals. In Japan from Grades 1 thru 6 (I think) many schools offer lunches at school (for a fee of course). Apparently, most places are very strict about you finishing the meal too, even if you hate vegetables, milk etc.]

Tsukasa covers her ears with her hands while her hair does the sea urchin thing and her eyes pop out like oranges. "~~~~~~!!!!"

Misumi: "...That's pointless...... ...I won't let you go..." He starts to lean over.

Tsukasa: "U...!?"

Misumi kisses the back of her neck. [YUCK!!! Stop!!! Hentai!!!]

Tsukasa goes red in the face and her mouth hangs open. She screams inside. {GYAAAAA Help me Riujiiiii!!} [ That's how she said it]

Horizontal Chain

A little distance away.

Ryuji turns away to face the terminal.

Bun-san: "...N...?"

Ryuji: "..."

Bun-san: "...Is something wrong Sandaime?"

Ryuji: "...... ...I... thought ...I just heard Tsukasa's voice...... It was a piercing cry."

Bun-san: "Sandaime! Doesn't that mean that something happened to Tsu-bo.........?"

heart to heart

The kumiins give looks of shock.

{Oh my god...! It's telepathy......!!}

{It's for real!}

{What do we do......!!?}

Dark shadows cover the faces of the kumiin.

Text: ? to ? !!!

Ryuji, Bun-san and the kumiins are in a meeting over what they're planning on doing next. Each person is holding a clipboard like thing, which is likely a very flat computer.

Ryuji looks off in the distance again. "---..."

Behind him the kumiin are trying to get over the shock, but a ominous feeling seems to take over each of them.

A little distance away from Ryuji and his group, Asago is leaning on one of the transport vehicles.

Asago glances at the group. "..." {...I wonder if they're finished yet... talking about their plan. Will it be okay for me to go back soon...?} She starts when she realizes that she's searching among the cops. A popped vein shows on her face. {...What... am I looking at...!!? It's those tacky looking uniforms! No that's not it. They're just entering my field of view!} She shakes her head violently. To her, all the cops look like non-descript individuals wearing the same uniform. "....... ....... ......" But she glances around the corner of the vehicle again to take another peek.

Munakata, who appears behind her all of the sudden: "...Looking for someone?"

Asago freaks, her hair standing on end. "!!!"

Munakata crushes out the cigarette butt beneath his shoe. "...Man... Garyukai have sure made things complicated. If they were just regular criminals then I wouldn't hesitate to pump them with 1 or 2 bullets. But the guys they brought are apparently the poor homeless and street kids from Tokoname Island who've been brainwashed with the drug. We can't just go barging in from here that easily." [So that's where they got so many people...]

He takes a spot on Asago's left, leaning against the vehicle... very close to her.

Asago: {...Hey...! Why are you standing so close------!!?}

Munakata takes out another cigarette and reaches for his lighter in his right pants pocket. His elbow brushes her. He suddenly feels a touch on his arm... and he turns to see Asago on her bottom.

Munakata: {...W...} "...What? What happened all of the sudden?"

Asago blushes a deep red. {...Th....! This boulder like guy~~~!!!}

Munakata: "What happened?" He still has the cigarette dangling between his teeth.

Text explanation: She had tried to push him away but had fallen back from the reaction.

Text pointing to Munakata: A guy who's too big and didn't budge at all.

Text pointing to Asago: A thin girl. How kakkowarui.

Munakata doesn't think anything's wrong. "...Aren't you a strange one. Here, are you all right?" He pulls her arm to get her back to her feet.

Asago startles again. "Don't touch me like we're friends or something!!" [poorly translated but I can't think of anything else that will make sense] She slaps his hand away.

Munakata is looking at her, with his red hand.

Asago: "And don't come close to me more than necessary!!"

Munakata's eyes thin a little: "...... ...Well excuse me..." {I'm always like this.}

Text: He rarely keeps his distance from women, being a lady's man. [Recall that he has used his police cruiser as a mobile hotel room too...]

Munakata: "...But you don't have to be so angry about it..." He lights his cigarette. He's leaning on the vehicle again but with more distance between him and Asago.

Asago: "...Tha..."

Munakata, suddenly understanding: "AA! You don't want your fiance to get any ideas right?"

Asago stops and stares in silence.

Munakata: "...You're Shirogami Ryuji's fiance right?"

Asago: "NO...!! That's not it!! I'm... no longer Ryuji's seisai candidate..."

Munakata gives her a strange look.

Asago: "......!" She starts. {---...It's... not like I have to be so vehement in telling him. It's not like it matters what this guy thinks of me now that I'm no longer the seisai candidate...! ...Though it may be bad for Ryuji---...} "...I'm a gokudo's daughter. I don't want to be seen being friendly with some cop or something...!"

Munakata kinda glares at her from the corner of his eyes: "..."

Asago: "..."

Munakata: "---...Hmmm...? Well your claim is true..." {That was thoughtless of me. I've always been a little slow when it comes to things like this.} He scratches his head.

Asago: "......" She's looking down.

Munakata: "...Well, from now if I coincidentally see you somewhere then I won't say hello anymore."

Asago starts at that mention. She turns towards him. "...Hey..."

But Munakata had already turned and started to walk away.

Sirens sound in the background and both Asago and Munakata turn to see a traffic jam.

traffic jam

Bun-san: "...O... ...Oh wow. It looks like there's major confusion here."

