
Sue delivered our babies at 32 weeks, 8 weeks early. While never officially confined to bed by her doctor, Sue was effectively on bed rest. She was able to stand or walk for about 5 minutes at a time in the last 2 months. Sue left work at 21 weeks but from week 17 on she stayed at her desk.

 In those 32 weeks Sue gained 70 pounds. She was 4 foot around and 5 foot tall. By week 18 people would ask if she is about to deliver when the answer was no not even half way there. By week 21 the maternity cloths were too small except for sweat pants. We went to the mall and Shoreline park in a wheel chair. It always caused a lot of stares. The expression on people's faces were always funny. Jaws would drop and people would assume Sue was going to deliver at any second. When we went to dinner a couple weeks after the babies were born Sue found it weird that no one was staring.

Sue's diet consisted of a Pizza, Ben & Jerry's high fat ice cream, Macaroni and Cheese, Eggs for breakfast, Pancakes made with protein powder without her knowledge, and 3 big glasses of whole milk a day. She needed to get 100 grams of Protein a day to keep up with the babies.

At first the doctor's goal was to get to week 29 where the babies would require a long hospital stay but have a very good chance of a good outcome. As we got closer to week 29 he would push the target out to week 30 then 31. By week 30 the doctor thought there was a very good chance of carrying the babies to week 36, which is very rare for triplets. In our week 31 doctor's visit the first signs of preeclampsia started showing up. The only treatment for it is delivery of the babies. It is a very serious risk to both mother and babies. Sue was then monitored daily to see it it progressed slowly or not. Sue was given Betamethasome which matures the babies lungs by an additional 2 weeks. The preeclampsia took hold very fast and we delivered early Tuesday morning.

Week 31 and 1 day, 6 days before delivery

Sue at week 28

Sue Eating Ice Cream

Week 25 birthday

Stretch Limo Stroller