Alien Hunters



"You're all gonna die, only question is how you check out.  Do you want it on your feet?  Or on your f*ckin knees begging?  I'm not much for begging.  Nobody ever gave me nothing.  I say f*ck that thing!  Let's fight it!"

Religious Leader, Fury 161,

Dillon was a very religious man.  After being imprisoned for murder and rape.  Him and other prisoners took on religion.  This made them stronger as people, and less tempted by Ripley's presence.  Weilding an axe, Dillion was ready for the alien when it started rearing it's ugly head.  Ripley looked to Dillon for help.  She wanted him to kill her.  He said no, not until the alien was dead, then he would help her.  When they thought up the plan to drown the alien in hot lead.  Dillon and ripley lured it into the main piston chamber, Dillon had to stay in with the alien or it would leave the chamber.  Dillon got into a fist fight with the alien and did the best any mortal man could do.  As soon as he died Ripley told Morse to pour the lead.  Burning the alien.  Then when the alien came out of the lead,  Ripley hit the sprinklers to break the alien into peices.