Both cop cars and Kuryugumi's cars are in a big mess. An argument passes between the cars.

"Damn you---! Hurry up and move---!"

"Get the hell out of the way you cop---!"

"What the---!?"

"We're here to do work! You get the hell out of the way---!"

"Shaddup! Our image and lives depend on this---!"

"We were here first---!"

"We're first---!"

A car door slams.

Kyuragi: "Dammit!!! Why the hell are there so many cops around!?"

Text: The arrival of Kuryugumi's clan heads.

Bun-san: "...A ...It's Kamojima-san."

Kamo-san is walking towards them, looking a bit stern. Behind him are the Kozuki brothers, looking around themselves nervously. Sho is even hanging onto Taku's arm.

Horizontal Chain

Back in the ultra VIP room.

Tsukasa: "...! Ku...! St... op...! It! You bastard---! Where are you putting your hand---!!? I'll charge you with trespassing---!!"

Well it looks like he's gotten his hand up her shirt. (She's wearing a tank top underneath the army jacket. Beneath the tank top, seems that she'd wrapped a long thin piece of cloth around her to bind her breasts (remember, her protector is trash right now). Misumi is still on her back, holding her down and kissing the back of her neck. He has her pinned on the floor. [EEEWWWW!!!!!]

Tsukasa: {O Oh no...!! This bastard's restraint is too strong. At this rate, I'll be stripped...!!} Strangely, though, she thinks of herself as a hardboiled egg being unshelled. "...! ...!"{IYADA------!!} "I'm not 'Wakasa'---!! If you make me a substitute for 'Wakasa' then I'll swear I'll kill myself!! I'll curse you forever!! I'll haunt you------!!"

Misumi starts at that mention.

Tsukasa: {...Ha...? ...He stopped......} "......"

Misumi: "...OK... ...You're not Wakasa... I'll love you a different way," He yanks her up so that she's sitting up.

Tsukasa: "!?"

Misumi: "That's especially for you ...I'll love you in a more sadistic way than Wakasa------..." The hand that he snaked up her shirt (the one she took a bite out of) is now gripping her throat from the front.

cracked face

Tsukasa's eyes go wide, the pupils completely dilated. Tsukasa's face then suddenly cracks as like a mirror that was punched in.

Tsukasa's cracked face crashes to the floor.

Misumi: "..."

Tsukasa's whimpering in fear/shock while Misumi tries to put Tsukasa's face back together. He seems to smile all of the sudden.

Misumi: "---...I'm joking---..." [Wow, he looks like a decent person here...]

Tsukasa's heart skips beat and there are tears in her eyes. {E?}

A dark figure looms over her.


A dark aura of anger surrounds a long haired guy. It's Shiki. His mouth is twisted into a sneer and his hair is standing on end. [Super Saiyajin Shiki?]

Tsukasa: {E?}

Horizontal Chain

Back outside.

Kamo-san: "E...!? ...Are you serious Sandaime...!?"

Ryuji: "...Aa. I was planning on an all out attack against them (Garyukai) when they came out but I've changed my mind. ...I have a bad feeling..." He puts a new cartridge in his gun.

Kamo-san: "...But Sandaime, you've said yourself that they (Garyukai) brought civilians. Though they turned some over to us......"

Ryuji: "There's a chance that they have more."

In the background, two groups are looking on anxiously. One group is the Kozuki brothers, the other is Asago. Both can't hear what's going on and wandering around nervously.

Toshi: "?"

Sho: "?"

Taku: "?"

Asago: "..."

Kamo-san: "...Is there a chance of us winning by going in?"

Ryuji: "Not now. But once going in, we have to win. You have to cut a way into there." [Very poorly translated... I hope it makes sense...]

Clan heads: "...Sandaime?"

Ryuji puts his gun away in a shoulder holster. "I'm going in alone."

Bun-san: "!!"

Kamo-san: "Sandaime!!"

Kyuragi: "What...!!?"

Someone whistles. Ryuji turns as something is thrown towards him. Ryuji catches it with his good arm.

Asago: {...A...!}

The clan heads: "...!?" They turn to see Munakata.

Munakata: "---...Use it. It's a just delivered new counter drug."

Usui: "!!?"

Akira shows fangs and does the scream: "Mu...!!! Mumumu Munakata-sannnnn!!" {What are you doing---!!?}

Munakata: "...Actually it's a synthetic version that's nowhere near as potent as the original... But it can at least slow them down."

Kumiin: "...... ......"

Usui: "......"

Kyuragi: "......"

Ryuji: "...Thanks but," He throws the gun back.

Munakata: "!!"

Clan heads: "! ! !"

Ryuji: "...No thanks...... Removing the dirt is a pain..."

Akira, in confusion: "...?"

Munakata: "......" He catches the returned gun. He smiles. "...That guy..." {For a gaki... he's really a gokudo to the bone.} "...So he's saying that borrowing from the police will put dirt on Kuryugumi's name ...... ...How interesting."

Akira: "Mu... Munakata-san...? What are you thinking......?" Akira glances at his partner suspiciously. Sweatdrops mark the air around him.

Munakata: "Shirogami Ryuji, how interesting------"

Ryuji turns to leave. Kamo-san and Bun-san are trying to stop him but it looks like they won't be able to.


visits since July 9, 2000