Tokyo Crazy Paradise
Hana to Yume
2000 vol. 22, episode no. 88
Translation by Yuki-chan

The episode title page is in black and white featuring Tsukasa and Ryuji sitting back to back. (Actually, you might even go as far as to say that Tsukasa is napping... but she probably just has her eyes closed.) Ryuji is smoking and both of them are wearing loose white shirts and white pants. There are flowers in the background and if you look between the text, you'll notice that Ryuji has his hand over Tsukasa's... Oh, and BTW, she's not wearing her protector.

Text: If I became the seisai, would we be able to stay like this always......?

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Words echo from the last episode.

"------...Will you become my seisai---------...?"

Ryuji holds her close, then slowly pulls back. Tsukasa is staring at him open mouthed.

Tsukasa suddenly turns into SD form and her eyes resemble blood shot Ping-Pong balls. Her mouth is hanging agape.

Text pointing to the unreadable text above Tsukasa's head: Currently, the brain is in a chaotic state. All functions outside of the brain have ceased.

Text pointing to Tsukasa: Eyes and mouth remain open. Text pointing to her eyes: Blood shot.

Ryuji: "........." His eyes look gentle. "---... ...I'm sorry---... ...I didn't mean to confuse you... ...Just that, it's my (the kumicho's) job to lead and command the kumi. There's no reason for you to step in front of me in a dangerous place to---"

Tsukasa butts in. "...Iyada... If I'm behind you then I can't protect you. I want to stand where you do (in danger). If you tell me not to, then I won't stand in front of you. But at least... let me stand next to you---... ...I'll stay by your side forever...... I'll protect you... I won't let you die before me.........!" She looks him straight in the eye.

Ryuji looks surprised at first. He then leans over and pulls her in with his good arm so that her chin is resting on his shoulder.

Tsukasa: "... ...Ryuji..."

Ryuji [I think]: {---...I won't die before you ---I won't die after you either......} He closes his eyes. "---When we go, I'd rather we go together---..."

Tsukasa's eyes are wide for a moment, then she closes hers as well. "...Yeah..." She hugs him back.

Tsukasa [I think]: {---So that even if I die, I can remain here (beside you)------...}

Nearby, an SD Kamo-san is biting on his handkerchief and is crying buckets.

Large text above Kamo-san: The tears won't stop.

Kamo-san: {...Uu......}

Bun-san seems to be peeking over the top of one of those containers. "Kamojima-san...... She's skipped the ''promise for the future'' and went ahead and made a ''promise for the rest of her life''." {This is like Tsu-bo okayed the position of the seisai.}

Kamo-san is peering around the corner of the container, still crying. {Uu...... I don't believe this~~~......} [Not a direct translation.] {I never thought that I would hear those words from Tsukasa-san's lips......!!}

Text below Kamo-san: To think that after 14 years of thinking of Sandaime's happiness that I would be rewarded with this......!! [Bad translation... Sorry...]

Kamo-san watches the two of them for a moment longer. Ryuji is now touching Tsukasa's face, she has her arm around his waist.

Kamo-san: {---...He was regretting, thinking that he was wrong------... If Tsukasa-san has promised to be with Sandaime even after life, that's like Sandaime's happiness being promised forever---... ...Daijyobu... You can finally rest in peace---... ...Nidaime------...} [Daijyobu = ''It's all right''; ''It's OK''. Daijyobuyo = I'm/he's/she's fine]

Fujioka approaches. "O..... Kamojima, where's Sandaime?" He's in a suit and tie (not army wear).

Bun-san and Kamo-san put their fingers to their lips. "Sh----!!"

Fujioka: "...?"

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The scene moves back to the first aid crew. Ambulances/medical vehicles are lined up, accepting the injured.

Kumiin 1 slams the door shut: "OK. Number 3 can leave---!"

Toshi: "---Meiko sensei-------! This one's probably the last one---!"

Toshi and Sho are wheeling a stretcher carrying a fallen kumiin.

