Tommy Carton
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I am 19 years old, have short light brown hair and brown eyes. The Picture is of by baby sister Samantha, I chose her picture because she is cute and I am not :) As you can see, she likes chocolate.
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I find enjoyment in computing, music and videos. My favorite artist at the moment is Disturbed. They ROCK!! I also like Metallica, Tatu and various other artists but Metal is my favorite genre.
I am trying to get all names to link to a picture of each person/pet, so anyone who has not got a link send a picture to me by clicking the button to the right. It should be up within 2 days of receipt or no money back :)

Me - Tommy Carton
Mother - Sally Cadby
Father - John Carton
Brother - Robbie Carton
Half-Sister - Samantha Cadby
Half-Brother - Jack Cadby
Step-mother - Julie Carton
Step-father - Matthew Cadby
Nanna - Helga
Grandad - Oliver
Uncle - Oliver
Uncle - Andy
Aunt - Jennifer
Aunt - Carolyn
Aunt - Linde
Aunt - Trish
Cousin - Isabella
Cousin - Sarah
Cousin - Chris
Cousin - Chelsea
Cousin - Rebecca
Cousin - Oliver
Cousin - Michael
Pet Dog - Pipper
Pet Cat - George
Pet Cat - Buzz
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