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Henky Christian Katianda's

Animated Eyes Welcome Animated Eyes

Last updated on February 1, 2001

Animated Cat
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Hi, welcome to my personal homepage. My name is Henky Christian Katianda and I was born in
Jakarta, Indonesia. I graduated from the SMAK 1 (Christian Senior High School 1) BPK Penabur - KPS
Jakarta, one of the best senior high school in Jakarta, in 1994.
I also graduated from Universitas Bina Nusantara (Bina Nusantara University), majoring in Teknik
Informatika (Computer Science), in 1998.
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before you leave....

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I have won this award for homepage excellence

Deneika's Award for Homepage Excellence
May 7, 1997
Bunny Award for Best Web Page
May 30, 1997
The Indonesian Friends Award
November, 1998

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This personal homepage created by Henky Christian Katianda.
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