Meiko: "! Gokurosama!" [Gokurosama = thank you for your trouble/hard work] She turns to Asago. "Asago-chan, you get in the car too."

Asago: "...E...?" She looks confused. "...Why......? Daijyobuyo. I don't hurt anywhere."

Meiko: {You don't hurt anywhere you say.....} "Your father is seriously hurt you know!" {Not that it's life threatening or anything though.} "I have to check you to see if anything wrong inside you......!!"

Behind them, another kumiin slams the door to the ambulance shut. "OK, Number 2 can go now."

Asago: "If something is wrong with me inside, then wouldn't that mean that I wouldn't be able to move from the pain?"

Meiko: "It depends on your mental state. Even if it doesn't hurt know, you've heard that pain can set in suddenly when you're calm right? For example, after being in an excited state for a period of time."

Asago thinks back to just minutes before, aiming for Baldy's head and her talk with Tsukasa afterwards. "---..." She looks off to the side.

Meiko: "...You haven't coughed up blood or anything right......!?"

Asago has round eyes, recalling when Baldy's coiled ribbon-like fingers squeezed around her torso.

The Kozuki brothers are talking nearby.

Sho: "Hey, Taku-nii, I was just wondering but, where did all those police officers go......?"

Asago's right ear balloons out like a satellite dish unfolding suddenly.

Taku looks thoughtful: "...That's true... It's strange that there isn't a single one around in this mess..."

Asago, with her Dumbo ear: "..." She watches them out of the corner of her eye.

Sho: "...Do you think they left~~~...?"

Taku: "...I doubt it..."

Sho: {...That's right...} "Sandaime said there were more of those bullet resistant bakemonos..."

Taku: "...Yeah..."

Asago turns her head to listen.

Sho: "Maybe they're fighting them somewhere we don't know---..."

Asago's eyes go wide as she recalls Munakata getting a phone call, his back to her.

"...It's me. Aa!? Kise and his guys cornered those Garyukai members!? Where!? What!? They holed themselves up!? Those worthless (or "They suck")! I'll get them all within 15 minutes!!"

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Back to Ryuji and co. The kumiins are stacking up those dengekibans.

Kyuragi: "---So, we will act as the first group in the next project---..." Kyuragi, Mooka, Kawazoe and the kumiin behind them are decked out for full battle. Seems that they're wearing armoured vests and phone head sets. [Maybe radio?]

Ryuji: "Aa... Relay back to us, the offensive troop about the readied areas." He's holding what appears to be transceiver.

Kyuragi: "Roger."

Mooka turns to the kumiin assembled behind him. "Are you ready?"

Kumiins: "Yea----!!"

Somebody: "Okay, let's head out---!"

Kumiins: "Yea---!!" The group heads out.

A cigarette is offered to Kamo-san.

Kamo-san turns to see Ryuji, who already has a cigarette between his teeth.

Ryuji: "...You will, won't you......?"

Kamo-san smiles.

An SD Tsukasa comes flying out of nowhere delivering a kick to the back of Ryuji's head, causing him to lose his cigarette. "Are you challenging me like that---!!?" {A minor shouldn't be offering cigarettes like that--!!}

Kamo-san: "A! Sandaime!"

Seems that all the remaining kumiin are lighting up.

Tsukasa: "---... E... A traditional... ...ceremony...?"

Kamo-san: "...Yes. Though traditionally it's with omiki." [omiki = sake offered before the alter or to a god; libation] "By celebrating a victory before the fact brings good luck. But since there is no sake right now, we have to make do with what's available." There's an image of a group of yakuza taking a small sip of sake. {I'm sure that if there were only watermelons nearby, then it would be with watermelons, if there was only milk around then it would be with milk...}

Tsukasa: "That's... really kakkowarui. "But Kamo-san, I didn't know you smoked." {I've never seen you smoke until now so it seems kinda weird.}

Kamo-san: "I do. That's why Sandaime gave me the ash tray~~~"

Tsukasa: {Oh yeah---} "The potty one~~~"

Ryuji is suddenly lit from above, looking like the devil from hell. "STOP THAT TALK THIS INSTANT......!!" His hair is standing up.

