history relates


The only thing history teach us is that the human beings have never learn anything from history (Albert Einstein)

I was born in Trieste, a beautiful city in the north-east of Italy on March, 25th, 1969. Since I was a baby I developed a peculiar curiosity toward all the world around me. Maybe this was the reason of my precocity, because I started reading and writing (and playing cards) at three, and playing piano at four.

During my childhood my health was very delicate and, even if I traveled a lot for piano competition, I did not play much with other children, so increasing my shyness. Only after ten my health improved, and I began some sport activity: skiing and rowing, but a nervous tic made me almost give up piano, and depression took control of me. Nonetheless I went on, and, after considerable efforts,I took control of my body and started the first piano examinations.

During my teen-years I lived maybe the happiest period of my life: depression and tic vanished, I made a lot of friends and I gave up rowing for tennis. This even though my parents divorced; this actually improved peace and serenity at home (which perhaps is what I long for even today), during that period, but shortly afterwards, when I reached the age of 18, daddy revealed himself as the bloody bastard he is, taking me to the Court in order to maintain me no more, and since then my father was forgotten.

All the same, my twenties started well, I attended physics at university, and found a lot of new friends. During my first year of university studies, I manage to give the last piano examination, and become a "maestro".

Study, piano playing and sports were not my only activities: I was also a member of the local Amnesty International group, and lead a program concerning violations of human rights at a local radio; I started reading a lot, and this leaded me partly to interest in philosophy, and partly to fantasy world and role playing.

My early twenties was a period of new experiences, with new people, new musical interests (Jazz), and even a new religion: Buddhism. I met a lot of people both from abroad and from Italy, and at university I did not restrict myself to my faculty, but met friends from Engineering to Law and Arts, and I took part in a lot of parties, having fun. I was developing new interests, such as composing music or painting, and I was changing even my prospective of life.

Teaching piano, math, physics, chemistry and English, together with the help of my cousin, I payed my studies, and everything was fine until spleen came back into my life, slowing my activities. Whilst some unpleasant things happened into my life, and they certainly was of no help: my pet cat Jolly got very ill (but now is again alive and kicking, though he's 16), my grannie, which had a big part in my education caught Alzheimer, and her sister (which help my mother a lot with grannie) suddenly died. Now I'm 29 and things don't go as well as I expected. I got in touch with my father again in october, only to see him die of brain cancer this January. My studies drag on much more than I planned. All these complications made me feel sad again, and my birthday passed in gloom. Little by little I got up again, and now I'm rather fine. I started composing my very first symphony and using much more computer. I met a lot of nice people on the net, and I hope that someday I'll be able to pay them all a visit. Life goes on, and still I'm rather lonely, but all I can do is wait.


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