Tsukasa: "E?" She and Kamo-san seem to stand up straight all of the sudden.

Kamo-san: "But since I've stopped at one point I don't smoke as near as much as before."

Tsukasa: "You quit? Why...!?"

Kamo-san: "You can't smoke while caring for a baby can you? Aa... I remember. Feeding Sandaime milk, and changing his diaper...!"

Ryuji, showing fangs: "Don't talk about that!!"

Tsukasa is trying to picture baby Ryuji getting his diaper changed. Her face contorts as she tries not to smile too much.

Ryuji, turning to Tsukasa: "Don't you try and imagine---------!!"

Kamo-san: "In the beginning... when you was first presented to me, you were so weak......"

Ryuji starts and recalls a phrase from the past.

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Ryuji is seated beside his father, both of them in suit and tie.

Nidaime: "---...You're... almost as tall as me..."

Ryuji starts.

Tatsuya: "When you were a gaki, you were so weak---..."

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Kamo-san: "---But,"

Ryuji: "..." He seems to have a bad feeling.

Kamo-san: "Sandaime, you grew up to be so strong. Seeing that, Nidaime and I,"

Ryuji's eyes go wide as he overlaps Kamo-san with his father. "STOP IT!!" His sudden outburst freaks out Kamo-san and Tsukasa.

Ryuji: "---..." He looks almost angry.

Tsukasa: "......" {...Ryuji...?}

Ryuji turns to stalk away. "When old people get nostalgic and talk about the past nothing good come out of it...!!"

Kamo-san looks pained. {Old person!? How could you!} "I'm a bit hurt!" {I'm still in my 40s!!}

Tsukasa: "Well yeah, even if you think like that, you usually don't say it out loud."

Kamo-san has tears in his eyes. "A! How mean! Tsukasa-san you see me like that as well......!"

Tsukasa: "No... To me, you only go as far as a mister......"

Ryuji comes stomping back looking pissed. "Enough of the talking and take a weapon!! Aa-----!? You guys are the only ones who aren't completely armed yet!!"

Tsukasa and Kamo-san: "Hai hai. Hai hai."

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Steps echo in a hallway.


Someone starts as he/she encounters a fallen cop. There's blood everywhere and the GRAVE member is still clutching his gun in his right hand.

Asago slowly crouches down to peer at the face of the cop. "...... ......" She gets up. "......" {...It wasn't him---... ...He's already cold...... There's nothing I can do now......} She lets out a sigh.

She seems to realize what she's doing all of the sudden and turns to the reader. "No it isn't!! I'm not relieved because it wasn't him!! It's just the idea that of him fighting one of those bakemonos and dying pisses me off!!" {When I wonder about that guy dying, the guy who always spoke as if he knew everything------}

"You're intolerably busaiku"

Asago remembers him turning back to look at her to say that. "---..." {...For some reason, he always sees through my words---...} "At the time..... I hated Baka-zuki so much that my heart turned ugly." {I almost became a yana onna---...} [onna = girl/woman] "...I..." She remembers Munakata telling her how dying as a form of compensation was a trick that even a monkey could imitate. {...I...} She feels a pain in her heart.

Scenes from when she was finally able to use her right arm fill her mind. {...You've always helped me---...} She remembers how relieved she was when she was able to shoot the gun with her right hand. {I've only thanked you once.} "I haven't returned anything yet...!!" {I still have to---...!! To think that the last thing I remember about you is your back.........!! I won't forgive you if you go on and die on me------!!} She squeezes her eyes shut at the thought.

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One of the Ultimate Weapons (one of the guys) appears before Misumi.

Ultimate Weapon: "---... ...Shiva-sama........." This one seems to have extended metallic fingers (on his right hand) which all fire bullets. His left arm looks normal except for the metal tipped fingers. He has dark hair with long curly bangs on the right side only.

Misumi is leaning against a pillar, his arms crossed. "---...You took your time---..."

Ultimate Weapon, aiming the fingers of his right hand at Misumi: "I'm sorry."

Misumi, calmly: "---...You guys... don't really care if you side with me versus Sakaki as long as you get your hands on the drug right...? Sakaki doesn't know how to use the kagi ..." The Ultimate Weapon pauses.

Misumi: "Even if he heads for the natural habitat of the drug, he'll be stuck in front of the gates to the holy land where the plant thrives..." He snickers. "He (Sakaki) thinks that merely placing the kagi in the similarly shaped key hole is enough......"

Ultimate Weapon: "---..."

Misumi: "...You're wondering why I would keep such an important secret from Sakaki...? ...I've made a habit of not letting out important details to anyone, even if he is an ally. ...Ever since... I was betrayed by this one onna---..." His eyes slit and he approaches the man. "I never trust anyone completely---..." He suddenly pulls at the Ultimate Weapon's tie to loosen it.

Ultimate Weapon: "......!"

Misumi: "...I don't forgive betrayal. No matter where he runs ...I'll kill him..." He looks straight into the sunglasses of the Ultimate Weapon.

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In some room.

Sakaki jumps out of his chair with a start. Ouguro is equally startled. The pair of them are viewing the conversation via the sunglasses on a laptop.

"...Who will you choose between Sakaki and myself---...?"

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The Ultimate Weapon ponders this for a moment before bending down on one knee before Misumi.

Misumi: "...That's a good boy..."

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Back outside.

Tsukasa starts. "...... ...Ryuji..."

Ryuji: "!"

Both of them are dressed for battle, wearing the combat vests and head pieces too.

In the distance, 3 Ultimate Weapons are approaching in the settling dust. All 3 of them seem to have the same weapons, like the Ultimate Weapon who bowed before Misumi.

Tsukasa: "...Here they are...... ...and 3 of them..."

Kamo-san: "They could have held back a bit."

Bun-san, who's without glasses [!!]: "People who don't know how are disliked in this country (Japan)." Both Kamo-san and Bun-san are also dressed in the combat vests.

Ryuji speaks into the mike on his head set: "Kyuragi, how are the preparations?" He finally rid himself of the tattered coat.

Kyuragi's voice: "The first floor of the hotel is complete."

Ryuji: "Right. We'll execute the plan now."

Kyuragi's voice: "Roger."

Ryuji turns to the armed kumiin. "Offense team!"

The kumiin shout and show their readiness by raising their weapons.

Kamo-san notices that someone is watching him.

Ryuji starts when his eyes meet Kamo-san's and he quickly turns away.

Kamo-san: "......?"

Ryuji whispers to Tsukasa. "......Tsukasa...... Those 3... We're going to lure them towards us as much as possible."

Tsukasa: "E...? All 3 of them...?"

Ryuji, looking determined: "...All 3 of them..."

Tsukasa: {...Ryuji---...?} "You..." {But ...why...?}

Ryuji: "Here we go." He suddenly breaks out into a run.

Tsukasa: {... E ...}

Kumiins: "!!!"

Kumiin 1: "E?"

Kamo-san: "Sandaime!"

Tsukasa: "Ryuji!!" She takes off after him. {Wait a minute!! Weren't we going to lure them inside the hotel!!? The hotel entrance is behind everybody (the kumiins)...!!} The 3 Ultimate Weapons look up in surprise.

The kumiins are shuffling nervously and are wondering what the hell is going on.

Tsukasa: "Why the hell do you start running in the opposite direction!!? As the leader, why the hell are you going against the project!!?" [Tsukasa uses the word project, but a better word here would be plan or tactic] {Bakayaro---! What the hell are you thinking!!? You baka-Ryuji------!!} "Ryuji---!!"


visits since December 6, 2000